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Neumann Films

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Posts posted by Neumann Films

  1. With FilmConvert I think it all depends on the camera/profile.  I shoot with a RED but I use Canon 5D Mark III - Prolost because it's the only profile that actually looks good to me. I also don't think FIlmConvert looks good when it's the only tool used.  I add multiple LUTs first and then FilmConvert so it's not doing much of the lifting...just the finishing touches.

    Also, regarding your own LUTs, I think it's just trial and error.  What do you use to create them?

  2. LPP Tetrachrome when I use them but I don't find myself using them much.  Just not...fitting to my style I guess.

    I like creating my own LUTs for 75% of the look, then I will maybe use Impulz for the Film Print Emulation version of a stock and set it to 50% opacity.


    I find myself using FilmConvert a lot more lately.  Way more control.

  3. Listen, I chose to put the matter to bed in a PM and then he brought the whole fucking thing up again and USED my PM to further his closed minded point. 

    It upset me a bit and I didn't feel like giving him the satisfaction.  I wanted the last word, sue me.  

    All in all, it's as childish as him I suppose, so I guess mods should close this one too.


    Ed, this is my final comment to you.  

    "Handshake rescinded".  (holds up middle finger)

  4. ​Agreed, this is one thread that didn't need to be made other than to have a last word and to keep provoking the same conversation... the same conversation which is this:

    "I think we should stand up on domestic violence! PS I'm a great guy, and I believe the women!"

    "No one said I aint against domestic violence. You don't know nothing. No evidence that Phil did it. You crazy sanctimonious shit."

    "I think we should stand up on domestic violence! PS I'm a great guy, and I believe the women!"

    "No one said I aint against domestic violence. You don't know nothing. No evidence that Phil did it. You crazy sanctimonious shit."

    "I think we should stand up on domestic violence! PS I'm a great guy, and I believe the women!"

    "No one said I aint against domestic violence. You don't know nothing. No evidence that Phil did it. You crazy sanctimonious shit."

    "I think we should stand up on domestic violence! PS I'm a great guy, and I believe the women!"

    "No one said I aint against domestic violence. You don't know nothing. No evidence that Phil did it. You crazy sanctimonious shit."

    "I think we should stand up on domestic violence! PS I'm a great guy, and I believe the women!"

    "No one said I aint against domestic violence. You don't know nothing. No evidence that Phil did it. You crazy sanctimonious shit."



    ​LOL...probably true.  Either way, I couldn't let that crazy sanctimonious shit have the last word.  Especially when it was as easy to prove him wrong as re posting my PM...


    PS. I'm stealing that pic.

  5. Not really calling him anything, just showing exactly what was said and how (when seeing what he says in his post) he spun that to drive home HIS point. :)

  6. Well, when he locks the thread that fabricates reality to make his point I feel the need to say SOMETHING...I know, it is annoying though.  I'm annoyed by my own post :)

  7. I just saw a post from this fellow that basically said I was one of the three biggest defenders of Philip Bloom (he knows that this isn't the case...unless he chose to read only the parts that made him feel better).  For the sake of clarity, I wanted to post my PM.  If nothing else, to show that I am not defending PB, but choosing to use rational thinking, impartiality, and most of all...common sense.  Something Ed seems to be incapable of.  Since his thread is closed I will just post this here:


    "Just wanted to let you know I take your side (OK...general vicinity) with the PB thing.  When I first heard about it, the devil inside of me giggled a bit (which...in and of itself is pathetic of me).  I REALLY cannot stand the guy though.  He basically ruined an anniversary trip to Hawaii for my wife and I.  I had a "minor" meltdown and basically deleted all of my social media pages and re focused my work to different areas (than the whole...social media/DSLR circus.  I fucking hate it.  Never gone to NAB...never will.  I was born in the country, home schooled for a lot of my life, and have never been comfortable with the current way of things online.)

    The only reason I feel sympathy for his side is because I have personally been there in my life.  I have messed up...so many times.  I'd like to think I have it figured out now but...you never know.

    My point is, I know how it feels to know you fucked up and to feel like your life is crumbling around you.  It sucks, it really does.  If there is, even the smallest chance, that it could all be false...I think he deserves to be treated accordingly.  If it turns out that it is true...it will take care of itself.  He will never work again.


    Like I said...it happens.  There are CRAZY people online that really need help.  Remember how I told you about that guy that duped us into that 4K hoax?  He's STILL at it. Crazy as hell.  Look at his page if you get a chance.  Ridiculous.  


    The evidence is clearly not in his favor.  It's probably "reasonable" to assume he's guilty.  However, there are too many scenarios where this could be, at the very least, in the details.  What constitutes abuse?  If a woman calls a man a "worthless bastard" and he responds with "you cunt"...is that abuse?  No.  They are both demeaning each other, disrespecting each other, and really just provoking one another.  One word is not more hurtful than the other.  It's a two way street with equality and too often, in our society today, we OVER step the line.  Yes we should be paying more attention to domestic abuse, no we should not be accepting every womans claim as fact and at face value.  It simply would never work that way.  

    It ultimately just comes down to seeing someone have his name trashed a bit while he isn't around to defend himself.  I can't allow that...no matter the circumstances.  You stand up for what you believe in and I do as well.  


    Anyways, this has all been discussed to death and don't have anything else to say.  Just wanted to let you know that people are probably more on your side than you think...it's just not the way most think it should be handled.  


    Good day sir, have a good one"


    It's clear that Ed is mostly just concerned with being "right" and will even fabricate reality to make it seem as though he's the only person online that has a conscience.  The only person that chooses to "stand up" in the face of domestic violence.  He is delusional.  I will NOT be sending a PM to apologize for this, Ed.  



  8. As a Dragon owner...I think I will stay put OR downgrade to BlackMagic.  Really loving the new URSA...especially the upgradable sensor thing.

    The whole upgrade path doesn't make much sense until I can see some images from it.  I'm willing to pay a few extra thousand dollars to wait until the thing is actually IN STOCK.

    For now, 6K/15 stops of dynamic range/120 fps in 4K is good for me.  It's actually too much.  Hello BMCC Ursa 4.6k :)

  9. I don't get all the hate directed towards filmschools, except perhaps that most people in here didn't get in. Sure, you can make your way without it, but variety is good, right? I think the discussion gets too simplified - there's either Transformers 5 and Marvel films, or the one man band shooting random stuff in the street and see what he comes up with in edit.

    ​I don't hate film schools, some people simply learn differently.  Personally, I was really bad in school and film school would have just been a continuation of that.  Learning "by the books" doesn't work for me, the only way I learn something is via trial and error.  Some people do learn more through traditional education though so in some cases film school is probably the right choice!  Just comes down to knowing yourself and how you work.

    I agree, variety is good and there are certain instances where a technician is preferred over a free wheeling auteur.  In fact, I would prefer most crew members that I work with have formal training in their job somewhere along the line.  That is starting to go away with digital though, we all know this to be true.  Technology is democratizing everything. Film School isn't immune to that.

    My point is aimed more at an idea or a mindset than film school or any type of person.  Fitting your work within a set of rules or parameters can take your personality out of it.  

    In my opinion, whatever choice the creative people in charge make is the right choice.  I don't argue it, I don't offer constructive criticism, I don't even VIEW media that way.  I ingest it, I watch what they give me, I keep an open mind, and I don't sit there and try to critique minute details and make myself feel better by saying I could have done it better.

    I couldn't have, no one could have.  It's their art and that's why you could never do it better.  If Ed doesn't know anything about lenses or ratios or quadrants but he still wants to make a film...do it!  

    I, for one, won't pick up on any of those insignificant details if your heart is in it. 


  10. Really enjoyed that Ed, well done!

    Totally agree with Andrew (and Ed's post) as well.  

    The idea that film making should be confined to a certain set of rules is crazy.  It's creative expression.  "Expression" meaning, you're expressing who YOU are through film.  Anything other than that is commercial and/or fake (I'm guilty of it at times..we all are).  That said...

    I love hiking, love it, and a lot of my "work" is stuff captured in locations that took a long time/a lot of work to get into.  People that appreciate nature/hiking will recognize that as something beautiful.  Someone that went to film school and studies film theory all day in LA will say "The images lacked direction, the composition didn't follow the rule of thirds and my eyes couldn't decide where to look".

    To me, it's incredibly insulting that people even think that way.  How could a form of creative expression have any sort of rules? That mindset is comedically ironic.

    I would much rather watch a short film made by a child from a village in Sudan that has NEVER touched a camera than some film snob that just graduated NYFA. 

  11. I enjoyed Phil when he was genuinely putting out useful regular posts. Super 35mm adapters, DSLRs, all workarounds he endorsed. Built his name on DSLRs in fact, wouldn't have a well known blog without them. Now all I see is extreme self love and a formidable self obsession. Pics of Bloom on a plane. Pics of his cats. Instagram self portraits. Fooling about at NAB, Looping Vine videos. Posing here, posing there, posing doing this, posing doing that. It's enough to make you go insane. HAD ENOUGH


    The cult of personality has overtaken the filmmaker for me. Hate all the moral posturing too. Philip uses the moral high ground and his sense of humour as defence mechanisms against those he doesn't agree with. His ego HATES any form of criticism however constructive. Sad really, as in doing so one is left with just Bloomies and groupies around you. Say you don't like so many ads on his blog and you are met with standard response THIS BLOG COSTS SO MUCH TO RUN, and he tries to claim the high ground. I know how much blogs cost to run. Very little. In the past I did EOSHD one-handed on a shoestring for years. So make no mistake, the blog is to promote Philip Bloom. It is not only a selfless act of sharing he makes it out to be.


    Met Phil quite a few times, each time has been odd. Charming and coldly indifferent at the same time. At Photokina, he belittled me and basically humiliated me in front of two strangers in the name of humour knowing it was inappropriate in the circumstances - very barbed passive aggressive exchanges disguised as humour, really uncomfortable to be subjected to. On other occasions he was fine. I think he has issues.



    To the point of Bloom humiliating you in person.  I noticed the same thing when I watched a video with Nick Campbell and him.  Taking little potshots at him for no apparent reason.  

  12. Naysayers and narcissistic brand pushers can poo-poo all they want on ML's raw developments. They can hide their jealousy through honest and thoughtful posts on why the general public doesn't need what pros need. They can pretend like they are excited only just a little about the raw developments. However, their relationship with Canon is too important and they will continue to push the 8-bit cinema line as "the way to go." People are clearly seeing this and these industry heads (who gained all their popularity due to the HDSLR-revolution) are losing credibility they'll never win back. My bet is pretty soon you'll see positive posts from some of these industry heads to go into damage-control mode to try and regain the credibility they already lost. I'm so glad we have honest people like Andrew and Neumann Films who are genuinely excited for the sheer image-qualtiy now possible, FOR FREE, that was previously hidden from our 5D's by Canon.  


    TBH, most of the praise goes to Magic Lantern.  I can't speak for Andrew but I have just felt like a kid in a candy store playing around with this raw footage.  It's a total Robin Hood story and PB + others are unknowingly taking on the role of the Sheriff.  

  13. I agree. These guys have not been supportive of RAW or other creative technological breakthroughs unless they are on $20,000+ cameras that only they can afford. They're either: A. Are getting paid to tote the C series cameras B. Don't like the competition
    Or C. Don't want to put in the extra work to required for RAW workflows (and therefore don't want anyone else to either)

    All reasons are bullcrap. I know Ive stopped listening to those guys a while ago. This is just icing on the cake...


    D. They constantly need their ego massaged and hate it when they aren't the center of attention.  They need to find SOME angle on the story so they take one that they know will get "hits" even if it isn't in the best interests of the community that made them what they are.

  14. I agree with the DSLRs not being up to par, but regarding the November announcements, at the time everyone dismissed Canon's C300, and it turned out to be a huge success, way more than the Scarlet. The C300 is the most rented camera at the moment.

    That does not equal success for Canon.  For every 100 filmmakers they were marketing to, there is MAYBE one C300 in a rental house.  Not a good ratio.

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