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Andy J

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Posts posted by Andy J

  1. 17 minutes ago, Hanriverprod said:

    I'm not trying to convince myself or anybody else of anything. And don't accuse people of being babies or making stuff up because you disagree with them. You misquoted me to trivialize my opinion and then made it seem like it's okay because you're poking fun. If that's how you discuss things with people you have passive aggressive issues. And honestly, I don't really care what your highly developed theory on what digital and filmic means because you probably developed it reading forums as I've seen everything you said in other posts. So me saying the GH5 looks a certain way is not a reason for you to lecture me about the importance of technique and story. We all know it's important. Yes we get it. Cameras don't matter as long as you have good lighting and technique. So please save yourself some time with the lectures.  Again, I'm  just sharing an opinion. At least it's my opinion and not regurgitating rote ideas. I think it looks videoy which is fine. You don't. But I'm not so presumptuous to think my opinion matters more than yours because I don't really know where you're coming from. To me, film looks like film which is fine. Some digital cameras look like video and some look like film which is fine. Some people have better technique than others when using images. What's your point? I started making shorts in the 80s using vhs cameras. Worked in the industry doing national commercials shot on film and transferred to beta, digi-beta and d1's in the 90s. On the weekends, I shot narratives on 8mm, super 16mm, super 35, betacams and sony vx1000s. I've done post work on flatbeds, macs, windows, unix machines. I worked at two post facilities as they moved from conforming offline with tapes to Avids and using After Effects. I've directed a feature film theatrically distributed. Some of my closest friends are feature film colorists who I hang out with as they grade projects from all different cameras. And that's why from my experience, I think this footage looks like nice video. I don't know how to use emoticons but I would place a smile at the end of this sentence to convey the idea that I wrote this in a light hearted manner.

    Hey man, I can tell I hit a nerve and I'm sorry. Seriously. That wasn't my intention nor was it my plan to attempt to sour someone's day. I guess one shouldn't have internet conversations the same way one would have conversations in a pub or elsewhere. The tone really doesn't come through. I do stand by the things that I said, though some of the things that you said that I said are things that I never actually said. :grin::angry:;)

  2. 2 hours ago, Hanriverprod said:

    I said it looks nice but still videoy. To me something being filmic is not just technique but the quality of image itself - it emulates film. Digital systems like arri and red get close. Also you don't know what experience I have that led me to my opinions. Cameras like gh5 look nice but videoy. It's also thin like the pixels are spread over a sheet and if you blow on it it will move. Don't know why panny prosumer images feel this way to me but they do. But again that's just my opinion. Don't know why you think I'm being childish about it. I guess I hurt your feelings. If I did I apologize.

    Crazy people are so sensitive about a thing like a camera. I guess these days people being a special snowflake isn't enough, there chosen brands need to be special too. To me it's there to tell my story and I always wish it worked better no matter the brand. Maybe these brands keep innovating because some of us are never satisfied. If it was all technique why are these product cycles getting shorter? 

    No man, it would be pretty hard to hurt my feelings over something as silly as a camera. It's not like I personally designed and developed the thing. I just laugh because I now approach things from a different perspective than you and that's ok. I will respond to your post, but I doubt it will change your perspective. Even if not, hopefully someone will find it useful.

    Filmic is an overused term imo. There have been hundreds of thousands of films made and somehow filmic is supposed to mean one single thing that no one can quite put their finger on but is definitely (definitely) a thing. It's as if footage from any camera is either filmic or it isn't. simple, right? Black or white.

    I argued that you dismissed most of what made that particular footage look nice by saying something like, "Of course it looks nice, he had good light, color, compositions, movement, etc. but that doesn't mean the camera looks good."

    You dismissed the very things that are actually important and instead want to talk about non-tangibles like, "It's also thin like the pixels are spread over a sheet and if you blow on it it will move."

    Expert wine tasters have been called out time and time again for this type of talk, because when it comes down to it they can't consistently tell the difference between supposedly great wine and average wine.

    I'd bet in a blind side by side test you'd also have a hard time figuring out which camera has the pixels spread over a sheet that are in danger of being blown away and the one with the "thick" pixels or whatever adjective you "feel" applies to the good pixels. And in case it sounds like I'm totally dismissing how something feels, I'm not. I'd just argue that the way to make an audience feel something is to use all of the techniques that filmmakers have used for over a hundred plus years to manipulate their audiences into feeling this way or that. While people feel all sorts of things inside a theater including happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust; I doubt feeling like the pixels are too thin has ever had any sort of serious impact on a movie-goers experience. That's the type of bull that's saved for over anaylizing in a forum such as this one. I've participated before, but now I see the error of my ways and have to laugh when someone like you reminds me. :)

    You don't have to like the GH5 or any camera for that matter, but don't make up stuff like spread out pixels over a sheet to convince yourself and others that one camera is bad and another is good. All cameras are different and I'd bet in a blind test of projected material with the same subject, light, composition, dof, camera movement, colorist, etc., etc. it would be difficult to tell most modern interchangeable lens digital motion picture cameras apart. Even the cheap wines...oops I mean ones and the expensive ones.

    If you were to say the footage looks over-sharpened, over-saturated, too contrasty, 60p instead of 24p, highlights too magenta, too much macro blocking, or any other actual physical characteristic and for that reason it's not for you, then fine. At least we're talking about real characteristics. Or heck, prove me wrong and setup a test that shows "stretched out sheet like" pixels that can be blindly identified. That would be fun.

    Oh and don't take any of this too seriously, except for the serious parts. You should take them very very seriously. ;) And sorry for picking on you. You seem like you can take it though.

  3. 11 hours ago, Hanriverprod said:

    Footage is nice, probably best I've seen so far. But he's shooting on a grey day, muted palette, slo-mo, some very shallow dof shots, tracking, so yeah it looks nice. It works with what he's got which is what he should be doing. Still, I agree this looks good.

    "But that's not fair! He shot it in a 'cinematic fashion'! It shouldn't count! I want a camera that looks cinematic when I just point it at stuff without taking any forethought about lighting, composition, camera movement, dof, color, etc." :grin:

    Sorry, but I just found your comment too funny to leave alone. I hope you don't mind me teasing you just a bit for it. It's all in good fun I promise.

    You're totally on the right track, but just haven't quite connected all the dots possibly. Everything you mentioned and more is what MAKES something look cinematic. How much worse would it have looked if he made poor decisions in regards to all of the things you mentioned? I think it would look much worse. He obviously is talented and has good taste. Now let's pretend that he actually shot it on an Alexa with cinema glass and ask how much worse would it look if he instead shot it on a GH5 with ok glass. I'd argue that it would take a fairly small hit to the overall look and feel. Worse? sure, but compared to shooting the same thing with mediocre light, compositions, camera movement, dof, and motion it wouldn't even compare. And what if he used the Alexa to shoot a mediocre version of this with bad light, composition, etc? Would it all of a sudden look "cinematic"? Not a chance! We'd be commenting that it looks too video-ish. So what's the common factor here? I'd say it's not really the camera (maybe a very small percentage to the overall look) and that it's everything you so easily identified and dismissed about his footage.

    FYI, an Arri Alexa is simply a digital video camera. It's a very nice digital video camera, but that's what it is. The world seems full of nice digital video cameras these days. It's probably best to choose one that works for you and treat it as if it's the best digital video camera in the world. Relatively speaking, as far as the history of digital video cameras goes, your choice will probably be in the top 2-3 percent.

  4. 6 hours ago, zmarty said:

    I tried out Variable Frame Rate today (VFR). While the feature works fine the codec selection is not so great. At least in 4K, VFR only seems to work when selecting 8 bit 100 Mbps. I am disappointed that it does not work for the 10 bit 150 Mbps codec. I shoot a lot of timelapses in log format (so for GH5 it would be V-Log L) and I would have hoped this camera would let me get rid of my external Atomos recorder. Not so much :(

    This to me is a big disappointment. The camera should support 10-bit 422 from 2fps to 30fps. I hope Panasonic can fix this is in a future firmware update. Not being able to under-crank in the GH5's best codec is a let down.

    I'm curious how you use your external recorder to do timelapses in log. Do you go to something like 2fps in camera and if so, how does the external recorder handle that? Does it also record in 2fps or does it fill up a 24p container with duplicate frames or something? Very curious about this. Thanks.

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