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Everything posted by Grimor

  1. What do you reffer as non standard? I tried all my form, all your form, and many many combination that i can´t remember. (i´m on G80, not Gx80) But as i read, G80 answers are identical and react the same way. I get to work as non-standar mov_25p_150mbps and mov_25p_200mbps , and even with the camera working as expected (blank info, etc) my files in this mode are corrupted.
  2. I made a similar combiantions page with higher bitrates, take a look: DEPLOY VIDEO QUALITY.html
  3. Someone with GH5 can run a <P><A HREF="http:// curmenu">Options available</A></P> on the script??
  4. After many requested combinations G80 accepts: <P><A HREF=" mode=setsetting&type=videoquality&value=mov_25p_100mbps">mov 25p 100MBPS</A></P> And <P><A HREF=" mode=setsetting&type=videoquality&value=mov_25p_200mbps">mov 25p 200MBPS</A></P> Both generate same .mov corrupt files, so no hight bitrates here. keep on searching
  5. Dont know whats happen. Try reinstalling imgapp 1.9.5, maybe
  6. Wait. Do you have a GH4 with a hacked vlog? Why do you want to deploy for cine D if camera already has it? Dont do anything! And wait BTM to guide you for sniffing comunication with old pana app first!
  7. Both imgapp & Gh4 were updated few days from glitch , and this door was closed forever. But sniffing this days communication could be usefull today to guess the correct way to request this feature and try to get lucky
  8. Same here with almost every "mp4ed" high bitrate request i send. Automatically switches whatever G80 mode to 4k24p.
  9. http://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=13386
  10. No way. Trying the request with the camera in AVCHD 1080 25p, change the mode to "misterious 200mbps" and the same corrupt file. @anonim https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B10Ows_xNNgHbUEwTk4tU0VWY0U You can download here.
  11. Thanks again BTM. Your help is really appreciated. Dont remember with 100%, but very probably my camera was in 4k 100mbps when i send the request. So your suggestion is to try again with the camera on same format as requested? Makes sense. I will try, and if i have no luck will upload the corrupt file.
  12. mp4/mov/mp4ed 24p, c24p, 25p, 30p, 50p, 60p 100mbps,200mbps I tryed almost all of this combinations, and only "mov_25p _200mbps" worked. Recorded files seens to be without metadata or info about resolution/bitrate, but not corrupted at all. Someone knows how to recover them?
  13. Well keep on working. G80 accept "mov_25p_200mbps". camera says OK, menu of video quality became erased (no text info of framerate) and seens to be 1080 due no crop and some type of high biitrate, and records fine... but files can´t be played either on cam and on Pc. Premiere gives error when importing. 20 seconds file is around 120mb on this mode.
  14. @BTM_Pix @robbino Here is the old Imgapp v1.9.5 (android) with the Vlog bug if someone wants it. https://mega.nz/#!YJlQiAzK!j1X1MzwAu84kfwzjXixGj1Njgp9zjQAYCkj9jQUcOAo
  15. Well, i´ve tried and found this "OK answer" from changing quality settings in my camera" (G80) : <P><A HREF=" mode=setsetting&amp;type=videoquality&amp;value=mp4ed_25p_200mbps">DEPL OY 25p200mbps</A></P> But nothing happend , no rejected, but no new features. Same result with almost all "Enable = yes" features i try. So, only if says enable "Yes" you can send the command to the camera without be rejected, and even then they are few possibilities that it works. Lucky you, GX80 Owners!! The tip of android sniffer (Packet capture) is really great to found the correct syntahx of every request. Thanks @BTM_Pix , @Robbino , and Folks!
  16. Tried Vlog activation in G80 without exit: -<camrply> <result>err_param</result> </camrply> Do you know the html synthax to request a video quality change? Thats because when my Vlog code says Iten enable= "no", in other part my code says this: <item enable="yes" id="menu_item_id_v_quality_mp4ed_25p_200mbps"/> (some hopes here?) Perhaps we only can activate "the enable= yes" part of the code.
  17. Or move the BTM_Pix hack to another topic. @BTM_Pix Whats is the method your are using for sniffing/capturing packages from the camera-app communication? I can try it with G80 and share with you the results if you want.
  18. Well, in my G80 "All Menu" may be all the official menu that camera shows, in many languajes that camera support. (no new funtions here) That will be the reason for no name displaying when new funtion is activated. The other "Options Available" seens to be those interesting hidden features (200mbps, vlog-l, etc) What is the correct synthax to implement Vlog request to the deploy.html file if my "options available" page show this lines: <item enable="no" id="menu_item_id_ph_sty_vlog_l" option="detail"/> <item enable="no" id="menu_item_id_v_quality_mp4ed_c24p_200mbps"/> <item enable="no" id="menu_item_id_v_quality_mov_c24p_200mbps"/> <item enable="no" id="menu_item_id_v_quality_mov_24p_200mbps"/> Thanks in advance!
  19. Even better if this G80 could have Vlog and higger bitrates for free
  20. Another method could be hihacking imgapp with a root android device to make it show all this hidden features.
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