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Posts posted by Snowbro

  1. 6 hours ago, IronFilm said:

    Why are they getting deleted???? ?

    Because it will harm Amazon sales?? (but people would just buy something else anyway)

    Probably because 80% of the threads for the eos r were of freezing & banding. That doesnt sell cameras or get you sent to hawaii if you dont erase most of them. Looks like an epidemic if not. 

  2. 26 minutes ago, BTM_Pix said:

    Nice work.

    Ahhh...the down vote you gave my reply to you last week regarding where to get L mount adapters for your lenses makes sense now.

    I was beginning to think it was because I'd only found them for you but not actually bought you them as well ;)


  3. I do have to say; the eos r seems like an ideal travel camera when paired with that new 24-70mm f/2.8 IS. Canon knows about the freezing problems, I expect them to fix it in the upcoming firmware update. That just leaves the high RS, 1.75x cropped 4k. I think the 1080p looks fine, I do wish that it was 4:2:2 though like the 1DX. There is something about 1080p that makes foliage look muddy. I have to use 4k in the mountains, but I use 1080p for more urban settings sometimes. 

  4. There are mountains of threads on the freezing & banding problems, the ones with proof usually get deleted on dpreview. You wont have colored banding in every shot, it's usually in backlit scenarios. Your camera probably has exhibited the freezing, but you might have not noticed. It will stop auto focusing during video, you can usually see this from everything (info) on the screen vanishing, but the AF box. It's not focusing when this happens, but it still records, imagine how bad this can be after a shoot if you didnt realize it happened. 

    I had two copies, 4 months apart. It seems nearly impossible from a statistical perspective, to have two lemons if their quality control is like their normal Canon QC. 

  5. It still doesn't match DPAF, it isn't as smooth, still pulses and can't work in as dim of lighting. If you slow things down, Sony transitioning between focus points does it in big steps. They also have weird motion cadence. It doesn't look natural. Until they get away from contrast + phase detection AF, they can't match it. Canon has patents on quad pixel af, maybe they will license out dpaf when they use qpaf. 


  6. 1 minute ago, JurijTurnsek said:

    I can believe that, but that original question was about lack of crop. Also comparing apples and oranges won't lead anywhere. A 6K machine should be a lot better than any a7 body.

    I would take a slight 1.3x crop to have very low rolling shutter, high bit rate 8-bit 4:2:2(no banding) and no overheating. The 1DX ii wasn't ever intended to be a videographer camera, it just so happens to be awesome at it, because of it's processing power and AF (2 chips, 1 dedicated to AF). It is a professional sports camera that came out 3 years ago, the fact that it still benchmarks, is hilarious. How many sony cameras are still relevant after even a year? My biggest problem with sony is the micro pulsing AF (quick drops) and baked in puke colors with 8 bit video. When they fix this, I would consider buying another one. I suspect the a7siii will have 10 bit internal, venice color science and a better AF algo. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, JurijTurnsek said:

    FOV and DOF not your cup of tea?

    Sony AF isn't good enough to have great DOF without micropulsing and drops. I had one, switched to the 1DX ii and I can shoot moving subjects at f/1.2 on an 85mm, looks buttery smooth, doesn't have the issues mentioned with sony. Only time i've seen sony get close, is if it constantly has a face to track & it has to be straight on. I forget, what crop factor does the sony a7xxx have in 4k 60? ? 3 years & counting. Oh yeah, still high rolling shutter on the sony 4k. Btw, i'm trying to be canon version of jon tonight. Just cherry picking like all sony kids do haha. 

    28 minutes ago, liork said:

    The A7s has a great 1080p quality.

    Sadly so does the eos r in 24/30p, but I don't care that much for 1080p at those frame rates in 2019.

  8. 2 hours ago, kaylee said:

    whats up with the R series? who has one?

    hows the EVF? etc

    I had two, lots of freezing issues and AF isn't as good as the 5d/1d. Ergo's aren't on the same level obviously; one thing they should have done, is put a bump where your thumb goes. That helps you hold the camera easier with one hand with a big lens on it. Banding issues in photos at +1 stop exposure; i've also seen it in video. 

    In short, I think the 3rd body they release (After the RP) will be worth buying. 

  9. I would expect them to eventually make a system like RED, where you can setup what mount you want to use. Just offering EF, RF, PL. 

    Or I assume doing just an RF & having us use an EF adapter, would keep things smaller and more weather sealed. 

  10. 34 minutes ago, BTM_Pix said:

    From RP to RIP then.

    The Canon EOS RIP will come out the day of your funeral.

    Spec sheet:

    Supersampled Cinema 4k 12-bit RAW internal

    Global Shutter

    6 Axis IBIS 

    Quad Pixel AF

    CLOG 2, CLOG 3

    120p 4k, 240p 1080p

    18 Stops Dynamic Range, 15 Stops Video

    BSI Sensor 


    16-bit stills 

    Dual CFexpress slots 

    MSRP $2,500 USD


    That's all I found, if anyone has other leaked specs on the EOS RIP, please feel free to add. 


  11. RF has better connectors that they needed to improve communications to the camera. They know that they can force people who have a large EF collection, to buy the same lenses in RF, even if their EF version is fine. They made much better versions in RF; things that customers have begged for like (24-70mm 2.8 IS/15-35mm 2.8 IS). If you want it, they will make you go to the RF system, it won't come to EF on purpose. 

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