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Everything posted by Ed_David

  1. Thakns guys - I modified the video per your notes on color, etc! Thanks guys. The thing about the red one mx - is that it is a good camera for the natural desaturated look. But when you try to push the footage in post, for instance, in saturation, it starts to fall apart super quickly. But I like the motion of it. Anyway I'm selling my red one mxs. If anyone is interested let me know!
  2. about 2 feet away. enough to make them spread across the silk as much as possible.
  3. This is just 2 astra lights side by side beaming into a double full grid 4x4 silk on the left, with a bounce on the right, with some return. That's it. Soft soft soft soft always looks good. the closer and bigger the diffusion, the softer. Shot on the F65 with a zeiss standard speed lens 100mm.
  4. The problem is I need to encode to pro res for dailies for people. And I need serious gfx power. I think either get the souped up MBP or a lesser model with thunderbolt 3 and also carry a eGPU for resolve. Just have to see if it works. May just be worth it to spend a ton and get the internal 4 gb gfx card. Thanks guys for this. I have a DIT friend who says the xps 13 is easy to hackintosh. So still looking that route.
  5. So the new 2016 Macbook Pro is released - and it's a little disappointing. Well expensive. Can anyone recommend a hackintosh that's easy to set up and has similar specs to its high end $3000 model?
  6. Will upload photos asap. PROS 1. balances immediately 2. interfaces with the follow focus seamlessly 3. easy to use CONS 1. video feed to my android smartphone looked terrible - choppy - unable to tell if footage was smooth or not and or bumpy. Wish there was a hdmi output to like a smallhd monitor. 2. no way to shoot flat without lut. so it's flat and you just don't really know - you are flying blind 3. sensitivity of the camera is pretty low. I didn't get to grade it yet, but I'd rate it around for my tastes 400 ISO. CONCLUSION: I'm not going to buy it for now. I think the gimbal war needs to be won with using a much better camera like the GH5. Cracking that code. Making it work as easily as the DJI Osmo, but with a great camera in it. Who will step up and do it? I know. Black magic camera. Why not, right? They have a great little micro camera. Now build around it and stabilize it.
  7. Discuss Friend did a test. Need to see it. What is the image quality difference with FS5 raw vs FS7 raw . And then C300 mark ii and C500. Dynamic range. Sensativity. And motion cadence. I need to do some tests asap to see as well.
  8. They are good. Very solid people. Also they are open more often than B&H and Adorama
  9. i'm curious if anyone else will explore h.265.
  10. agreed. I am sure we will start seeing a mount to nikon mount adapters or canon adapters. Time for machinists to start cranking one out. Also maybe they will put this tech into a e mount as well. Don't complain, email them!
  11. thanks guys I like it becomming an argument about hate/love. I agree, I wish the HRC campaign wasn't about hating on Trump but addressing her platform and issues to inspire people. By now we all know what a nut ball Trump is. We shot at 4.5k widescreen. I always tell them if they want they can crop as 16:9 It was Tucker Walsh the director's idea. I just really have the roll in the photography and helping to direct the poses of the actors. The biggest fun thing is with two or three people how to position them. Also with a single portrait as well - angle their body - where to put their hands, their gaze. Actions they can do. I wish I shot more wider shots and more slo motion. Also 2nd unit had a good idea to have them walk into focus. There are always different things to do that I forgot. I should look at more Egglestein or other street photographers in the future to see what poses they get.
  12. Shot this on the red one mx - The Red One MX - dynamic range is not there, but it has a look, some kind of unique look - not like film, not like the alexa, but it's own look - older but its there - something nice, kind of like the what's that camera from China - the Kinefiniti shot with red zoom lensses - 18-50 + 50=150 plus ultra contrast 1 - man that flares nicely. ultra con gives such amazing flares - where have you been my whole life. So screw new cameras, get an old used camera and mess around with it. shot at 640 ISO, 4.5k , and that's it 11 stops dynamic range, 10 stops? who knows, who cares. it works - it doesn't overheat. it doesn't shoot slo motion unless you crop it but the motion cadence feels right, not like a videogame like the dragon or weapon or slimer new camera they have. find its weaknesses, find its strengths and shoot some stuff. don't be afraid to go into the past and be made fun of, and who cares, just work with your camera as best as you can, and make mistakes constantly and try to get better. lord knows how i screwed this one up, i should have done more wideshots and had more variety of poses of people
  13. there is gamma then gamut. gamma is the contrast, but color is gamut - and this you can mix and match pretty easily.
  14. that does look great. the problem for me with slog2 - it's that it's meant for a 10-bit or 12-bit codec. The 8 bit on the a7s can't handle the luminscene as much. Have you tried cine4 or cine2 with sgamut?
  15. This has been a super interesting thread, thank you. Interesting to understand how a camera is a sensor plus how it is processed and rendered I have used the ikonscope and the digital bolex, which both share a kodak CCD sensor, and I see an incredible similarity between them. Same dynamic range, same sensitivity. Same saturation pattern. Same movement. I'm not technical in any sense of the term, but isn't that a better comparison than Olympus vs Sony cameras, which share the same sensor, but have different ways of processing the raw data coming from it? Anyway this has been pretty interesting.
  16. I went to B&H the other day. they had a C100 mark ii on display. the screen was broken. Is this the end? also professor Dr. Kino Flo says their sensor technology is not unique and that the magneta corners you get if you increase saturation 40,000 percent is not good.
  17. I know.Ive been following your writings since the early days of cml as well. Yes you dont get paid by bm but you are the highest profile user of bm on the world. In the world!! You are the lebron james of black magic. Your pool table footage of that beautiful model launched thousands of units! Speaking your mind is fine. Calling someone an idiot and that their argument is sh*t is bad. Makes you and bm look bad whether you are paid by them or not. Dont fall down to insults and swear words...you are too good for that. Anyone can swear and use insults. Only people with control of their emotions can rise above it. ...... Also who cares about sensor origins? Why get so hot and bothered about whether or not bmd sources its own sensors? And i know kinos real identity. Her full name is dr. kino flo. She is a famous inventor and writer who created the kino vista beam. All salute dr. Kino!
  18. With all due respect, John, and I really appreciate all the work you have done for the online community and your championing of the BMCC, but you are a brand ambassador at this point for Blackmagic. Whether or not Kino is just regurgitating things he learned on google, you can't call him an "idiot." And you shouldn't really swear. It looks bad not just on you, but on blackmagic. I remember being on reduser and Jarred Land starting swearing at people and so did Chris something, a DP, who uses red a lot on music videos with Taylor Swift. The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth and I'm sure other people who want to learn more about blackmagic. I apologize if I have dug too hard into blackmagic. I love Resolve - I use it constantly. And I have used a pocket camera on some commercials and even the 4k camera on an Infinity car commercial. Their cameras are amazing. Right now, it seems that they are having an issue with their flagship camera. And more than I knew. I was only commenting on the build of the ursa mini 4.6k. Anyway I understand why you are upset - you probably know the team behind the camera personally. So it's like someone throwing shade at you personally. Anyway I apologize. This isn't about Arri and their inability to move to 4k to compromise dynamic range on their cameras - this is about an image issue with BM and for me, their camera's ergonomics which now I think is probably okay.
  19. Dji makes cameras and stabilizers which are all ground breaking at their pricepoint. The dji inspire is a game changer. Have you used it? Listen i never swore insulted a user directly on this thread. My crime is making a clickbait topic post. But still...no other camera at b and h was broken and the two sales reps both spoke poorly of the camera What does that say about a companies flagship new camera? About pontificating about bmd willingly released cameras with magneta issue because they were pressured too...of course this is not presented as fact. No one here besides maybe John would have even that kind of knowledge. This is a camera nerd message board with people using fake names like boingboing...not science magazine where everyone has a pd h. This is supposed to be a fun place to share ideas and knowledge and falso information pretending to be an old 67 year old man.
  20. And John with all due respect, please act civil and use empathy. You are a really established DP. Having someone of your caliber swearing at a person on here is quite shocking to the person receiving it. Whether he is right or not, know thy power. I still think DJI is more innovative But well said.
  21. Wow As John said, it's all about the image. And what the hooey is going on with that image? And for me, it's also about customer support and ergonomics and day-to-day strength of a camera - can it handle on-set abuse?
  22. Simmer down everybody. Its a camera we are talking about...not your girlfriend ? Or your car.
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