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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. Reddeercity post today...

    I should mention that the 5D2 HDMI signal is 8bit 4.2.2 Full range (0-255) , Check it on my AJA Kona LHi video capture card .
    So by this theoretically  "UHD 8bit(24 bit/px) 3840x2160 30p 4.2.2" would be in the realm of possibility . 
    Here's hoping 

  2. It sounds interesting indeed.  We'll have to see what "Reddeercity" comes up with.  Interesting thread on the Magiclantern site.   Also, good point Mkabi.  I'd suspect if he gets it working on the 5d2 then perhaps it'll work on most of the other models.  

  3. I've been periodically reading the Magic Lantern board out of interest.  I sold my 5d2 years back and bought the 1DC.  There was always something special about the 5d2.   Anyhow, for those interested Reddeercity from Magic Lantern seems to be making progress with the 5d2.

    Reddeercity's post:

    Looking in to the HDMI resolution limitations , if everyone doesn't know on the 5D2 the HDMI output @ 1650x1080 60i 4.2.2 uncompressed (1500MB/s)
    It anyone wondering why the 5d2 has this res. when standard HDMI is normally 1920x1080 or 1280x720
    From what I can figure out there was no need for 16x9 format (After all 5D2 was the first to introduce Video to DSLR's) as a second thought .
    So the main object was Photo's and a 3x2 format was needed for photos in  Liveview  so hence 1650x1080 .

    So I connected my HDMI Evf & loaded ADTG_GUI.mo  and saved a log file
    So I may have found some reg's that control this . 

    Code: [Select]

    c0f11314: 4d70653 .... LiveViewMgr pc=ffa07c28 addr=ffca88e0 LV resolution (raw.j.height | lv.width) before upsampling?If you convert this to decimal you get 4d7=1239 & 653=1619  so 1619x1267 , look very close

    Code: [Select]

    c0f0713c:     4f5 ......  LiveViewMgr pc=ff8e1830 addr=8328 HEAD3 timer (ticks?)
    c0f07150:     681 ..... LiveViewMgr pc=ff8e1844 addr=8370 HEAD4 timer (ticks?)convert this to decimal  4f5=1269 & 681=1665 so 1665x1269
    I could be totally wrong but that so close , now there's more then likely more reg's evolved here , it could be the hd buffer is the limitation.

    There a few reason why I what to hopfully fix this issue , 
    First: to get real full 1920x1080 so it would be usable without resizing .
    Second: the HDMI spec 1.3a allowed up to 2560×1440 at 60 Hz & 1920 × 1080 at 120 Hz 
    Since there's 4k monitor's & recorder out there and getting cheaper everyday, well I thinks it time to look in to this to see it it's possible .

    Edit: Ok I forgot to mention the hdmi 1.3a supports 8bit(24 bit/px) , 10bit(30 bit/px), 12bit(36 bit/px), 16bit(48 bit/px) up to 2560x1440 60i
    Color Space: RGB, Y′CBCR 4:4:4 & Y′CBCR 4:2:2
    and apparently hdmi 1.3a supports UHD 8bit(24 bit/px) 3840x2160 30p 4.2.2 & 60p @4.2.0 and also 5k 8bit(24 bit/px) 5120 × 2880 30p 4.2.2 
    Maybe there's hope yet for real-time hdmi UHD up to 5k preview 

  4. Reddeercity is making progress with the Canon 5d2.. Read below if interested...

    Link:  https://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=19336.300

    Reddeercity most recent post:

    Ok got 4096x1074 @ 18fps working -- It's almost useable as is  

    Needed to add CMOS[2] 0x10E ->0xE (same as full width 5632)

    A & B Timers setting for 18 fps

    For same reasons mlv_rec in crop_mode cut off the 48 pixels from 4096 to 4048 , not sure why .


    If you look at the dng from the image _dump it's 4104x1074 and there no black space on the right side like the PNG . 
    4104x1074_image_dump-RAW-020.png used dcraw to export a ppm them saved it to png with Irfan View

    4096x1074-M02-2240_000000.dng Cdng exported from MLVFS (quick mount)
    there a 48pixel black area on the right , thinking the problem is mlv_rec  , I see in the code there's a 160 pixel crop , so may be change that to 100 maybe


    Code: [Select]

    Subfile Type                    : Full-resolution Image
    Image Width                     : 4264
    Image Height                    : 1127
    Bits Per Sample                 : 14
    Default Crop Size               : 4104 1075
    Active Area                     : 52 160 1127 4264


    Code: [Select]

    Black Level                     : 1001
    White Level                     : 16200This is also interesting , can the black level really be 1001 ?
    Image looks great , so I guess this is ok , but strange -- I recorded  at 10bit .

    Recorded a short .mlv about 10 seconds exported it to h264 from mlvproduder 4096x1074-18fps-M02-2240.mov

    So close now to 24 just need 6 more frames per second .

    Now it time to work on Lossless compression , since I'm close to having the presets done.
    So far I have ,  full liveview , 2880x1080, 3168x1330, 5632x1074 ,4096x1074
    I'm thinking of added some of the near full height in 2k mode e.g. 2144x1842 or 2144x1586.
    I would like to add 48 FPS in FHD (1856x720) but it's too unstable right now , need a lot of work yet.

  5. RedDeerCity is making progress with the Canon 5D2 - from frame rates and resolution.


    "Working on increasing height in 3x Crop_mode  , I'm up to 2152x1331

    Code: [Select]

    Default Crop Size               : 2152 1331
    Active Area                     : 52 160 1383 2312
    Image Size                      : 2312x1383
    The last 300 line at the bottom is because I haven't implemented a1ex's redirect buffer for larger image in the edmac capture 
    (that's coming very soon , along with a updated crop_rec with added presets up to full width )

    Also got 3200x1200 working , did have good success  with 3168x1152


    Did get 3168x1330 , still needs more work to get 24fps (at 21 fps right now)"


    Link:  https://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=19336.275


  6. 1 hour ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Quite interesting to look at the unprocessed DNG raw image from this camera...

    The JPEGs are 6000x4000 from a 24MP sensor.

    The raws are actually 6015x4015 and the lens seems a bit wider than 28mm.

    Here it is in Affinity Photo without the in-camera distortion correction -

    L1160128 copy.jpg

    Here is my same shot graded in Adobe Camera Raw which has the distortion correction map applied by default -


    This is a big departure for Leica who have been vehemently against digital correction of their optics.

    Another clear sign of Panasonic's influence in the Q.

    When the digital correction works this well, I don't give a crap what the optics are doing!

    Wow.  Looks great!  

  7. Hey everyone, 

    Jerry Lewis dies at age 91 years old. 


    Biography link:


    Fact sheet

    Made his showbiz debut at age 5 with his vaudevillian parents in New York's Catskill Mountains, singing "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?"

    Partnership with Dean Martin lasted from 1946 to '56; they starred together in 16 movies and numerous TV shows.

    Taught a class in filmmaking at USC; students included Steven Spielberg and George Lucas.

    Began hosting an annual Labor Day telethon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association in 1966.

    Invented the video assist, a video camera linked to a motion-picture lens, which allows directors to immediately view a take.

    Received the Emmy Governors Award in 2005, and France's Legion of Honor award in 1984.


  8. 2 hours ago, DaveAltizer said:

    It truly is fascinating how literally a 14 second moment in my video stirs so much adversity. The fact that scripture can cause that type of response is truly remarkable.

    I was not planning on this post to be about these issues, it was merely a post about my YouTube content and the gear I used to capture it. I honestly forgot the scripture was even in the video. I am glad it's there. It's unique. and its me. 

    Hey Dave,

    If you want to recite scripture then go for it.  Your approach is your artistic quality.  I enjoyed your scripture reciting.  It is unfortunate how people get so offended so quickly.  “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.”  Now, if you were on a crowded elevator and started to rip some juicy wet ones, then I'd think it would be fair for people to take offence unless they passed gas first.  Keep at it with your videos.  Cheers.


  9. 1 hour ago, ade towell said:

    Canon EOS 5D Mark IV C-Log Update:

    All video output will still be 8-bit.

    Sampling for DCI 4K will be increased to a 5632 x 2970 pixel sensor area resulting in a 1.27x Crop factor.

    Sampling for UHD will be from a 5472 x 3078 pixel sensor area resulting in a 1.29x Crop factor.

    Both modes are accurately down-sampled to their final resolutions.

    Existing frame rates will remain the same.

    The current 1:1 4K sampling mode will remain an option for situations benefiting from the 1.78x Crop factor.

    There will also be new full-sensor 3K modes added including 60fps and HDR 24fps.Both will use a line-alternating sampling method, so quality will be inferior to the improved 4K format (but better than the existing FullHD 1080p format.) It is unclear whether the file resolution in the final firmware will be the full 3360 x 1890 format or down-sampled to 3072 x 1728.

    FullHD 1080p will also use this 3K full-sensor mode with down-sampling for a noticeable improvement in perceived resolution.

    FullHD 1080p will also receive a modest frame rate boost to 72/75fps.

    The EOS 5D Mark IV will gain the XF-AVC file format at 120Mbps (4:2:0) and 200Mbps (4:2:2). Both formats should require low enough data rates to accommodate UHS-I U3 type SD Cards.

    Reports relating to a possible service job for the 5D Mark IV are the result of the heat sinks on current units not performing well in some environments when used with the newer firmware. This is because of the increased processing load from the enlarged video sampling area. Newer units will ship with an improved heat sink while existing 5D Mark IV units can be retrofitted. Pricing is unconfirmed for that servicing.

    The newer firmware will still work in non-serviced cameras, but this may result in premature temperature warnings.

    Read more: http://www.canonrumors.com/crop-factor-change-for-4k-canon-eos-5d-mark-iv-included-in-coming-update-more/#ixzz4ceOEUrx2

  10. On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 8:54 PM, Zak Forsman said:

    My production company produced this microbudget feature, shot on the GH4. Only have the :30 teaser available right now. But the feature will be released next year.


    Looks very good.  Also the timing of the trailer and the info given was precise.  Cheers.

  11. Jcs, the video looks good! The C300 II is a high quality beast.   Skin tones look really good.  Sound is really good.  Well done.  By the way,  it is an important topic which affects many people.  Cheers.

  12. Simon Shasha, if people would research, they'd see the truths in your comments about Syria.  By the way, I used to go to a Syrian barber.  We used to have very good conversations.  I understand the plight of the Syrian people.  People, who I know from the Middle East, have expressed similar stories as to what you have explained too.  

    Below is a very interesting video by an expert.  If people are open to understanding they should watch the entire video.  Cheers.


  13. 2 hours ago, Axel said:

    Globally the USA do a lot that other nations profit by. That's absolutely right. The crackbrained idea is that this isn't mutual. The same populist, right-wing idiots rise in my country too. They lament about all the billions we pay for Greece (true is: the wrong people pay and the wrong people get paid, as always and everywhere). They want to close the borders against the immigrants. They even want back the Mark.

    Must history repeat itself? The installation of the EU once cost round about 80 million lives. Truce between small, very different nations with different languages was maintained through negotiations, shared markets and joined ventures. International contracts that overrode national ones. No doubt that justice doesn't rule the way it should. People have every right to complain. They should be loud.

    But the USA (and recently GB with the Brexit) threw out the baby with the bath water. Everyone will lose. Let's hope just money.




    Interesting take here....




  14. 58 minutes ago, woozie said:

    Oh god no.... He will be a disaster, the question is how much. There isn't an ounce of data to support your hunch that the country will do very well. I would put money down he doesn't even know how laws are passed. He's shown profound ignorance on issues with any substance. He will delegate as much as possible and serve more as a figurehead while Pence hires failed republicans like Gingrich, Christie and Giuliani to prominent positions. They will proceed to do what they have always done... figure out how to best enrich themselves and their buddies.

    And "hoping for the best" is exactly why the country is in such terrible shape...... just kind of hoping things work out while everything around you is deteriorating. Stay passive and marginalized and get.......

    Woozie, I'm optimistic and hopeful that the USA will prosper.  Another take below.   She's eye candy to watch - oops I'm not politically correct.   Cheers.


  15. My gut is thinking the USA will do very well under Trump's leadership.  A person can keep whining and make excuses as to why he is in office, however, there comes to the point to support the man and hope for the best.  Only time will dictate the truth.  Speaking of media - Rebel Media (independent)...Trump stands up to a Saudi Prince.  Interesting.  5 minute video.


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