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Everything posted by eatstoomuchjam

  1. No, you refer to having to stop down the lens on FF to achieve the same DOF as on M43 without a focal reducer and you call it "dumbing down." But please, don't let actual facts get in the way of whatever dumbshit point you seem to think you are making.
  2. This is just factually wrong. The Super 35 sensors in my C70 and K-X have a FOV/DOF indistinguishable from FF cameras if I use a focal reducer with them. They can also work great with glass made for S35 film. This could be seen as an advantage. I also have the option to remove the focal reducer and get a second set of focal lengths from my lenses. That's also neat. Sensors larger than VV have disadvantages as well - a lot of wider lenses made for 24x36mm format don't cover well all the way to the edge. Extreme shallow DOF? Sounds great until you are missing eye focus constantly because the talent moved 0.01mm from when you acquired focus. Without using eye tracking AF, the Canon 85/1.2L is completely unusable on my GFX 100 (when wide open). When the DOF is that shallow, it should be considered a special effects lens. The background gets so blurred as to be unrecognizable as anything other than a series of color splotches. Almost every format has some advantages over the others and some drawbacks. That includes M43.
  3. It might have been the S9 or the GH7 (or both). It would make a lot of sense on the S9, a camera being heavily marketed at people who would actually enjoy that functoinality.
  4. You can attach an eGPU with an RTX 4090 to just about any PC laptop with either a Thunderbolt or USB 4 port. I'm not sure if there are any Oculink laptops yet, but if there aren't, it's only a matter of time. As for the processor, nearly every one of those mini PC's uses a laptop processor so... a decent laptop will have a similar processor. And still, if you're going with a desktop, you should probably just save the money by going with a normal-size one with a GPU in the case.
  5. Why do you want a mini PC with an external GPU? It'll cost more than a normal desktop PC and most people who want/need something portable just go with a laptop.
  6. Also keep in mind that the giants have become so giant that it somewhat flips the usual rules when it comes to improving the user interface to delight users. If YouTube make the interface worse, will you stop using it? How many people will? Does the new UI somehow result in people staying on their site and seeing ads longer, even if that time is spent frustrated and clicking on things? If so, they get more revenue. This is also why sites like instagram and facebook so strongly prefer the algorithmic feed to a chronological feed (despite that most users seem to prefer chronological). If you catch up on a chronological feed, you stop browsing facebook. If they randomly show you new posts mixed in with a bunch of garbage that you already saw, you spend more time clicking around and searching for the new posts, during which time they can send you more ads.
  7. Open gate recording is available on a number of cameras, not just Fuji and Panasonic. Some cameras even have a 17:9 sensor so open gate is 17:9. As far as using a 3:2 or 4:3 sensor to capture for 9:17, 1:1, and 17:9 delivery, it's intended to save time for people who want to deliver to multiple platforms and don't want to have to reshoot. Plus the ergonomics of many cameras are impaired when turned on their side. I would also worry less about capturing for vertical in the highest possible resolution - if your camera is 6k pixels wide on a 3:2 sensor, the vertical resolution will be close to 4k - which is more than enough if people are watching vertically on their phone. Part of what's tricky is that many cameras only allow a single box to hint at the final frame so you'd need to guess at the vertical frame or use tape on the screen to indicate it (or something like that.
  8. To start with, "raw" is not capitalized when referring to "raw video." However, it is when referring to specific codecs such as "ProRes RAW" because somebody at Apple said it would be. Second, to answer your first question, no. Even "raw" on many cameras is less raw thatn you expect. Anyway, there will always be a certain amount of navel gazing and discussions about which format is and is not really "raw." If applying "visually lossless" compression would make you consider raw not to be raw enough, you'll have to take that up with the likes of Red, Canon, Apple, BlackMagic, Cineform, and just about any other company who has sold a camera with a raw option. Most of the time, what people care about is the ability to change white balance/color in a pretty big way without loss of quality - that and in most cases, getting 12+ bits per color channel can be nice. They'll also say that you can change ISO, but there are a lot of asterisks around what that actually means. If the raw format allows those things, then that's effectively enough.
  9. The raw crop will add to the normal 2x crop. If you shoot in open gate or in 6k mode, the raw crop should be 0x extra crop. If you set the camera to 4K mode, the raw crop will be about 1.5x and it will be effectively a 3x crop vs full frame.
  10. If you want to shoot raw, yes. If there's a non-windowed ProRes or H.265 mode, though, they should be about like a 16mm FOV on ff.
  11. To be clear, lenses don't have a crop factor. Lenses project an image circle of a certain size. When the image circle is smaller than is needed to cover a full camera sensor, you will get dark corners or in some extreme cases, the outline of a circle. As long as the sensor is smaller than the image circle, though, you will get an image that covers the entire sensor. If the sensor is 24x36mm (full frame), this would be referred to as a "1x" crop factor in modern terminology. If you put a smaller sensor with the same lens or only capture a portion of the above sensor, the crop factor will increase. We usually calculate this by calculating the diagonal lengths of the sensors and dividing them (or the areas of the sensors and dividing them). So a sensor of around 22.3 x 14.9mm ends up with a diagonal about 1.5x that of 24x36 and Micro 4/3 is about 2x. If you then choose to use only a portion of the Micro 4/3 sensor, the crop factor would increase again. So in raw, going to 4k from 6k is usually an additional 1.5x crop and going to 2k from 6k will be closer to a 2x crop.
  12. It's not a question of quality, but purpose. Is a car better than a truck? Is a TV better than a tablet? Are headphones better than loudspeakers?
  13. You're watching a video with a single person in an otherwise-quiet room. Unless listening on high-quality speakers/headphones, the differences will be negligible. Here's a more useful YouTube search for you to be able to understand why a cardioid or supercardioid mic is different from an omnidirectional mic and when you might choose to use one vs the other. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=omnidirectional+microphone+vs+cardioid
  14. I doubt anybody here can actually answer that, but if I'm guessing I'd say that the difficulty in finding them used relates to the reason they're unavailable new. They probably sold barely any of them in the first place which is why they aren't making more.
  15. Keep in mind that the signal is not HDMI. It's DisplayPort. HDMI to DisplayPort adapters exist, but they will add some bulk and probably some processing time. Similar with SDI.
  16. Interesting idea! I hadn't thought of it, but I'll have to give it a try someday. I'll have to dig up one of my older/smaller monopods, I suspect. The one I use now is a Cobra and they're like 2 feet long at their shortest.
  17. As something to put on my camera and pick up noise when the camera is pointed at something, much better, I suspect. Guessing the larks are omnidirectional and would pick up all sorts of other stuff like focus motor, me breathing, etc.
  18. EVF doesn't "fix" it. However, it's broadly believed that having more points of contact between the camera and the shooter increases overall stability. The comment above includes one of the other common methods of increasing stability - adding more/balanced weight to the camera system. Combining one of these things is how run and gun news shooters managed to get their footage to look pretty good 40 years ago - big heavy shoulder-mounted cameras with an EVF. There are other tricks you can try too, even with a smaller camera or no EVF - including getting a pretty thick string and attaching one side to a 1/4x20 screw. Screw it into the camera's tripod mount and let the other end dangle to the ground. Step on it and pull the string taut. Congrats, your footage is now a bit more stable. Though you may want to avoid this strategy on a professional shoot. Many clients might not be thrilled to have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars for somebody to show up with some string and about 60 cents in hardware store fasteners. (It's saved me in a pinch before, but I'm also not a working professional)
  19. Saying something is popular with a niche group (high frame rates) of another niche group (Panasonic L mount camera owners/shooters) does not make it less niche. 😉
  20. It would make good sense. The cost to develop one's own chips/signaling for it would be pretty high* so one might as well use the perfectly good open standard. * Exception being Red who used open standards unchanged, but found douchey ways like proprietary connectors to still render things generally inoperable
  21. As far as I know, a single store put it on clearance for closer to 1/3 price (1/4 price for open box). For a store like Best Buy, this isn't at all atypical. If a product is barely selling and discontinued by the manufacturer, sometimes they'll just blow it out at ridiculous prices and write off the loss. My guess is that they hit the limit of how many Panasonic would refund them.
  22. I ended up ordering the s-mic 3s. Showed up today. I laughed more than a little bit at the box it came in (the image at the top of the thread didn't register with me for some reason). Nice of 'em to include a wooden box, but it's kind of a bummer there's not an option to order without the fancy box for what's going to be used as an on-camera mic!
  23. It's a pretty niche use case. 🙂
  24. If you find a generic external EVF that isn't big, please do share the info! I have yet to see one that isn't kind of weirdly big (including Oeye and Z Cam)
  25. Good news! I had forgotten before that I had the GFX 100 II when I went to Turkey last year. I added a clip of a bunch of people fishing from a bridge in Istanbul with tourists passing behind them.
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