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The Chris

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Everything posted by The Chris

  1. What are your favorite FL's? Are you looking legacy or E-mount? Questions this vague are always tough because you can use almost every lens ever made on the E-mount. Help us narrow it down a bit.
  2. These are all 1080p (but not really 1080p) cameras. You can shoot the A7rII in 1080p with no issues. My 5d2 used to overheat. None of those are shooting 4k. None of the above or the GH4 can come close to the stills IQ of the A7RII - hell the A7RII 18mp crop mode outclasses everything m43 and Canon outside of the 50mp bodies because Canon's sensor DR is a couple generations behind Sony. I just did another run test with 4k, FF, 60mbps and back-to-back 29+ min takes - no issues but the camera is hot. The battery died at 29:40 of the second take. Not bad - 59+ minutes of recording with the LCD on the whole time. IIRC, I couldn't get an hour of recording with the 5d3 because live view really ate the battery. The overheat warning cam on during the third take after the battery swap, it shut down just before the 10 min, so just about 70 minutes with 4k at the lower bitrate. I let it rest for 3 minutes and recorded another 29+ min take. Then I went to 1080/60p and hit the max with no temp warning and the battery was at 3%. I have no more charged batteries. It won't work for everyone, but its fine for my needs. My only U3 card has lots I don't want to delete just yet, so I had to use a U1 and you can't record the max bitrate unless the card is U3. The bottom of the camera does get noticably warmer than the rest of the body. Crop mode seems to generate more heat. The battery gets hot too. I'm ordering an external battery to try USB power or with a dummy battery in the camera, and a generic grip to see if it makes a difference. I haven't shot anything with the IBIS off either. For me the overheating is a non-issue so far, my stuff is ENG style event coverage - so lots of short takes. I shut the camera off frequently to preserve the battery and that helps. The A7RII is much quicker to startup than any other Sony camera I've used, so my shooting got a little more efficient with the new cam. For paid work it serves my needs. If you need to record 4k for hours on end this isn't the camera for you. The RX10mkII seems like a better option. In the end it looks like a big sensor and all the processing means lots of heat. Cheers. p.s. The slow AF setting in movie mode work really well, no more camcorder style AF, very similar to what the NX1 does with a slow focus pull.
  3. I just shot three consecutive takes with my camera - 14:24, 17:48 and 15:06 - 4k, FF, IBIS on following my dog running on the beach with the 70-200 with no issues. It was 92 and extremely humid, so it felt over 100. It may not work for you and your client work, but that's longer than any interview I've ever shot. Your statement of it being unusable is complete nonsense. It may not work for YOU, but such hyperbole is over the top.
  4. Never tried Kholi's PP, but I will with the A7RII. The nice thing about Samuel's is you can just go one stop over what the camera meters and its pretty much always spot on. With the A7RII lowering the min ISO to 800, that should make life a little easier.
  5. I stumbled across that totally by accident when I was looking for a suction cup mount for my a5100. I have a bunch of GoPro mounts and though I should make a standard mount that has a GoPro mount connection. BAM! My million dollar idea! A few seconds googling revealed buying an island with a wave of GoPro accessory cash wasn't in my future.
  6. I used this profile created by Samuel H for awhile shooting slog, but eventually I wound up using Cine 1 or 4 more. http://www.similaar.com/foto/flaat-a7s/index.html Going to try that and some of the other A7s profiles people posted to see how they perform on the A7RII. http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?334121-a7s-Picture-Profile-Compilation-2015
  7. The A7RII is a powerhouse, but like all cameras its not without faults. Looking forward to comparisons with the other cameras mentioned in the article.
  8. There are plenty of 50mm legacy lenses if you want the AF lens, buy it used and put the savings toward a cheap 50.
  9. 5-axis sounds like a fan. I shot with the EM5 a few years ago and now the A7II/A7RII and they all sound similar - like a fan inside the camera. Even if you turn IBIS off, the sensor is still suspended by the IBIS mechanism. Take off your lens, turn on the camera and you'll see it in action.
  10. I've been looking at doing the same thing using a 1/4 20 tripod mount for GoPro attachments. So you can take advantage of the massive amount of mounts available for GoPro's instead of trying to rig stuff for a small camera. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=1061157&gclid=CjwKEAjwxYGuBRCtoqjkrIPDqDwSJAAnd-rCDRusmy-75s_qJdx0sM86zDCykxLPiTrWCH2njh2wWBoC-CHw_wcB&is=REG&A=details&Q=
  11. Yes and it also shows A7s' selling for $1100 last July, shortly after release. Right. I seriously doubt we'll see $2200 A7rII's by the end of this year.
  12. Right, you said in 6 months the loss on the A7rII would be closer to $1000, I said no way anyone loses $1000 selling the A7rII in 6 months. Your link shows no change in the A7r's price until almost a year after it was released - which supports my point. The price isn't going anywhere in 6 months, it'll still be $3199 and mint used copies will be selling for a few hundred less regardless of whether or not there's a A7sII.
  13. Ebay is the worst place to sell a camera, buying is a different story if you're patient. But fees whack prices down to nothing. They're trading for about $1700 on Fred Miranda (not trying to drive anyone to another site, but Ebay's seller fees are a complete ripoff). I'd cancel that auction...
  14. If the A7rII 4k is overheating at 24/30p, higher framerates seem unlikely in the current body.
  15. Doubt that, plenty of people are buying this for 42mp stills with no regard for video, its not dropping $1000 in 6 months unless Sony drops the price which won't happen for a year or so. The A7s has been out over a year and the used prices are now in the $1700 range, authorized dealers are still at $2499. I sold mine in March for $2100 and it was part of the first wave of U.S. cameras last July. I'm willing to bet at this point the A7sII is up in the air given the fat spec sheet for the A7rII and its performance (so far with the limited samples available). Anything more on the video side really steps into FS7 territory - which Sony has never done in its smaller cameras. Plus the A7sII would be well over $3000 if it gets a new BSI sensor, AF, IBIS and so on - its going to put zero price pressure on the A7RII. Anyone thinking it'll be less will be really disappointed.
  16. Got a shipping notification, my A7rII is on the way. U.S. Buyers rejoice, our cameras will be here this week.
  17. No doubt, talk about burying the lead. ISO 4,000,000. Four freaking million! Amazing.
  18. There's a side by side with the A7s at identical settings posted on DVXuser... http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?339027-A7Rii-In-My-Hand&p=1986564737&viewfull=1#post1986564737 The OP also has a IBIS test.
  19. No not my video. Sadly I have to wait for Aug. 5 at a minimum for my A7RII to ship. I skipped B&H and went with Adorama. Though I have another shop in my pocket in case I'm not a part of the Adorama first shipment.
  20. Rolling shutter looks awesome in FF and terrible in APS-c mode. Moire looks fairly well controlled too, especially since there's no low pass filter. Not my video:
  21. It was announced in April of 2012, that's why I call it three years old. No worries.
  22. Awesome! Rolling shutter test, rolling shutter test, rolling shutter test... EDIT: Moire and aliasing too. Thanks!
  23. The 1dc is three years old and it can handle the workload, along with being one of the 2 or 3 best sports cameras ever produced. They could have put that same tech in a 5dc if they wanted. The new C300mkII does 4k with dual pixel AF. They clearly have the ability. They've chosen to keep it upmarket, catering to pros shooting commericals, TV news, reality TV, rental houses and so on - which by all accounts the Cinema line has been a huge success filling a price point Red was never able to meet. I've said it before, top video specs clearly aren't driving the market. People on this forum are still a small niche in the overall market. Most of the people buying cameras are casual shooters looking for a "good" camera to shoot kids birthdays and school plays.
  24. Is there a 4k version of this? Full screen on my 40" UHD monitor is complete mush. Tough to judge 4k quality with a 1080p video.
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