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Posts posted by Julian

  1. OK FIRST off I just wanted to say sorry for all the questions... I just have anxiety about buying a lens and then not liking it, especially with my budget...

    But, I was trying to buy an old cctv lens, which I still am.


    Asking questions is fine, but you could pay a bit more attention to the answers. Just buy a $25 cctv lens on eBay, especially with your budget...


    For extention tubes it depends on the lenses you are using. It's about the mount though, not the mm's. Which brand is your 50mm? If it's Nikon F, you get Nikon F tubes (and screw them on your adapter), if it's Canon FD, then you get Canon FD tubes.. etc. Get some cheap ebay tubes and experiment for $10. If you like macro a lot, there are plenty of options for $200.

  2. I have some really cheap old 2x and 3x TC's lying around. The quality is crap, but it'd be fun to see if it works! I might try getting the glass into a dumb adapter onto my GH2 :)


    /Edit: Just tried with a 2x teleconverter mounted into a Minolta MD adapter and a lens hand held in front of it. I can turn the teleconverter in whatever way I want, but it keeps working as a teleconverter (loss of light, and longer focal lenght) either way?

  3. That's quite expensive for a cctv lens.


    I bought an 25mm f/1.2 with c-mount adapter for $22.99 on eBay with free shipping. Just do a search for '25mm f/1.2 cctv' and you'll find plenty of options. I'm not saying it is the same or as 'good' as the Pentax, but i'm not impressed with the quality of the Pentax either. If you just want a super bright lens to play around with, the cheap eBay one is fine i think.


    Here's mine:


  4. Instead of doing the decompression from 2x, I want to interpret the shot as if pixels would be 1.333 or 1.4587. I know it keeps the image still a little deform but I think I like the look. Whats your technical and/or creative take on it?         (SEE IMAGES BELOW)


    Please don't. I really dislike watching anything that is out of aspect ratio. It just looks wrong. I can't stand it, just like watching 4:3 stretched to 16:9...

  5. They won't make different magnification factors, read the white paper. Everything will be 0,71x. So on the BMCC you'll get a 1,6x crop.


    By the way, the metabones website now lists different prices. $399 for Leica R to Fujifilm X or Sony NEX.

    I'd be more interested in Nikon F or dumb Canon EOS (easier to adapt other lenses) for the same price though.


    On Facebook I asked when the M43 version is expected, they replied 'hopefully this year'... I hear march a lot, but what is the source of that?


    Btw.. I just thought of another advantage to the Speed Booster: It'll be easer to do a quick 'switch' of lenses with anamorphic, without the need to realign the anamorphic lens or remove the clamp. Just add or remove the Booster to switch between standard/wide if you're working with a 50mm :)

  6. I wonder if this adapter can be stacked with others for manual lenses?


    For example:

    NEX   --(metabones)-->   EF   --(simple)-->   FD


    Yes, but not from EF to FD. The latter has a shorter register distance.


    This all will work with a little piece of metal:


    EF > Nikon F

    EF > Leica R

    EF > M42
    EF > Olympus OM

    EF > Pentax K


    And more.. basically look at this list: http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/~westin/misc/mounts-by-register.html

    Everything that comes after Canon EOS you can use with an adapter on the EF mount.

  7. Sorry for kicking this old topic up again... but in between dreaming about Speed Boosters, fullframe, 35mm f/1.0 and raw video, I just watched this movie. It is awesome on many levels!


    Not only the action, setting, story (although its tin), but it looks very good too.


    I wondered with camera it was filmed on. I did notice a little bit of rolling shutter in a few shots (it didn't bother me, but I just noticed it). The camera is moving at high speed all the time, but rolling shutter really is a non issue.


    Apparently they did use PL lenses, I wonder which. I'm curious because move of the scenes are filmed pretty close and wide. I really liked the style.


    Watch it if you haven't yet!

  8. I guess it can start some sort of change in market, we will see right? Just remember one thing - when pen was invented, it didn't help to produce many more great poems:)


    Of course. But well, basically everybody on EOSHD just comes here to rave of bitch about the newest hardware. Check the amount of actual posts in the screening room... ;-) I like technology. It won't make me a better film maker, still I like it and it makes me enthusiastic.


    Anyway, I'll be posting something in the Screening Room soon, made without a Speed Booster...

  9. To be honest, I don't think it will have an noticeable effect on the market.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm super enthusiastic about the Speed Booster and I can't wait to get a M43 version, but right now it mainly applies to dslr film makers. Yes, it does autofocus, but poorly. The big masses of photographers won't be as enthusiastic as I am. If I were a photographer, I'd just buy a Nikon D600 or 5D Mark II if I'd want cheap fullframe.


    I don't have any figures (who does?), but I think the NEX/M43-users who mainly focus on filming are quite a tiny minority compared to the overall market.


    People already know the value of fast lenses. They already are highly sought after and in demand by serious photographers/filmmakers. The f/2.8 lenses are relatively abundant and cheap. They will become more valuable to aps-c/m43 users now, but nothing will really change because they already were interesting on fullframe camera's and their market values are pretty settled down I think.

  10. That is what i was trying to say. It makes sense if you already have all the other stuff, otherwise not so much. I do hope it has enough impact on market in some way, the idea is pretty awesome.


    Don't forget the fact that every lens you buy suddenly has a double purpose (with and without speedbooster). And you don't have to buy f/1.4 lenses anymore, you can pay less than half for a f/2 and have the same light gathering capabilities. Even a dirt cheap f/2.8 prime makes a nice f/2.0.


    For example: I'm interested in buying a reasonably fast (at least f/2) standard lens (50mm equivalent) and a wide angle (35mm equivalent) for my GH2.


    I could buy a Canon FD / Nikkor 24mm f/2 to get the 50mm equivalent, that would cost €300 to €400 on eBay.

    To get a 35mm equivalent, I'd need a 17mm. I could buy some crappy, rare, huge 17mm f/3.5, but that's not fast. The only choice is a Voigtlander 17.5mm f/0.95, for €1200!


    With the Speed Booster, I could buy a Nikkor 35mm f/2.8 for €100 to get 50mm f/2 and a Nikkor 24mm f/2.8 for €200 to get a 35mm f/2.


    For the price of the Voigtlander 17.5mm, you could buy the Samyang 24mm f/1.4 and the Speed Booster, and get pretty much the same effect: 35mm f/1.0. Plus the added bonus of all your lenses suddenly behaving the same as their much more expensive counterparts.


    It is not cheap. But if you are in the market for a a few fast standard/wide lenses like me, then the Speed Booster instantly pays itself back. Plus you get options that aren't even possible without the adapter.


    To me this actually is the most exciting product I've seen in years. Yes, we have seen a lot of technical developments on the camera side. Better sensors, cheaper camera's... Nice, but glass always stays the same. Nothing changes physics. Good glass is expensive. In a way it's nice that this doesn't change, lenses retain their value.


    But now Metabones manages to come up with something that turns this very fixed part of photography/filmmaking upside down. If I were Sony (CaNikon are too slow anyway..) I'd instantly buy out Metabones and release this technology inside a mirrorless camera (with A-mount, just fit the element in place of the SLT-construction and use Phase Detection pixels) That would be the break trough cheap 'fullframe' camera and stir the market :)

  11. Are you in a hurry?

    I've been wanting something similar, but I'm waiting for the Speed Booster.


    If you want a standard lens on 2x crop, you basically need something around 25mm. A 24mm f/1.4 is the fastest you can get, but it's big and expensive (Samyang being the cheapest around $600). 35mm x2 is far to long as 'standard' for my taste.


    With the Speed Booster you get 1,4x crop instead of 2x and you'll win a stop of light and dof. It costs $600 but it does kinda give you two lenses for the price of one, and it will do magic on any 50mm/35mm/24mm or wider you'll buy in the future. Even a cheap 35mm f/2.8 would turn into a nice f/2 standard lens.


    If you want a cheap standard lens for your GH3 right now, find a 24mm f/2.8 or 28mm f/2.8, Nikkor or Canon FD. For $300 you might be able to find a 24mm f/2.


    Keep the Nikkor, it will be magic with the Speed Booster ;)

  12. Indeed there's the 2.3x crop one on the BMCC.


    Hopefully they will make 2 versions.


    One for 2x and one for 2.3x.


    On the GH2, 2x would be a good enough fit. For example a 24mm becomes even a bit wider than 12mm.


    Everything in the white paper talks about 0,71x for the M43 version. I don't see any mention of a 0,5x version. They talk about the possibility of using DX lenses, this would be possible with 0,71x but not with 0,5x.



    Interesting read by the way, check page 22/23 for the increase in sharpness.


    Expect a dramatic increase on M43!



    1) both the Sony NEX and Micro Four Thirds versions give a dramatic MTF enhancement near the center of the image; 2) the Micro Four Thirds version is better than the original lens used by itself over nearly all of the Micro Four Thirds format; 3) in the outer parts of the field the Sony NEX version has slightly reduced contrast relative to the Micro Four Thirds version where their image circles overlap; and 4) the Sony NEX version in the extreme corner of the NEX format has similar MTF to the original lens in its original image corner.[/quote]


    Anyway.. i'm more than happy with a 0,71x Speed Booster for M43.

    It just means I'll have to get rid all of my Minolta MD glass and trade it for Nikon F / M42.. But I can live with that :)

    I wonder if the M43-version will be active or passive. I could live with passive (cheaper!), although active would be nice for zooms like the Tokina 11-16mm.


    By the way, It could be interesting for anamorphics as well to get smaller DOF. For example: GH2 + Speed Booster + 50mm 1.4 + Kowa B&H 2x should work... I'll definitely try it out if I can get my hands on this piece of magic.


    Another thing I like: you can pack really light now. With one lens and two adapters you get four possibilities. Take a GH3, a 24mm f/1.4, a Speed Booster and a plain adapter for example. This would turn into:


    24mm f/1.4 + Speed Booster = 34mm f/2 equivalent (17mm f/1 x 2)

    24mm f/1.4 + Plain adapter = 48mm f/2.8 equivalent

    24mm f/1.4 + Speed Booster + EXTC = 88mm f/5.2 equivalent (34mm f/2 x 2,6)

    24mm f/1.4 + Plain adapter + EXTC = 125mm f/7.3 equivalent (48mm f/2.8 x 2,6)


    One more small detail: it doesn't completely remove the crop factor on Sony NEX-camera's, there's still a little bit left:


    [quote]A big problem with DX, APS-C, and Four Thirds format sensors is that they crop the full format image produced by conventional 35mm full frame optics. Since the Speed Booster essentially compresses the image formed by the objective lens into a smaller size it helps to undo the cropping effect. The Speed Booster doesn’t completely recover the corners of the original lens – it would have to have a magnification of 0.67x or 0.5x, respectively, to do that for DX or Four Thirds formats. However, it does provide a very useful and welcome field of view increase with its 0.71x magnification.[/quote]


    Not that it is a big deal, actually the new cropfactor is 1,065x on Sony NEX (1,5 x 0,71).

  13. Actually the adapter for micro four thirds would have different glass in it to suit the sensor size, 0.5x instead of 0.71x so your Sigma 20mm F1.8 would be a 10mm (at F1.0??!) and the same 20mm equivalent wide angle on full frame on the 2x crop sensor of the GH3.


    The speed gain for the 2x crop sensor will be even greater than for the 1.5x crop Sony E-mount sensors.


    Did Metabones state this somewhere? A 0,5x Speed Booster sounds great... but I suppose it would be harder to manufacture and it would be bigger/more expensive. If they could pull it off it would be awesome. every cheap fullframe f/2.8 wideangle turning into f/1.4... :wub:

  14. m43 camera > Speedbooster Leica R to m43 > m43 to Leica R adapter (passive) > whatever format to m43


    I don't see the point or logic there.. if you want to adapt other lenses, the EOS adapter would be the best option.


    On the EOS mount you can use Canon EF (of course), Nikon F, M42 and Leica R with adapters.


    You can't use 'whatever format' because the register distance will have to be as long as Canon EF mount at least. Leica M, Canon FD etc is no option.

  15. I think folks are just arguing over language. It makes the field of vision at the sensor wider, yes. The field of vision at the lens, and the focal length, remain unchanged. An extender (as a wide angle adapter) does it differently, as it works with the light entering the lens, not exiting.


    Yes, it's a language thing... of course it doesn't physically change the lens, but you get exactly the same image you would get with a wider lens.


    By extender I mean a teleconverter (which also works with the light exiting), which works the same but the other way around.


    @Richg101: Yes indeed. Extra speed, better quality in theory (downscaling the lens faults) and same dof as on fullframe. Just imagine the exact opposite effects of a 1.4x extender.

  16. I dont think that is right.

    A FF lens 50mm 1.8 will be (with the adaptor) 50mm f/1.2   not 35mm ... am i wrong ?

    You cant mount apcs size lens (50mm f/1.8).


    Buy a Speed Booster + 50mm 1.8 or buy a 35mm f/1.2 without speed booster. They will give the same image characteristics (an image equivalent to 50mm f/1.8 on a fullframe-sensor)




    An easy way to comprehend what this converter does is just imagining the opposite of an extender/teleconverter.

    A teleconverter makes your focal lenght longer, you loose light, depth of field and sharpness. The Speed Booster makes your focal length shorter, you win light, dof and sharpness (in theory..).

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