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Posts posted by alvinlu

  1. Fantastic news! I was afraid the mount would die off since Leica would take ages to offer lenses for the mount. Sigma has quite a collection to choose from and pairing off the news they're official partners, the current staple of lenses Sigma has may communicate just as well as a native lens.

  2. On 3/28/2017 at 4:26 AM, zoomart said:

    Hello, my c-log on my eos 5d mark ii isn´t working with magic lantern. Bitrate isn´t working. Bitrate with c-log is only the half. With cinestyle it works well. i´ve shot the same object with c-log and technicolor cinestyle. also i can see a lot of brackets in the material with c-log. with cinestyle there are a lot of more details. What could be the problem?

    I hope, you can see it in the pictures? First picture of both is cinestyle. The detailpicture is c-log. 



    Bildschirmfoto 2017-03-28 um 13.18.19.png

    Bildschirmfoto 2017-03-28 um 13.17.58.png

    Bildschirmfoto 2017-03-28 um 13.16.00.png

    That's weird, I get the full 45 bitrate on my 60D although that will be soon be obsolete once my 5D Mark IV arrives. Heard a lot of rumours it'll gain 1.3x crop factor for 4K along with C-LOG from Canon. Maybe roll back on a couple iterations of ML since the latest nightly builds do have hiccups

  3. screen grab of something I shot today at my friend's bbq. I didn't check for exposure nor white balance prior so color correction was more of a pain since I had to use some reference of what I remembered seeing that day. Then added a m31 lut from vision-color. 

    Gear Used;

    Canon 60D

    Sigma 18-35 F/1.8

    SLR Magic Variable ND MKII 82mm




  4. 13 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    I how cinematic this shot looks.

    You used one of the EOSHD CINE LUTs from the pack to grade it right?

    If so that cinematic mix of cool blue and warm tones in this shot were exactly the look I was aiming for with that LUT... Without C-LOG, if it had been shot with CineStyle, the colours and contrast just wouldn't have had the same feel. So I'm mega excited to see that the C-LOG profile and EOSHD CINE LUTs are working this well even on a 60D. Proof it works across the board.

    PS - the LUT you used was developed with footage shot in 4K on my 1D C using the real Canon LOG! Amazing that you can apply it to my custom C-LOG profile on a 60D and have it look the same - Canon's colour science is really well standardised across cameras and it is just lovely to look at.

    @Andrew Reid actually I didn't :(. I did however used your cine3 lut first since I was able to color correct it faster than tackling the log profile. You have made a bold statement about Canon's colour science being standardized, and guess what, I do agree with that statement. Shot it along the 6D and all I did while shooting was white balance and make sure my neutral grey ire was between 50-55. There the look I got was very uniform and only the slightest hint of more shadow detail with the bigger brother. I was set on getting the GH5 with the 60D being my dedicated stills since I have quite a bit of glass on the Canon system, and now I'm going to still buy the GH5 if the rumors are true but continue to use my 60D if I want to carry minimal amount of gear, like location scouting.

  5. 12 minutes ago, squig said:

    Filmconvert 5D MkIII Resolve ML raw BMD Film profile with a few tweaks.

    trees three00086401.jpg

    Resolve grade.

    trees grade00086401.jpg

    Good job on color correcting my screen grab. @Andrew Reid, I have no idea how you managed this but you've breathed life into older Canon DSLRs.

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