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Posts posted by zaz

  1. that vangelis song is now the offical themesong of this lens.

    i liked the footage. about the stabalization issues, yeah it can be a bit jarring at times, but the thing that puts me at ease when i have to use it is the question of whether the shaky original would be more jarring, usually, the answer is yes. plus everyone knows what a shaky camera looks like and can chalk it up to amaturism, but less people know what software stabalization look like.. heheh. and if it's just too much, thats what pickups (and the cutting room floor) are for. sometimes i like how surreal it can make camera movements look.
  2. dude, this looks really fucking good.

    did you grade this with resolve? really excellent color. i cannot believe it was shot on a 5d. if i wasn't already sold on anamorphic, shit, i am now.

    my main critical note was that the dof seemed a bit too shallow for a western feel, but then i read that you were planning to shoot this on the bmcc. second to that, i would say that movement wise, the camera felt a bit too embodied. what i mean is, most shots were pov. when i think of westerns i think of little movement other than tilts, pans, the occasional dolly/crane, handheld action sequences if stuff gets really crazy, and of course, the ever cheesy snap zoom. (i hate those). obvi that is a purely stylistic decision, "sci-fi western" need not apply to camera movement, and this is only test footage but, it's something i've been a pretty turned off by when watching other modern westerns, and thought it was worth mentioning.

    im not a western buff, or even a film buff, but i've always appreciated the links between spaghetti westerns, samurai movies, and yasujiro ozu's work. Damn, there's some extreme humanity that can happen in that spectrum.

    anyways, great stuff, i enjoyed it. hope you get your bmcc soon.
  3. [url="http://forum.blackmagicdesign.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2431"]http://forum.blackma....php?f=2&t=2431[/url]

    update from BMD.

    explains basically everything. Sounds like they have had some MAJOR problems to deal with over the past few weeks. This whole thing has been a bitch of a stress test on the company as a whole. Personally, I think they just grew up big time, and i'm now even more excited to see what they will bring to market in the future.

  4. I will do a moire test for you guys tomorrow (got quite bad headache today due to go outside under hard heat from the sun with GH3 yesterday), what kind of moire test is most practical and provide useful information?

    having sharpness and contrast dialed down all the way is essential, i think that's "-5" on the gh3.
    Andrew, maybe you can chime in here regarding specifics to new features on the camera.

    Which lenses can you try Foggy? did it come with the 12-35 and 35-100? do you have access to anything else? the nokton 17/25 0.95's? it would help to see a variety of lenses shoot the same subject (including the 12-35).

    Like Axel said, fine geometric patters usually cause problems. so textiles, bricks, tile, fencing, any kind of pattern that repeats in a grid. Generally speaking material like nylon camera bag fabirc or gortex is prone. sometimes it helps to be in lower light just to pump up the gain on the sensor, and introduce a little noise.

    It would also be very helpful to see some fine diagonal lines for aliasing. Like telephone wires, power lines, cat's whiskers, etc. higher contrast would be better, so if you shoot power lines it would be helpful to get some sky behind them. it would also help to have this bright background exposed properly and not blown out.

    lastly, uploading to vimeo or a filesharing service would be greately appreciated for us to be able to look at the native resolution files.

    Thanks Foggy! hope you didn't get burned too bad out there yesterday!
  5. Isn't it possible that all these moire and aliasing problems we've been bitching and moaning about can be solved simply by changing out the aa filter for something like those from Mosaic Engineering?

    oh wow, i just had an idea: perhaps an EXTREMELY prudent move for panasonic at this moment would be to make the GH3 easily "hackable" or even, to support third party development for it. If I could ask for only one change to be added between now and launch, THAT is it. Let third-party programers add things like peaking, 720/120p, log capture, etc.

  6. Ok, lets be clear here - the GH3 WILL have moire. But the GH2 actually does have it as well. any camera that does not have a randomized sensor pattern (aka, any digital camera) will have moire. anything displayed on a digital monitor will as well. the way moire works is that when a pattern being captured becomes finer than the capture (or display) grid data is lost, and when the pattern being captured has a distinct geometric ordering (bricks, stripes, textiles), the data being lost, starts to line up with gaps in the grid. (sorry, i dont know any technical terms. also, perhaps I am completely wrong here, if so plz send me 100xPM's/ban.)

    You can assume that any geometric pattern will moire when it becomes tight/fine enough (when it gets small inough in your composition. a checkered shirt with a 2cm x 2cm pattern will not moire when you are close to it, but move back far enough and BAM moire noir, son.) I guess knowing just what the limits are takes some damn experience, as its fully dependent on both the capture and display resolution/settings.
  7. [quote name='charlie_orozco' timestamp='1352131084' post='21066']
    Unless he's embraced moiré. :P
    Lol yes! "just need to add a moire filter in AE and.. done!"

    The way I see it, US $1300 is just about halfway to a bmc. The BMC at the moment, being the end of the line for MFT. Why not just save a little longer and go for it?

    Personally I had been ready to pull the trigger on a BMC except that it would necessitate a hefty investment in storage and media. skipping the gh3 more than pays for that. Plus, a hacked gh2 with the same slr magic, voigtlander, contax, etc. lenses will make a damn good B camera for such a setup. Hell, it wouldn't be too crazy to even get a second bmc///

    Sure, a GH3 would be nice, and maybe down the line it will make sense for me personally. But when I think about investments in gear that would bring new abilities to the table, the bmc is obviously leaps and bounds more forward thinking than the "GH1.5".

    HAHAHA LOL, i just made that up - you can have that one guys
  8. [quote name='gravitatemediagroup' timestamp='1352094545' post='21036']
    where are you getting your information? the "preproduction" footage being shot on the 12-35?

    Not the most controlled test, but I felt the gh2 easily beat the preproduction gh3. Lens used was the Voigtlander 25/.95
  9. I'm curious what you guys think.

    Since it looks like there is a distinct possibility that the GH3 will indeed be inferior in video quality, what will happen to our beloved GH2? A boom in demand? Will retailers quickly burn through their backstock, only to see prices on the secondary market climb higher and higher? Or will the mainstream simply push ahead and leave it forgotten to the past?

    Pending the actual delivered state of the GH3, will anyone here go out and pickup a backup gh2?
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