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Posts posted by Julian

  1. Probably most of the customers (like us) already have such anamorphics. If not, buy one now!


    Even if the cheap 2x anamorphics (like the Schneiders - they go for as low as €100) will double our triple in price, the total cost will be way lover than previous single focus options like the Iscorama.

  2. It's very easy to spot if you know what to look for: look at the bokeh (background blur). Instead of circles the highlights form ovals. But you can even see it in the general shape of the blur, it gives a very different look. It is kind of 'stretched', imo it gives a painting like look to a picture. To me this is much more important than the anamorphic flares.


    The shot with the scooter doesn't look very anamorphic (except for the aspect ratio) - because everything is in focus and also it's been shot with a 1.33x anamorphic, that doesn't give such a pronounced effect as the 1.75x or 2x anamorphics.

  3. It's not such a big deal imo.


    Set the shutter dial to 60 and you can change between 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 with the control ring on the lens (it has both an aperture ring and extra control ring), or the small wheel on the back.


    The camera has 3 custom modes (C1, C2, C3) in the menu. You can assign a FN button (or the wifi button) to access the custom modes.


    Just make a custom setting with your favorite movie settings and photo settings and you're good to go.


    Looks like it's not PAL/NTSC switchable though and also the Cine Profiles seem to be missing.

  4. I find the 28 megapixel readout at 240 fps a bit hard to believe. Imagine the ammount of raw data this would give. A lot of processing power would be needed to compress this to a usable format. The image processor would be unbelievably overcapacitated if actually possible. Why would Samsung use an expensive powerfull chip like that when not using it? It's just a marketing manager saying it, wouldn't believe it so easily.

    Compare it to Canon raw, 1080p (2 megapixels) @ 24 fps is something like 100MB/s. 28 MP is 14 times the data = 1400MB/s, times ten (240fps) = almost 14GB/second. What kind of supercomputer is going to compress this real time into a codec?

    Maybe the chip can do it in theory, but the whole processing chain in the actual camera? Find it hard to believe.



    The scene Danyyel was referring to is at the 2:30 minute mark. The transition looks very smooth and I'm very excited about this feature. Depending on how it actually works in real life situations, this might be a huge feature for run and gun-type shooting. 


    I've tried auto iso and it does work really smooth, without any visible flickering. If I find the time I'll do a real life test.

  6. Do you have lenses already? If yes, what do you have? If not, is there a separate budget for them?


    Just for the camera, sub $1000, I'd suggest Sony A6000 or the BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera (shame the price drop is over though). Two completely different camera's. You'll have to see what suits your use.


    The Sony A6000 is easy to use and versatile (aps-c-sensor, can use speed booster,practically every lens fits). Cheap and I don't think there are other aps-c-cameras with better quality out of the box.


    The BlackMagic will give you raw and great quality (not in low light though) but the small sensor needs specific glass (and/or speed booster) and it way less practical in use (huge files, ergonomics/battery life suck).

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