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Posts posted by Super8

  1. 7 hours ago, Geoff CB said:

    I've directed 3 times, and each time I cannot let the project go. I cannot give myself a deadline. I need a producer or someone above me to tell me to STOP. I will tweak something until I hate it. Hating myself the whole time. I am hyper critical of myself when I'm in charge of everything.

    I work far better, and have a much better level of mental health, when I'm working on someone else's project.

    Does this mean I'm a bad director? Yes. Yes it does, which is why I don't enjoy it. It is why I'm not a director, and why not everyone should be a director.

    No that makes you a god director.  It means you take on too much and need a team to work with. 

    If you're directing a 60s tv commercial compared to a short film then it's completely different. Also if you're directing, editing, color grading then you're not just directing at that point.  You're directing is over after you direct.  I do the same-thing as you do and the stress after shooting is over is not a directing thing.  You are the producer after that point trying to deliver the project.

    If you give up control of directing then you're just an editor working with a director.  Nothing wrong with that.

    7 hours ago, Geoff CB said:

    I've directed 3 times, and each time I cannot let the project go. I cannot give myself a deadline. I

    Does this mean I'm a bad director? Yes. Yes it does, which is why I don't enjoy it. It is why I'm not a director, and why not everyone should be a director.

    If you plan everyshot and use storyboards then directing is easy once editing starts. You can't not plan things out and not get lost and stressed out.

    I hire out small crews for additional cameras and sound. If I did the same with directing then I'm not getting my shots or the acting I want. Even with storyboards and checking all shots it wouldn't be the same.

    Next gig I'm running A cam and directing and editing and color grading.

  2. Is that really your reply back?

    You proved my case for me.   How many people live in the U.S? 

    How do you think news and media is spread across the internet?  You're not that naive to think FB and twitter is not the platform that reaches millions of people.  The days of newspaper and tv being the place news is spread are over. 

    I will include You Tube in the mix because that's the other outlet but they are all connected. 

    Instead of being influenced by the town and people you live and interact with daily, people are influenced by what's being passed around the internet. 

    Also, don't judge people or countries that you don't know.

  3. 3 hours ago, noone said:

    Applied doubly to stills and also for amateurs!

    Pre DSLR days stretched into the 90s for many people in many places. 

    In some ways it is more the pre INTERNET days that made a difference.

    I started photographing bands in the pre DSLR days and it was a pain with film (expensive to buy a couple of rolls of film and get it developed for MAYBE a couple of ok shots that might be used by a newspaper), as for high ISO PFFFT. 

    The newspaper here used to help  me get access sometimes  too (the editor is now the Australian deputy Prime Minister), 

    6mp DSLRs were a godsend for me and while I cringe at a lot of the photos I still have from those days, because hardly anyone else was doing it, I got access to a lot of wonderful shows for free and often the best seat in the house or I got to go in the back way and to sound checks or at an outdoor multi day heavy metal festival on a farm, I got to sleep in the garage instead of a tent in a cow paddock ETC and just a LOT of fun.

    If I was starting out now, there is no way i would get even remotely close to what i got.

    When the Dixie Chicks were the biggest selling female act in history, I got a rare pass to shoot them (could not go as i got very sick on the way which was the biggest disappointment i have had) but I never would have been able to get such a pass today.

    How did those early rock photo's come out?

    I also started out shooting rock bands back in the film days of the 90's.

  4. On 5/27/2020 at 8:11 AM, IronFilm said:


    Is annoying enough just having a boom op under you who isn't living up to your expectation as a Mixer for what you want from him!
    But being a director, and being disappointed by the entire crew (and cast!) because they're not living up to the high expectations you've got in your mind? That's a stressful day!



    That's not how directing works at all.


    Maybe if you walk on set or shoot day unprepared you get let down. If you're in control of the creative and know who you hire and what you have to work with with in a set budget then your expectations should match what was presented to the client and what was put down on paper in the creative.

    I don't buy the "I'm such a perfectionist so I don't direct".  That's a cop out because the director couldn't do it well. 

    You don't make chili with the ingredients you use to make stew and expect it to taste like chili.  You work with the crew, creative and talent you have.  If the results don't match what you wanted you review what happened and why. I have been let down by crew before and you learn from it.

    If you are a videographer and don't direct and not the DOP then you're a shooter for hire.

    No way in the world would I ever let someone direct my gig's.  Talk about getting let down. 




  5. On 5/26/2020 at 9:43 AM, Geoff CB said:

    This is a huge aspect for a lot of people around me. I've also constantly been asked why I don't want to direct myself. The answer is that I hold people around me and myself to a standard that I can never reach, and never ever enjoy the process of properly directing.

    I wished I had realized that sooner. 

    I'm trying right now to probably do more color grading and being a cinematographer. But honestly, I love doing color work more than anything, and there are very few aspiring colorists compared to the huge volume of aspiring directors and DOPs.

    I think far more people would find success if they follow a niche.

    Another huge common occurrence are DOP's that are just trying to be directors, and step on the directors toes on set.

    How much directing have you done within a paid gig?

    I direct all my gigs and as previously posted hire out crews as needed. From here on out I'm running the A cam and have CO follow my directing. 

    DOP and Camera Operator are two different things.  DOP doesn't want to listen to the director but at the same time if anything goes wrong he/she will fall back to "you're the director I followed your lead".

    I have made it clear that the crew I hire knows I am the director and DP.  I know the shots that I need and want.  I love input before and during the shoot from anyone in the crew if they follow the chain of command and we work together as a team.  

    If you let a DP call the shots then you aren't directing the talent and you aren't getting your shots.

  6. 30 minutes ago, User said:

    And, since when is 'news' the only yardstick?

    It's the yardstick because no one keeps them accountable. The news is a political tool for every side and the news being for the people and used to help the people is long gone.

    You would think at the local level the news / media would be different.  The media could play a big part in bring people together and making the world a better place.

  7. 16 minutes ago, User said:

    There is more than one kind of 'news.' And, since when is 'news' the only yardstick? Come on, you're going to have to step up here.

    As I said, locally you have people living their life together from different backgrounds and no issues.    How do you form your opinion of the U.S.? It's from the internet.  Where are you from and live? Does your day to day interaction away from the internet match what's reported on the news?

    The news is passed around from FB and Twitter and other ways and people form opinions based on what's passed around.  If the news sensationalizes and only reports the negative and leans it's opinion that way then how are people suppose to responded. 


  8. 45 minutes ago, User said:

    Nationalism isn't just confined to the U.S.

    But yes, what a mess. Years of selling itself out by its own people, the glory days or certainly over. The future is Mandarin. Ugh.

    Do you live in or from the U.S.?  The glory days aren't over compared the the rest of the world. The world is fuc$% up together.

    But if you look at real cities and towns across the U.S. you see life that's normal and the way it used to be.  Now take that same perspective and put it on the internet and media and you get a twisted picture of reality.  The same highs and lows have always been around forever. 

    The media only reports the bad and is one sided. The media doesn't report the news anymore they report what they want and what they decide to report.

    I have no preconceived notions of Europe because I've never visited there.  If I watch the news I would say Europe is just as messed up as the states.



  9. 9 hours ago, Elagabalus said:

    Point me to the post where I have said anything even remotely close to that.

    Again, point me to the post where I have expressed hate for RED. You can't. Because most of my posts in this thread included phrases like "It's dirt cheap for what you get in terms of specs". I've also provided accurate information for those who have had misinformed opinions about the price, the specs and accessories, based solely on their previous impression of RED. 

    You are the first user with a negative reputation on this forum that I've seen. Wonder why? 

    I haven't read through your 55 post so I don't know what you've written on the boards.  I picked up your backhanded compliments to RED and that's all.



    Even though Komodo would pay for itself in like two weeks just because it's RED. Every lingerie model, amateur band, hobbyist skateboarder, wannabe director and hip startup company goes crazy for the brand for some reason. If you want to roll in cash, shoot on RED and do post on Apple.

    RED image quality and color science hasn't taken the hit that you think it has.

    You seem to have a hate for them and i understand that.  I don't agree with RED's business model and practices they've done in the past. 

    Just the fact that RED brand carries the weight it does says a lot. I love how cheap BlackMagic cameras are and I love Resolve but I could show you 50 You Tube links from BM cameras that all have IR pollution and the person that shot and posted the footage has no clue that it's an issue. 

  11. On 5/20/2020 at 1:14 PM, Mike Mgee said:

    The S1H vs BMPCC6K is 12.7 vs 11.9 stops. You can see the difference in the highlight rolloff and the "thickness" of the image. You can also tell if you zoom in to around 200%....but that's lame.

    Please explain the "thickness" of the image. 


  12. 5 minutes ago, thebrothersthre3 said:

    Gerald Undone did some good tests against the A73. Though I think the A7 is a fine camera though plagued by really heavy noise reduction. The z6, s1, and a73 do share the same sensor or a variant. There is quite a bit of S1H footage online, same image. Not so much the S1 but the image is the same mostly other then the higher bitrate option on the S1H and anti aliasing filter. 

    I didn't really have the S1 on my radar but this threads go my attention. 

    Not to be out of line but how dose the S1 compare to the S1H in terms of data rate and dynamic range?  How close is the S1 to the S1H in terms of image quality?

  13. 3 hours ago, thebrothersthre3 said:

    Seems to be the best on the market as far as at least in the hybrid category. 

    Don't they share the same sensor as the Z6 and A73 ?

    Looking at this comparison (side by side 0 I like the A73 better.


  14. 17 hours ago, rawshooter said:

    Have you ever heard of the HTML <video> tag? The times where you had to embed players (back in the days, via Adobe Flash) are gone for 10 years now.

    What exactly is the "video player issue and the standard on page display issue"?

    I tell you what: they don't exist, and you're just making up nonsense, like you always do here, because you are a full of shit.

    "I build and maintain a lot of wordpress sites" - yes, and you also hire and direct DPs from Disney and have internal connections to Canon, among many other things that you wrote here before.

    Your postings are not only bullshit, they poison this forum (and people looking for advice) with wrong information.

    Can somebody please check your Egyptian IP address?

    You Tube and Vimeo have advantages over server self hosting options right now. The amount you'll pay for advanced hosting that covers space and enough bandwidth will exceed what you are paying for Vimeo Pro. 

    Responsive website use HTML and CSS and are more advanced then HTML <video> tag embedding into the center of your website page.  Many resources have to merge and get behind self server video hosting before "It's as simple as posting a picture on your website".

    I'm not sure what you're referencing with "you also hire and direct DPs from Disney and have internal connections to Canon" comments because you twisted what you think I said.  That says a lot more about you than it does about me.

    21 hours ago, User said:

    Please just make your comments in ONE post.
    You are lighting up the notification every two minutes with every post...

    Nothing intentional on my part.  I'll try to do better next time.

  15. On 5/7/2020 at 5:37 PM, rawshooter said:

    hosting your own videos will just be a matter of uploading them to your web site/blog and hosting them the same way you host & serve still images.

    Vimeo and You Tube have solved the video player issue and the standard on page display issue.  It's not as easy as "uploading them to your web site/blog and hosting them the same way you host & serve still images."

    I build and maintain a lot of wordpress sites and embedding videos hosted on your server through the wordpress site are a pain in the ass.  I'm talking about the video player and how it displays on your site. This has been going on for years. 

    Vimeo and You Tube also do the heavy lifting as far as hosting goes.  So for YOU to act as the server for streaming videos then you have to pay a lot more to host your site.




  16. On 5/7/2020 at 5:37 PM, rawshooter said:

    Once AV1 will be ready for the masses, hosting your own videos will just be a matter of uploading them to your web site/blog and hosting them the same way you host & serve still images.

    Isn't the problem the video player and delivery? 

  17. Does anyone remember when Vimeo's player went down back in January?  As you know I do i complained to Vimeo support and said I had a few client embedded videos and some client review links that were critical to be up and running. They said they were working on it.  The next day I get a warning on my Vimeo account that my account needed to be upgraded to Pro or Business since my production company was for commercial use.  I had the Plus account and have been with them for 4 years.  I pointed out that I had 9 or so public videos that promoted my company on the Vimeo page and that the other 3-4,000 were private edit links for review only.  They said I was hosting client work (2-3 videos on embedded to client sites) and that that had to be on the upgrade accounts.  I took those 2-3 client videos down and they kept changing the terms of use with every email reply. 

    It got to the point that they kept changing the rules for the Plus account and actually said my account was reported to then as in-violation and that's why they flagged it.  After asking who reported my and why they denied that that's what they meant.  

    I use You Tube now.

    It is my understanding that videos on Vimeo looks the same on all browsers and with You Tube you get different looks.




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