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Posts posted by thephoenix

  1. 1 minute ago, Attila Bakos said:

    I friend of mine has a bit of electrical engineering knowledge, he created a cable that allows me to control the X-T3's shutter and focus from the Zhiyun Crane Plus. It works on the Zhiyun Crane 2 as well. He won't create another one but I can ask for the wiring diagram if anyone's interested. It needs an optocoupler and a couple of resistors, so a part of the cable will be thick, but it's not a real problem.

    thanks, but personaly i don't know anyone that could actualy build the cable even with wiring diagram :(

    i am not even sure that what is working on the crane will work with an other gimbal. not even talking of the nucleus nano

  2. 1 minute ago, Nikkor said:

    I think it is because a sensor with Ibis doesn't sit tight Even with Ibis turned off, so when you are using a rig, the sensor moves around a bit, which is ok for stills but not for video pros.

    that camera will be more expensive for shure, but if it has raw, slowmo, and low Rolling shutter ir would be ideal for me.

    heu... there are many video dslrs that have ibis, gh5, S1, a7S...

  3. hey all

    i have to say vimeo is quite a pain when it comes to finding video i like.

    serach engine is pretty no use except for basic search and not alike youtube it doesn't propose you videos that are kinda like the ones you love or are watching.

    since then i've have the worst time finding what i like.

    so what are your favorites videos on vimeo ? (i have to say i have a preference for shorts ones 4min< but longs are good too)

    here are two videos i like, of course there are many others


  4. 1 hour ago, androidlad said:

    The prototype of a video-centric variant - GFX100V is currently being tested in Austria. It uses a speed optimised model of the 100MP MF sensor IMX461XTK with advanced readout methods (including no crop 4:3 output for 2x anamorphic lenses).

    IBIS is absent.

    no ibis. sorry but i really don't get why a camera company puts ibis in a photo camera and take it off the video oriented camera. makes no sense to me.

  5. hi all

    getting interested in anamorphic, i've read a few about it and i am still learning.

    first i thougt it was really anoying to shoot anamorphic, double focus, weight, rig ...

    then a friend showed me the optex adapter and then it gets interresting.

    but not perfect.

    the optex has no oval bokeh :(

    so need your help finding what could be best for my use and budget.

    as of now i have a fuji xt3, so apsc with no 4/3 mode yet 'maybe fuji will implement it in a future fw), but i am thinking about getting a bmcc in the future.

    i love to shoot hanheld, don't often shoot on a tripod.

    so i would love an adapter as convenient as the optex but with oval bokeh and the ability to use wide lenses, i love wide angles lenses. and of course nice flare.

    double focus, don't know it, neved used but i guess it would be a pain for me as i like to shoot handheld and in movement sometimes.

    so where do you think i should look at in terms of adapter(s) ? guess i am looking for what's everyone is looking for too ?

    thanks for the help

  6. hi

    can't find any subject about the optex adapter.

    is it any good ?

    is there a thread about it ?

    a friend showed it to me on it's gh5 and i like the simplicity of it, light, can be used handheld and no double focus.

    i am thinking about it for my xt3 but as i am a newbie with anamorphic i am taking all advices.


  7. if you guys shop on amazon and want to be aware of the best prices i would highly recommand a simple browser extension that is called keepa.

    basicaly it is a price tracker.

    you can create alerts for deals or price drop, you have a graph of prices historic so you know if the actual price is high or low etc etc... and it works for all amazon countries, you set it up

    i've been using it for 1year+ and it saved me ton of money



  8. 14 hours ago, mercer said:

    I’m working on some teaser trailers, so hopefully I’ll have some clips to show by the end of the summer. 

    is it a long you're doing ? 'cause your taking your time ? ;)

  9. 18 minutes ago, MeanRevert said:

    This version seems more stable with less GPU errors. So far, so good.

    never had gpu errors. how did you get them ?

    had a couple of crashes though :(


  10. 6 hours ago, thephoenix said:

    16b4 is out. enjoy guys

    and the best is taht update works. dvr told me the update was available and went direct to download it.

    hope next step will be an update within the software itself without having to download the zip file and go threw install process

  11. 6 hours ago, Simon Young said:

    Shot in HLG.

    nice image.

    it's funny how popular the xt3 seem to be in india or close countries. i've seen many nice footages and tutorials and tests from those countries when i was looking for xt3 infos

  12. 38 minutes ago, thebrothersthre3 said:

    hard drives are so cheap now I have no issue buying a lot of them

    to me the problem is not buying hdd but storing them.

    if you want to do things the right way you need a backup hdd and a backup of the backup in an other place in case of fire or flooding or anything else. and then it goes expensive

  13. funny i was having diner with a member of my family that is a sound guy (don't know the exact term in english) he mixes audio.

    it was telling me about this saying it was pretty impressive for the price and explaining that even for the "dumb" it could be worked pretty easily in post.

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