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Everything posted by Rob6

  1. Thanks Andrew for continuing to push this issue! I know Canon is not ignoring it. Anything to get more useful time out of this camera is amazing. I absolutely love it in every other way.
  2. No way they offer a recall. They knew exactly how this would all play out. They test these cameras for a long time with professionals and they even get feedback. This isn't an oversight. They are just making a super conservative camera that records for a certain amount of time not considering the exterior temperature. Please Canon just let the camera run as long as it can!
  3. I think Canon is just playing it safe so it records consistently in all types of exterior temperatures. I wish they would just let it run as much as it can, but then people would complain that it can only record 20 minutes in 100 F + weather. Haha. I would much rather it run for 40 minutes in sub 100 F weather, but I think this is the only way they can give consistent runtimes which I guess they think matters the most. Just let it do what it run as long as it can given the temperatures, Canon, please! I spoke with Canon CPS guy today and he said he gets at least one call a day about this issue and he said that canon wants them to log anything we tell them especially regarding the R5. They are listening!
  4. This guy got to use it for a day. I really like his subtle and genuine approach. Refreshing after watching everyone else try to be peter McKinnon. And I am not a fan of peter McKinnon.
  5. Thanks Andrew! From what I can tell the 60p looks great as 1080p. Thanks for sharing those! Colors seem nice, too!
  6. Thanks for the comments! How good is the 60p in 12bit 1080 RAW in terms of sharpness and any artifacts? Thanks! Rob
  7. @Andrew Reid, I can't wait to see your review!! I would love to hear your thoughts on how the Sigma mc-21 adapter works with your canon lenses. Hopefully all the canon lenses work without any issues. I wish they could have made it 60p in raw. I guess it would get too hot...
  8. Here is my wish list: - phase detect autofocus - internal nd like fs5 - Internal Raw Recording - Under $4000 Has Panasonic ever done phase detect autofocus on their cameras for video? Next camera I get will have really good video autofocus.
  9. Andrew mentioned in the article that what black magic offers is a great codec. Another huge plus is the recording with usb c SSDs. I hope this camera is a huge success so all the other companies (Sony, canon, Panasonic, etc) give us better codecs like raw capure and 60p in their sub 3k cameras! I am tired of the tiny improvements we get with each one of the other camera companies sub 3k cameras. Hopefully this camera changes the industry direction. I think it could! Andrew, Its all good. Don’t let these guys get to you. Love your site and opinions on the industry. Like I read from someone earlier, you are a master of the written word and I look forward to always reading your thoughts! Thanks!
  10. Probably still has 5 minute recording time limit on the 4k recording. Anyone know if it still has this limitation? And yah, definitely looks like no nd filter. Bummer.
  11. Thanks everyone! You guys are awesome!
  12. Thanks Dave, I will check that out. Xume adapters would save a ton of time. Thanks!
  13. Hi, I am looking to get a variable ND filter and I was wondering if anyone had a any recommendations. Anyone using one that they really like? Thanks!
  14. I have the FS700 and when using it in HD internally it is NOT sharp. I never use it. Definitely not 4k Downsampled to HD. The original c100 destroys this camera in sharpness because it downsamples the 4k sensor. I am sure you have heard it before, but I will say that the FS700 is amazing with used with Odyssey 7Q. Raw is awesome. And the 4ktoHD and 4kto2k prores modes are awesome because they are downsampled in the recorder when writing to the SSDs. Totally sharp. But this is with the recorder only.
  15. I have wondered about this for a while... Does Canon continue to make the new 1DCs and original C100s for sale each year? Or are they just selling units they made many years ago and just waiting for them to sell out? Curious what you guys think! Thanks!
  16. Does anyone know if Sony will make it possible to purchase the new microphone holder as an accessory?
  17. Hi Ty, It should fill the card if you trigger the flag in the Ml raw menu to record in exfat. I am using firmware 1.1.3 of the 5d3. Check out ml forum for more info on exfat recording. Your card also has to be formatted as exfat when that mode is triggered.
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