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Posts posted by tigerbengal

  1. 4 minutes ago, eleison said:


    My family comes "first"... Then my city comes "first".. Then my country comes "first"... During an emergency, that is how things are and will always be - "selfish" or not.  I live in the USA so Trump's America first is fine by me. Governments should always try and make sure their "constituency" comes first because sometimes there's only so many life rafts on a sinking cruise ship.. So many pieces of bread on the table during a famine.. so many escape pods on a disintegrating space ship...  If my government didn't have my best interest in mind, I would re-elect someone else.  I'm not sure why other countries put their citizens behind other citizens from different countries and then complain about trump.

    that is the problem with trumpers.....trump never put the country or you first, that is what he said to you and you believe him....trump always put HIM AND HIS FAMILY FIRST. and that is the only thing that matters to him..he doesn't care about the people, besides trump doesn't care for the majority who didn't vote for him, he forgot every single day that he is the president for the whole nation not only for trump supporters he had divided the country in a way of not return......he is not a LEADER OF THIS NATION AT ALL, he is a Scammer a Troll, who only wants to make money at our expense

  2. 1 hour ago, Super8 said:

    I'm not those people.  I follow one and only one.  Your life has turned into this pathetic game of pointing fingers at other people and judging other people. 

    Go protest killing unborn babies or help the homeless.  Get OFF your high horse and leave people alone.  People have free will to do whatever they want.  Stop crying that people don;t like what you like or voted the way you wanted. 

    Make sure the next gig you work on, that you bring this trump stuff up and start telling the crew that they are trumpster and scum and see how quick you get kicked off that crew.  The point is no one cares in the real world.

    Typical republican hypocrisy!! concerned about abortions right? why don't you go and help all the kids abused or not having parents to take care of them? all of you rips off your clothes for abortions, BUT once they are born, then is not your problem anymore, deflecting as usual...



  3. 54 minutes ago, Super8 said:

    Nice deflection about abortions.

    Ask the people in Cuba and South Florida about Castro.  I lived with those same people and you have no clue about what you're talking about.   You attack other people but defend Castros dream?  Castro was a sick dictator and piece of shit.

    you'r right Castro is a piece of shit, AND Dotard is another piece of shit, the same as North Korea dictator, Putin, Erdogan, and guess what? Dotard keep praising them and as a cult member you are ok with that, but not with Castro?? typical Republican Hypocrisy!

  4. 27 minutes ago, Super8 said:

    And before he ran for office, his friend Bill and Hillary and in Hollywood never called him a "open liar, opportunist, misogynist, or racist"

    Hillary got Trump elected and you can read whatever you want into that statement but it's true.

    Hillary server lives free in your brain idiot! this is not about her, it is about the idiot in the white house...wake up!


  5. 37 minutes ago, mercer said:


    I am shaking my head at myself for injecting myself into this conversation for as long as I have but...

    Here are some simple truths... if you believe or follow any political party, religion, or ideology that forces you to YELL or denigrate members of other political parties, religions or ideologies, you yourself are a cult member.

    This needs to stop. When will people realize that we are pawns in more powerful people's game and no matter how loud we yell, or how poorly we treat it doesn't change much.

    Tell that to dotard he has been yelling and denigrating political rivals, the disable, women (grab them by the pussy), he is getting what he deserves!!do no t come now that we should forgive him and give him a chance, our patience with this clown is done!

    The economy will go into recession just because this idiot didn't do anything on time, just because he doesn't listen to doctors or anything related to science.

    Seems that republicans are good in destroying the economy

    Bush got us the recession with his stupid war with irak

    Now Dotard is bringing another recession because he didn't do anything to stop the spread of the virus until it is too late!

    and all of you cult followers still making excuses for this damn clown!

    yes I am mad, how everything will go down the drain because the wrong guy is in the white house, he has no plan, he has no brain, he only think how to make money for himself, I will not be surprise if he is trying to make money from this crisis, he is that despicable,

  6. 9 minutes ago, fuzzynormal said:

    I invite you to please explain last week's quotes of "Democratic Hoax" or “Impeachment Scam” to me.  Hold on, let me get go get some popcorn.  Do you acknowledge even a hint of hypocrisy in your statement?  At all?  Just a little tiny weeny bit?  If you respond with either a yes or no to that question I'd be flabbergasted.

    But, seriously, maybe we should just stop bouncing around the issue, stop this deflecting nonsense, and get right to the heart of the matter. 

    My impression is simply that you just don't like Donald Trump being criticized.  This upsets you, you resent it, and so you try and defend him.  I think he's indefensible.  There's probably no middle ground there because both of us are pretty convinced of our opinions, am I right?  If that's the case, perhaps we should both just shut the hell up.  What do you say?

    You nailed it!!! Bone Spur Jesus cannot be criticized, he has been sent by God to protect us!! ajjJJAJJAJAJJAJAJJAJAJAJ, while he fills his pocket with tax payer money.... too much golf I think

  7. 1 hour ago, Super8 said:

    You need to chill out.  I'm not "these people".

    I said from the get go to keep politics out of this thread because of "how you just reacted".   You're doing nothing but looking to blame someone and blame Trump and Republicans.  That's the jig that everyone is sick and tired of.  This is why trump won and will win again. It's you and how you handle life and treat people.  I could care less what Trump supporters think or what people that don't support Trump think.

    When I meet people in real life I could care less who they voted for. Trump haters are just filled full of hate and bitterness.  This is a world wide crisis and your picking sides.




    you are not a cult member???jjjajjajjJJAJAJJEJEJJEJEJJEIJIJOJOEEUUUJJUJJJJ.... another lie!!,  all of you are like the liar in chief!, deflect and lie. Dotard is the one who brings hate and fear whenever he goes or talk and keeps pointing finger at people.... he never does anything wrong, is other peoples fault..

    What about


    I never thought that a 'great leader' will say anything like that, but dotard is the lowest of the low, the bar for the president has never been this low, poor little mango, life is not fair!!...what a fu.... little chicken he is!

  8. Trump is an IDIOT, PLAIN AND SIMPLE...THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER...don't try to reason with a cult member, these people  watch lies 24/7 at fox news and all the right wing media outlets, they lie and lie, everyday, cultist members like super8 live in an alternative reality, only fox news tell  the truth (yeah right?)

    Let's put some facts what bone spur jesus have been saying about coronavirus

    He has said it was “contained” and “under control” (as McKay Coppins pointed out).

    He has said “It’s going to disappear” and, “We have very little problem in this country” (as David Leonhardt pointed out).

    He said three weeks ago that the U.S. had “15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” (as the White House briefing transcript shows).

    He tweeted just eight days ago that “The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation” (as The Hill pointed out).



    Trump denied there had been any shift in tone, and said (as you can see here):

    “I have always known. This is a real pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic....

    “I’ve always viewed it as very serious.”

    This is a flat-out lie! bring to you by the liar in chief!!!, but cultist members they don't care, first they said the "Evil media" were making a big deal with the simple coronavirus infection (a simple flu) according to them, know that the cult leader said it is out of control, what they say??: it's a fault of the "evil media" they didn't cover the coronavirus enough, they should have warned us how dangerous the disease could be!!!

    These people will find a way do defend the cult leader, for them he makes no mistakes and believe every single lie that comes out from his anus like mouth  a word from the Bible!


  9. On 8/9/2019 at 4:41 AM, Jonesy Jones said:

    Please provide evidence for any of this. Or not. I don’t care because at this point all you’ll share is fake news vitriol. What leftists have decided they can do is pick a position, scream it as loud as they can until they and everyone around them believe it’s true. If they want to punch you. Well they say it’s ok to punch Nazis. Then label you a Nazi. Then punch you. 

    Regarding “confessed aspiring rapist” I assume you’re referring to his pu$$y comment. Which anyone with half a brain knows was said and meant as an exaggeration. Like “I’m going to kick his ass.” But I’ve never seen anyone actually kick someone in the ass. Fake news.

    Regarding “criminal”. No obstruction. No collusion. Fake news.

    Regarding “diagnosed compulsive liar” I haven’t heard this one. I mean I’m sure he lies or has lied. I would never attempt to defend this. But Hillary anyone? Fake news.

    Mango, the orange buffoon , are you asking proof he is a liar??? you mus be kidding, he lie every single day, hundreds and hundreds of videos showing his big lies, if you don't want to see them that is your f problem, the rest of the world is not as dumb as you are!!!, what about grab them by the pus....he didn't say that??? that is he said " I like the poorly educated!!!" 

  10. I know what you are talking about foot pain, believe me , I tried a lot of different shoes, some are too soft that bothers you, no stability at all, others not comfortable enough for the whole day, forget about nike, adidas, etc...either get some working shoes that has been designed for people to be on foot the whole day....or buy a new balance shoes, but not all the new balance are the same, try the new balance 860 THOSE are the best ones, comfortable and with support you can use them the whole day and no problem at all, hope this help you!!

  11. 1 hour ago, MochaP said:

    Hungry is just a metaphor of greedy. The problem of China is that she ruins her natural resource and intelligent people instead of doing sustainable development or encourage innovation such as protecting intellectual property. The CCP and some people in China are just too harsh to be success in every aspect, especially in technology and military because both help to build up the prestige of CCP and usually being used as a patriotic propaganda. If they can’t get in pace with other countries, just steal it. This kind of thought is quite common to Mainland Chinese because of some historical reasons.

    About 150 years ago, China was still under the regime of Ching Dynasty. Eight-Nation Alliance used to rip off China causing certain degree of damage by stealing the properties from the emperor. That’s one of the reason behind the thought. Another reason is the damage during WWII. Japanese troops invaded China for almost 8 years. These two reasons of being humiliated by the foreign countries are always manipulated to advocate the revenging emotion of general people. Indeed, IP theft is the result of this kind of thought. Mainland Chinese just believe stealing can compensate their loss in hundred years ago and being seen as patriotism.

    Another problem of China is that after they ruin the nature resource and agriculture for infrastructure that they need to find other resource to meet the market demand. Thus, they exploit other countries’ resource aggressively, especially the ocean and wildlife in Africa. It causes tension in South East Asia and lead to species extinction.

    That’s why I said let the hungry people suffer. They cause their own problem but try to fix it by exploiting other countries. That’s shame for a so called intelligence race on earth. Mainland Chinese never learn fair-play and respect their companions. When Germany and Japan proof themselves can be good to the world after WWII, China just still stays victimized herself but not to improve their morality all because it is under the regime of CCP.

    Chinese can be good. Taiwan just proves herself that a proper democracy system can help a nation and country stay strong. But I believe most of the people in Taiwan prefer to claim themselves Taiwanese whatever their roots are from China.

    I think Mainland Chinese should learn a good lesson from the trade war.

    By the way, when you meet a Chinese someday, try to ask where the person came from. Chinese as a nation is widespread in the world but it doesn’t mean all Chinese are from Mainland China. Try to be subtle, you may find a lot of different between Hongkonger, Taiwanese, Singaporean and Malaysian Chinese. That’s complicated but that’s still the best way to avoid being racist.

    Whatever you hate Trump, please let him stay in his position until he put president Xi and CCP down. After that just go fxck him whatever your like. :lol::lol::lol:

    You are putting too much faith in trump...as soon as the Chinese offer him to build a trump tower in Beijing  , suddenly no more problems with them...they will be "Fine people...really fine people...

  12. 4 hours ago, DBounce said:

    I have no beef with him. He’s been in the public eye for years and I never heard anyone call him racist... until he ran for office. He was well like in Hollywood... until he ran for office. He was an idol to black rappers world wide... until he ran for office. 

    Honestly, it’s not like he did anything surprising... everything he’s doing, or trying to do is stuff he ran on. The real shocker is perhaps that politicians never do what they promise to do... so everyone is speechless when one does. 

    The former leadership wanted to hand the world to China on a golden platter. 

    Remember this nonsense? 

    If I have a beef, it’s with those that pray for the countries demise. There are actually people hoping for the economy to fail. There are actually people that were disappointed that he’s NOT a Russian asset. 

    No worries... The tables have turned. Four separate investigations and none have found anything on him. They’re trying to subpoena his tax records to find something... anything to remove him from office. Well good luck with that. The IRS has audited him plenty... that’s what they do. And guess what? Nada! Finally those that worked in secret to subvert the nation are under scrutiny... I suspect that in the coming months many of them will be looking at serious prison time.


    JAJAJJA....trump should be in jail if is not for the GOP who protect him, trump is a criminal, a Russian Asset...and  a Liar.

    What happened to  "Mexico will pay for the wall"???? he said that thousand of times, is he doing what he promised??NO AND NO...stop watching fox news 24/7 open your eyes....you are in the trump cult.

    The real enemy for the West is Putin, he wants to destroy The West from the inside, he is using propaganda and right-wing extremist in order to reach his goal.

    Trump is following Putin's orders, he owed the Russian mafia billions has no way to pay them but to obey...and by the way trump IS AN IDIOT

  13. The double Republican Standard...do as I say, not as I do....I am not going to defend Gunn's tweets, I think he should have moderated his jokes, but the only reason he was fired and we are having this conversation is because Gunn is a Trump's Critic and Trump fan boys like Cernovich were looking a way to destroy him. But if it is true they are all concern about Pedophilia then why trump supporters, GOP, the so called "christians" conservatives WERE ALL IN FULL SUPPORT OF ROY MOORE FOR THE SENATE RACE...a child molester, a fu..ng ass-h0le who went to malls in order to find little girls....and supporting a LIAR LIKE TRUMP WHO HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF RAPE, there are videos of him saying" grab them by the pussy...", if Gunn was a crazy trump supporter they were cheering for him....HYPOCRITES!!!


  14. On 1/12/2018 at 7:08 PM, webrunner5 said:

    You have eaten too many Avocados LoL.

    Lots of my fathers relation live, and lived there, and one of my my daughters does now. She is a Psychiatrist. She says she could Never run out of patients in Calif.. She is stinking  rich off of them.They are all crazy, and so it Jerry Brown, Really crazy, even my relation now, and my daughter, well She Has Changed!. I have seen it all first hand lots of times.

    Please succeed from the union before you slide into the ocean and I have to help pay to bail you out! JK,, ehh I think.

    PS: I am a Republican. So you see the conflict.

    But they do have some damn nice Video stuff on Craigslist out there!

    Jerry Brown is a great Governor....for someone like you and the other republicans who think Roy Moore was good for the senate, what a bunch of Hypocrites..really? a child molester,, but your party is the "Christian one"jajjja, , We would be more than happy to succeed from the union but Dotard and all the rest of welfare states like the one you live in, and other ignorant red states  who are more than happy to get money from the federal govermnet.....money that has been taken from us tax payers from California....I want our tax to be used only in California , no more welfare red states...

    Seems like your daughter already opened her eyes....she is not watching Faux news 24/7 and living in the Fake News reality. fox new is the REAL FAKE NEWS...you know that right??? 

    the president is who needs a Psychiatrist now!!...THE WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE US!!, A LIAR IN CHIEF, RACIST NARCISSIST, CONMAN, ETC ETC.

    and please do not come to California ever, we don't need you, we don't want you here...trumptards must stay at trumpland.

    Noam Chomsky: Republican Party is the most dangerous organisation in human history.
    'Has there ever been an organisation in human history that is dedicated, with such commitment, to the destruction of organised human life on Earth?' 

  15. If you live from making videos...it might be the time to get a Video Camera instead and keep your nikon for stills, I have heard from this forum good words for Sony F3, FS5 perhaps Canon C200,C300 Mi, or MII, or blackmagic ones. It will be hard to find one camera that do everything that you want, it will never exist. Every time we get an excellent new camera then suddenly the competition make something different, new feature the other doesn't has and the wheel start again...

  16. On 1/8/2018 at 9:45 AM, webrunner5 said:

    Oh come on if I was a 12 year old boy that is the first place I would go LoL. But I would argue that their is a Lot of good Forums on Facebook. I have a bunch of Video, RV forums earmarked on there I visit. And no I nave Not seen IronFilm's stuff on there.  I think he is fooling us.

    "The gradual process of destroying all traditions, languages, religions, individuality, government, family, law and order in order to re-assemble society in the future as a communist utopia. This utopia will have no notion of gender, traditions, morality, god or even family or the state."

    Hell that sounds just like California!!

    You are totally WRONG....California is one of the best states in the Union, Weather here is excellent, expensive to live that is the only problem, it is like any other place there are good people and bad people, in general more good than bad....that description " The gradual process........"  sounds more like the Mafia Style Putin's Russia the one that DOTARD and the hypocrites republicans the "so called" christians (racist) wants to impose to us!!

  17. Mercer can you put a picture of the lens? A friend of mine is selling me one but I don't know if it  the same you are talking about, I have seen two types mc 35 f1.8, the old one build like a tank, and the more recent one, which one is the good one for you?

  18. 29 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    Allowing ISPs to throttle your internet speeds, create slow and fast lanes to stifle competition and giving the green light to extract tolls from content providers to guarantee reliable service to customers is going to make the internet more expensive for all of us. I guess what many still don't understand is that this is a huge handout to corporations that supported dumpf or his cronies during his campaign, just like everything else he's done or tried to do since taking office. Like Repeal Obamacare, which would reward insurers while millions lose their health insurance. Like the new tax law, which will see millions of middle class Americans paying more, while the rich get richer. Like Whitefish Energy, the two-man company his administration awarded a $300 million contract to in order to restore Puerto Rico's power. Passing a law prohibiting customers from suing banks immediately after Equifax negligently enabled a breach of their system - after many warnings by the government to tighten up their security. The greed of some of these corporations knows no boundaries - Equifax even had the audacity to charge people $10.00 to freeze their accounts until the government stepped in. But if nearly 50% of the electorate is willing to vote for an alleged serial sex offender in Alabama (who the president, himself an alleged sex offender, continued to endorse), I guess people get the leaders they deserve.

    Well Said jonpais !!

  19. 2 hours ago, Orangenz said:

    In the same way the Chinese government "protects" the internet. A regulated free-market is a contradiction in terms. Indeed, it seems strange to me how the language of the whole debate has been taken over and reversed. I suspect in the same way that the "antifa" use violence to fight "fascism". You mention two plan options like having choice in plans is a bad thing or like being able to find and select the cheapest best option for your internet use is a bad thing. I get the impression that pro-NN supporters think providers are just waiting for their chance to provide bad deals, to drive away customers, and go bust. Cue Palpatine "muhahaha ultimate powa!" Like I said, it seems more like everyone (I see I'm in the minority) is leaping on the feed-me-government bandwagon. I'm not convinced. 

    You are mixing things, or you don't see it, or you don't want to understand...stop watching Fox news 24/7. the Net neutrality is not about to find the cheapest Internet service provider, we have the net neutrality right now and you can go and choose whatever provider price you want with the speed you can afford, that choice is in PLACE RIGHT NOW. If you give a business the power they will use it for their own benefit, they don't care what is good for the people, they only care is about $$$, also that gives dump and his crooks a way to filter all the sites that criticize them, again like in Russia, What a tremendous loss for the United States.


  20. Republican party working full for the Rich and the big corporations, as simple as that....some people talk just because they have a mouth, they cannot see beyond their nose, if you give all the power to the ISP they will do whatever they want to make more money, charge whatever they want if you want to watch netflix, youtube etc. Also dump can block any website that criticize him, allow fake news sites like fox news to have high speed access in order to control people with weak minds. I don't want to live in the USA like in Russia where putin and his corrupt comrades kill anybody who criticize them, where all news are pro putin, if you don't then they make you close your doors. Net neutrality is in favor of a FREE INTERNET, it is not that the government is not in between the ISP and the buyer like Orangez is saying, the government is there making sure Cronies ISP won't take advantage of the user...but again thanks to crook dump and crook republicans seems that free internet will be something we had in the old good days when America was great, you know before dump was president.

  21. I did the test with 4 different ML version, the last test was with the latest one I think is from Octobet 10th, same results. I sent my cards to Lexar for further test, It might be not the cards the problem as you said Stephen, but just in case I sent them to be checked or replaced, I will do more test when I get them back, almost ready to give up on this 60p continuos recording, it is what it is....at least I was able to get 21 sec with the latest ML version.

  22. @SigurdW I did what you said, but still same issue.

    @Stephen, I did more tests and discovered something....if I change in the Canon menu: movie rec size to 1920-24-All-I and then in ML

    crop mode   1920 1:1 tall

    raw video      on, 1920x1080, 16:9, 14 bit lossless

    The benchmark for the cf card gives me 91.3Mb/s


    If I go back to canon menu and change movie rec size to 1280x720  60fps ALL-I

    then in ML Raw video   1920x800, 16:9, 14 bit lossless

             crop mode 1920 50/60 3x3

    and run the benchmark , there is when I get the 67 mb/sec.

    I thought these are the settings for getting 60fps with crop rec, I am doing something wrong I cannot see? can one of you guys try the settings with your CF cards and tell me what the benchmark numbers are for you with 60fps settings?


  23. this question is difficult to answer, it depends the sensor size you are using , full frame, aps-c, m43 etc...., just one??? for me will be Zeiss Contax 35 f1.4, love this lens, had it once, had to sale it for financial isues....

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