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Posts posted by Snowbro

  1. 59 minutes ago, thebrothersthre3 said:

    Yes but it was that or have double threads?

    In my defense something is wonky on this forum as it posted twice for no apparent reason. I also can't set my avatar for some reason ??

    His rein of punishments have already begun to set in I see. If you want your avatar back (see figure 2.a), you have to buy all of his camera presets. 



  2. I guarantee this camera won't have an all-i codec, or if it does, it will still look soft compared to an eos r/5d etc. Just like the 6d ii (looks like 30% less resolution vs 1d)


    The one thing that seems positive about the camera vs eos r is; the sensor is 24mp, instead of 26mp. That means that we likely will be looking at a totally new sensor (instead of the 3 year old ones), I hope it doesn't have that weird color banding crap in photos at even +0.5 stops of exposure like the eos r.   

  3. 2 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

    If it could focus well it might be. Maybe a firmware will fix it? But honestly I think the CS on it just looks dead to me. I think it is the worse CS of all the new cameras hands down.

    But RAW should let you easily make it whatever you want. Someone said it will get 10 bit RAW internal & 12 out?

  4. 1 minute ago, thebrothersthre3 said:

    He does have some points.

    Saying that the a6300 is much better in AF than any DPAF, that no canon camera has usable AF in 120p 1080 and lastly saying that his little overheating toy is just as good as a pro body in rain. Literally, completely made up bullshit, to justify his purchase in his own mind. I had the a6500 before the 1dx ii and it is complete dogshit in comparison, in every single way for video and photo. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Mako Sports said:

    1. I shoot sports videography which i specified in my OP, been using that A6300 for well over 2 years the only issue is batterylife. I have a friend that does the exact same thing I do an uses a 5Dmk4. And if you watch his videos you can see it struggling to keep up. DPAF is fine for slower moving subjects but have you tried using it with fast moving sport? It suffers. As said by many sony video af is faster/better for fast moving subjects.

    2. Wooden Rosette handles are extremely comfortable, have you ever used one? I see a ton of FS7, FS5, URSA, CXXX, users running after market ones. 

    4. Have you ever used a good quality external monitor? Its an experience to say the least. A Smallhd on camera monitor is going to be better than ANY built in camera screen. To say otherwise your just a troll. To my knowledge the only affordable cameras with built in waveforms is the GH line, false color?, vector scope? A larger image to make sure my framing is good? I bet you would agree pulling focus on a 7 inch screen is a lot easier than with any 3+- inch screen. 

    5. I rarely shoot 4K in games, 98% of the time slow motion. (I do the post game highlights), what canon camera does 120fps slow motion with usable autofocus in 1080? NONE

    6. Weather sealing doesn't exist. If it did all cameras would come with a legit IPX rating. Ive shot tones of games in the rain with zero issues ?

    7. With that photo you linked, yes the photogs are shooting CanNikon as sony doesn't have the Tele primes like those 2. But its funny bc you better believe the super bowl last year as well as tonight is being broadcasted by Sony XDCAM cameras. 

    8. Ya ima a Sony fanboy as ive said on this website numerous times, before I switched as I was one for Canon and atm im looking @ switching to Panasonic. 

    9. I don't upgrade my cameras left n right like other people, so thats why I've been using my A6300 for over 2 years. It does what I need it to, puts food on the table for me. The XT3, and A7iii don't bring enough for me to want to upgrade immediately. Because I only have 3 lenses and universal accessories, when something from Fuji, Panasonic or Sony gets released with all the specs that I need for my line of work i will upgrade.

    I've never said Sony is perfect or the best for every genre. You justify using canon in basically EVERY thread related to that brand on this forum, I can do the same. 


    So many false facts, not going to even bother

  6. Canon is going to release competitive BSI sensors Next year. They are basically making mirrorless versions of their current dslr's. So that means EOS 1R in fall hopefully.

    Btw, that 6d ii sensor only has around 10 stops of DR (photo) & much worse IQ in video than a 5d (proven in many videos). I also fully expect it to have colored banding in photo/video like the eos r. 

  7. 18 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    Yeah does look like oil spots. I had the same crap on my A7s. I Had to send it in to get cleaned. I could Never get the sensor cleaned after god knows how many tries with different reasonably expensive products. I just about wore the coatings off my lenses before I figured it was the sensor.

    1D bodies have been known for throwing oil around. I do shoot a lot at 14 fps stills or whatever it is; I shoot dirt biking/snowmobiling etc. sometimes. Having just two little spots after a year of use isn't terrible imo. 

  8. I have been busy, so I dont get on here much now. I tested with my other copy at f/10 in a similar situation & do not see any spots. I also tested with my 85 and saw nothing. All 3 lenses were cleaned & sensor checked as I mentioned earlier. I see big pieces of dust in the lens, not the typical small little flakes telephoto lenses get sometimes from breathing. Maybe it isnt dust, but pieces of something else. 

  9. I calibrated it with a pro tool after seeing it was soft, helped a little, but not enough. 

    The dust pieces are really big, they actually leave huge spots on my video when shooting over f5, which I need to do sometimes. Similar look to when someone has a bunch of gunk on their sensor (verified mine is clean, it's the lens). It seems a like a refurbished lens from adorama, but I paid for new. Just a little interesting lol, I have bought a few pro lenses from them last year and had no issue. 

    Sensor clean, lens face & back were also clean.. (Harder to see with compression uploaded here, but it's bad)


  10. I just got a new Canon 70-200 2.8 IS II, I needed a second copy. I had to shoot a mountain range during sunrise today at around f8, then later discover that there was dust in the lens. I looked at the lens face and didn't see anything, then I shined a light in and saw a few LARGE pieces of dust inside towards the front. I have never seen this in any of my Canon lenses, this lens is brand new lol. It also was professionally calibrated at the wide & telephoto for focus, yet it is very soft at infinity focus. The mountain range was soft on this lens in 4k/photos, softer at 70mm by far, even when shooting test portraits. I also checked my sensor and it was completely clean. 

    I doubt i'll see the dust when shooting more wide open, but I guess I will have to deal with returning this lens.. Sucks. My other copy has no dust and is extremely sharp at all focal ranges and focusing distances. 

    Anyone had anything similar before? Guess I got lucky with the first copy.

  11. 9 hours ago, Cinegain said:

    Ah, hi Steve Huff! ??


    I think it's perfectly usable. Aside from the slowmo that I find rather poor noisy and smudgy quality even in very bright conditions and the glitchy at best wireless connectivity with the accessory that's finally in, I find it alright... that is with the little time I've been trying it out. There's nothing quite like it, really. Guess it really depends what you expect/want from it. Do hope that like the Mavic series they'll come with a Gen II Osmo Pocket 2 Pro and Zoom, now that would be interesting.

    Haha, steve puff loves the eos r, enough said. 

  12. 3 hours ago, thebrothersthre3 said:

    A wall just seems so primitive. I watched a video some dude made about a motion detect drone system. Seems practical and cheap. 

    I think putting out a bunch of landmine signs would be the most effective strategy 

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