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  1. Hi there, I have just got a Kowa 16D over the weekend. I am completely new to this and I have read on this forum and elsewhere, but I am not sure yet of what lens and clamps are best. Apparently, the Kowa 16D is not the same as the 8Z, as they say here. I have seen that in a lot of videos people is using the Helios 44 with Redstan Clamps. Is this the best for the Kowa 16D? I have also seen that some guys are using the Nikon 50mm. I have got a Panasonic GH2 with a SLR Magic 25mm T0.95. So I believe I will need to buy a lens anyway. I would like to also add some diopters as well. If you guys have some suggestions, I will very much appreciate any comments. Thank you PS: I am at work and I have the lens at home, so I will post some pictures later.
  2. Hello everybody, Redstan is out of stock right now and I don't know that they'll be restocking. I'd prefer one of the red clamps if possible. Also, I'm looking for a red front clamp and and a diopter to get a closer minimum focus. The closer and more clear the better. Thanks for helping if you can! Trey treyvollmer3@gmail.com
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