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Found 4 results

  1. Hey all! I want to share this trailer for Sennheiser's Pro Talk Season 2 I shot using a Sony FS7, A7iii and A7sii. Two weeks before the shoot I decided I wasn't happy with my current slog3 workflow and wanted to change it up. I found Pro Color V3 (at the time, V4 was not out yet) and gave it a shot. I loaded it up on the A7sii and A7iii, barely made a few tweaks to both to match them up, give me a great result and bam. I was sold. I then created a preset in FCPX (yea I edit on FCPX for now) that took my FS7 slog3 footage and popped it into Pro Color V3 matching the other two cameras perfectly. So my new flow is like this, Pro Color on the A7 series cameras and the FS7 shoots slog3, I then match the FS7 to the A7 series cameras in post and work from there. The reason why I needed Pro Color in my life was because I had these beautiful little A7 series cameras but couldn't use them to their full (small) potential shooting slog3. I didn't want to have to tote around an external monitor, etc. There's a lot more to say but I'll leave it at that. Way more to come. Enjoy.
  2. Im looking for a Sony FS7 picture profile to bake in a look that emulates the Canon 5D Mark iii.
  3. After a long time, I finally produced a new short movie. This time with the Sony FS7, probably not the last time. Coming from a RED Epic, I have to say: The dynamic range is incredible! Shot in CineEL S-LOG 3, 4K 24P. Color graded in Davinci Resolve. Only used small LED lights.
  4. I posted this a couple of months ago to see if anyone could tell the difference (other than slo mo) between the FS7 and GH4. Here is the final product on the label's YouTube channel.
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