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Posts posted by abehalpert

  1. 4 hours ago, Brett Munoz said:

    As for Apple, tax laws have made it favorable for them to repatriate cash and expand:  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2018/04/30/apples-plan-to-repatriate-285-billion-could-be-a-boost-for-investors.html

    The corporate tax cuts have had no positive impact on capital investment by corporations in the US, which is actually declining.

    Corporations were flush with cash before the tax cut and had plenty of money to invest if they so chose. (The money was also not located in other countries except virtually via accounting tricks.) Corporations have used the tax cut largely for stock buybacks. Trickle-down economics never grows the pie, but that's not the intent anyway. The intent is to give a larger slice to the wealthiest.

  2. This is all par for the course in the U.S. these days. Trump lies so extravagantly and so often that nobody bats an eye anymore.

    But of course the real story is how neoliberals up to and including Obama shredded the social contract in the U.S. and decimated the middle class, paving the way for someone like Trump to come sell snake oil. Similar things have happened in Europe, where centrist governments are falling like dominoes as people look for alternative solutions from the right and left.

  3. They're not gonna put internal raw on the S1 if they can't put it on the S1H (which only has SD card slots)....but I hope I'm wrong! They just fixed 2 of the only drawbacks I have with my darling S1: the v-log clipping and the HFR exposure control... Zowie!

  4. It's been mentioned, but not enough: RF is the superior mount choice because of the advantages that the short flange distance offers to lens design. Plus Canon has good EF adapters.

    Here's hoping for a pro R body with similar video specs to the 1DXmk3! (Not getting my hopes up...)

    Also, just because you have good AF doesn't mean you need to use it. I love my S1 and have the DJI focus motor on my Ronin-S which is great for manual focus! But there are lots of occasions (such as tracking in on an object and approaching MFD) where good AF would do a better job than I do. But the S1's AF sucks.

    PS: Cinema5D has the FP's dynamic range pegged at 11.3 stops - 1 stop under what the S1 can do. Hardly an amazing result but not surprising since Sigma said it would have only 12.5. Cinema5D also said it has moire. https://***URL not allowed***/sigma-fp-camera-first-impression-sample-footage-and-lab-test-results/

  5. 13 hours ago, Vision said:

    Would you able provide link to Dpreview IQ 

    Now about Moire i didn't  noticed any honestly ? 

    Here it is: https://***URL removed***/reviews/image-comparison/fullscreen?attr29_0=panasonic_dcs1&attr29_1=panasonic_dcs1&attr72_0=4k&attr72_1=1080&normalization=full&widget=691&x=-0.08419793901662723&y=-0.3207147516225125


    Basically the 4K looks great (especially for having no OLPF) but the HD looks like moire city.

  6. On 3/12/2019 at 9:21 AM, DBounce said:

    That's exactly what I have come to understand. Honestly,  all of the top cameras produce a good enough image for serious work. It's the other components that most of us are missing. Creative lighting, thoughtful camera movement and most importantly... a good story. 

    Find a system that works for you and shoot. Work within the limitations. Focus on telling the story. That's get you get better. 

    I think the issue is that lighting design (and budget) is crucial for the look of that or any movie. I read an interview with the Hannah Grace DP somewhere where he said he had to baby the camera because of the 8-bit codec. In other words, get it right in-camera.

    When I used to AC, I was on so many indy film shoots where the DP pushed the ISO of his/her RED or Alexa past their self-imposed limit (typically 1600) because their lights were too weak after being diffused.

    So, I think that having a camera with the highest possible usable dynamic range and maximum ISO would probably help overcome some deficiencies of your lighting budget.

  7. I think we need to punish Canon for withholding features and trying to sell more gear by splitting their products into so many segments.

    I considered buying a Z6 to reward Nikon for being the first to offer RAW out, but that's been a long time coming.

    I love what Fuji is doing and wish the X-T3 were full-frame.

    Even though I hate Sony color and build, I will probably buy the A7S3 if it checks out, as Sony cameras are increasingly in demand in my market. Although that could change if the C500mk2 takes off. But production houses are invested in Sony lenses and will probably see no reason to switch, especially if the FS7 successor offers 4k 120fps and the C300mk2 successor does not.

  8. Internal RAW would be amazing but A) they're not going to do it and B) they would have to pay tribute to RED.

    I really don't like Sony color or physical/menu design but unfortunately clients request Sony a lot from me. I think it has something to do with the success of the FS7, probably because it has 4K slow-mo and the C300mk2 does not. For some reason, the EVA1 has not become popular in NYC (I hear it's more popular in Europe). But either the S1H or the A7S3 will be a B-camera for many users and Sony may be a better money-maker for me... But I love my GH5 and would prefer to stay Panasonic ? or go Black Magic. At the end of the day, though, I may just buy whichever body has the best DR and sensitivity because that's what I really need. If the A7S3 has the best, it would soften the sting of capitulating to Sony.

  9. This camera looks fucking badass. That being said, as someone who doesn't need anamorphic, unlimited recording, or 6K, I'm not sure if it's worth 2x the price of the S1 to me. Depends on the DR/low-light tests. And even though I hate Sony color, so many clients are asking for Sony these days that I have to wait to see what the A7S3 offers. Should be out in September if not tomorrow.

  10. I largely agree with you. But honestly, I don't care how ugly the camera is or how difficult it is to use.

    I just want enough DR to capture the colors of the sunset and still see details in the shadows of the person in the foreground. I would also like to record a clean image in candlelight. And a beefy enough codec to handle that DR (preferably RAW).

    Here's hoping for the A7SIII!

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