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  1. Hi Anaconda_ and thank you for the insight as it fits with what I had originally planned, so it's good to have your confirmation. The thing is that it will take some time to transcode that material and it'll pretty much tie up (fry an egg anyone?) my Mac during the process. The other thing is that I'd need a 12TB drive to hold the 3.8TB of .mov files that would need to be transcoded (to ProRes?) and I don't have any more room in my 5bay enclosure. It's just a matter of tediously relinking the .mp4 files. The strange thing here is that PPro somehow has no problem with some of the .mov files while rejecting others. My big question is, will there be a point where PPro does not accept the batch renamed .mp4 and other ProRes.mov files that it currently does accept? And yes, one never saves time updating mid project... I guess I got excited about finally being able to break the main project down into smaller projects and having them open them in PPro. Maybe it'll be worse in the end... god knows. I'm certainly open to suggestion here if anyone has a better path forward.
  2. Hi folks, I guess many of you already know about this but I just came face to face with it when I left CC2104 for CC 2019 last week. It's created difficult and frustrating situation for me as I have been in a long haul edit with thousands of files. I left CC2014 as the project got so large it was eating up all my Mac's virtual memory and would take 30 minutes to load all the assets. In going forward with CC2019, the quick 'workaround' has been to batch rename the .mov files to .mp4 and then relink them but this is a huge fucking pain. I'm currently staring staring at yet another screen that wants me to reconnect another 3772 files. Normally it can be decent to get high when doing some tedious job like this but somehow I have to stay sharp during this process. To use Webrunner's favourite word here, what the 'hell' are you guys doing when going forward in situations like this? Click locate... click locate... click locate.... oh joy. https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/multi/quicktime7-support-dropped.html https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2473026
  3. Perfect! Thank you OlikMia... and to everyone here who continually keep this place the light that it is... my software upgrade headaches are slowly easing off. Onward!
  4. In other words, is there a way to delete all media in a project that is not contained on a timeline?
  5. Hi Folks, I have 1.8TB of 5DM2 (38mbps) footage & 1.9TB of XDCam (35mbps) footage. Total= 3.7TB. Does anyone know how much storage space would this require (approx) to convert it to ProRes? I couldn't find an online calculator that would help. Also, would ProRes LT be enough to support the conversion vs. ProRes?
  6. Thank you for the tip Adam. I'm currently trying everything I can to overcome this horrible .move to .mp4 File Import Error. I literally have tens if thousands of files spread across many projects relating to the same larger project and this is a nightmare. I'd be grateful if any others have a successful workaround or further info on what is the actual cause of this problem? I've been trying to hack Premiere with different scripts, codecs etc... so far nothing. Ive even reinstalled the old trusty CC 2014 but need to have multiple projects open because the main project became too heavy so I split it into smaller projects so as to move towards this newer Premiere which can have multiple projects open. I'm no longer editing, thanks Adobe. Attached is the latest fuckery.
  7. Premiere and Resolve are standing on a hill overlooking a field of cows. Adobe says, "Let's run down there and fuck all those cows." Resolve says, "Let's walk down there and fuck, one." I'm in the edit on a long haul doc and only yesterday went from CC 2014 to CC 2019 because I was good with the bugs I had. But after spending 2 hours on finding and renaming dozens of .mov files to .mp4 files so Premiere 2019 could see them - right next to the other .mov from the same camera that didn't need to be changed - as it always had before, I'm excited to see what other tedious task I'll be put through in what is already a monumental undertaking. At times, I like to remember my life before all this... and when I stand up and go look out the window, it still seems pretty, pretty, pretty, good - until I see Adobe mounting another cow in the distance. Hard to know what to think anymore.
  8. To the unindentured, bashing camera specs is the last refuge of the inept and unimaginative. Vote with your dollar.
  9. Absolutely! I'm beside myself with all those savings... can't imagine what I'll get myself up to... maybe retire early. Ugh.
  10. - Yes but, I can still use my 4 old 5DM2 batteries with the R body, so I'll rest just a little bit easier.
  11. The 18-35mm pretty much lives on my C100Mk2... my feet do the zooming. The 24-105 is decent enough during daytime run and gun, but as others have mentioned, not a constant f4 so maybe that 18-135mm makes better sense... though I'd question the quality and probably not want to use it for personal projects. You can't go wrong with the C100Mk2, it still the best bang for the buck out there.
  12. I'd be happy to have smaller lenses but I'm really not sure that I want to see professional photo camera bodies get much smaller, especially at the expense of battery longevity etc. At one point they can become toy-like and difficult to hold and stabilise. I also like and trust optical viewfinders so l'd be happy to see a rangefinder system unleashed on the huddled masses... a free train ticket to re education camps if necessary. In any case, let's lose that mirrorbox click!
  13. Ok. But the challenge then, is to somehow have enough experience/ insight to know if it is a joke or not. In times like this, I'm reminded of Jack Handy who once said: Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself. Basically, it's made up of two separate words — "mank" and "ind." What do these words mean? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind. But having said that, I'm also reminded of another one of his quotes: It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.
  14. Actually, Disney is fascist. Anyone remember the Scorsese film Kundun (1997)? At the time of release, China told Disney to limit the release to small Western art house theatres or be denied access to their market. Disney dropped to its knees and did exactly that. So something like Gunn's firing shouldn't come as such a surprise and outrage. Though the vehicle is mildly interesting.
  15. For me it is a black hole where I imagine it's possible to waste endless hours in, so I just stay away. Although I hear that there are interesting channels, I can't imaging how I would easily find them. And if I did, I can imagine that I'd always be wondering if there was something better that I'm missing, so it could be an endless process. Maybe I'm old school and just want to hear by word if mouth about something great as a way source stuff. But part of me also likes the idea that anyone can become a content producer and that this fucks with the traditional conservative broadcasters. "Those who watch television or are too much on the Internet, they lose the world. And those who read, they win it." - Werner Herzog
  16. They'd be fools not to bring a adapter mount to the equation. Canon will follow suit.
  17. - Only thing that is stopping me from jumping on a Fuji is that all their lenses are fly by wire. And that I'm already heavily invested in solid Canon EF glass.
  18. Thanks for the insights John. Any thoughts on when Canon might make a serious foray into mirrorless?
  19. New glass from Fuji: https://nofilmschool.com/2018/07/fuji-expands-x-mount-offerings
  20. User

    C100 Mark ii in 2018

    A few here have said th C100Mk2 doesn't shoot 60fps... they're talking out of their asses. This camera smokes! Period.
  21. That man in the corner office mailed me back: Hello Vimeo Service Rep. Why is it that when I now load one of my clips, and select a setting other that 'Auto,' the file won't play? Both Chrome and Firefox, no success. It always worked before. Thanks so much for reaching out to Vimeo. I'm sorry to hear of the issues you're facing with playback, and would love to assist you further! Which setting are you setting to 'Auto'? Additionally, are you embedding the video, or playing it on your page? If you could also try clearing your cache, and let us know how you're getting on, we'll definitely work to get this resolved. I look forward to hearing back from you! Let's see how long this takes to go no where.
  22. These jokers have had forever to get things right. Myself, I imagine Vimeo's top floor corner office... the door opens slowly to reveal a short fat hairy man in frumpy slacks, no shirt or shoes; playing paddleball. Little else.
  23. Interesting the the freezer thing. Though this type of thing is actually how the majority of the world operates, where in largely corrupt countries, checks and balances (consumers watchdogs) just don't exist. I once watched a man try to paint a wall. From the market he purchased a paint roller brush - because it 'looked' like what needed. After he saturated the roller in paint, he then lifted it to the wall surface where the roller brush unrolled and just stuck to the wall. He was now officially done painting walls in South Asia.
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