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Posts posted by richg101

  1. im not surprised.  he undertook the impossible and did quite well, but not well enough for the blood sucking forum community who showed huge support at the start, talking as if they will buy.  Then slowly get less interested as new stuff gets announced and they can talk about buying that instead.


    Everyone told him about what they wanted or needed - I was blown away by his thread, and the amount of interest (views and comments).  Unfortunately his product never moved away from what looked like an initial mock-up made from pvc waste water piping and butterfly nuts.  I think if his optics were housed in a real body with some branding and a focus scale people would have been more likely to invest, though paying a company to cnc machine some aluminium bodies would have resulted in the lens costing more than an iscorama.  


    Above all else he went about the whole visual/marketing/customer perception process in the complete wrong way and it never looked like a proper product, and this latest stunt seems to be a call out for help (trying to gain more exposure) - again lowering customer perception.  

  2. Can you explain to me (and us) what do you mean exactly... I own the Tokina +0.5, it appears to gives me sharp focus (with my baby hypergonar and it's Voigtlander 40mm prime lens) between one meter and maybe 4.... Do you mean that with the +0.4 or +0.2 I would have between how ? Thanks.


    Hey Sebastien.


    This test was done with the lens set to minimum focus (so taking lens and cinevision were set to focus from about 3ft with no diopter).  I then place the diopters over the front to see the new minimum focus distance.  I did not adjust the focus rings during the video - they stayed set to 3ft on the scale.



    I think with the tokina +0.4 I get about '75cm minimum focus' and about '3.5 meters maximum focus'


    with the 0.5metre zeiss ikon close up filter does not state the exact diopter number but it seems about +1.5diopters.  I think it was designed for a specific lens so you could focus 0.5m with the lens.  but on this anamorphic it allows about 30cm minimum focus and 75cm maximum focus.


    with the 0.2metre zeiss ikon close up filter it seems about +3.5diopters.  originally designed to allow 20cm minim focus on the lens it was designed for.  on the anamorphic lens it gives about 7cm minimum focus and about 15-20cm maximum focus.


    the cinevision on its own has 3ft (90cm) minimum focus to infinity without diopters.  But you can rack focus just with taking lens focus from 3ft to about 10ft and it is still sharp without adjusting the cinevision.  quite nice to have single focus ring when tracking focus from 3ft to 10ft!

  3. they need to quit that silly body shape, stick the electronics in a square die cast housing, whack a c mount on the front and sell the damn thing.  I don't know what is taking them so long.  they are dreaming while living off a load of money pledged by kickstarter backers..  Just how the BMCC isn't a viable business move, neither is this.  Both are not economically viable, silly ideas by people who dont understand manufacturing.  

  4. Cool look! I agree, a much more interesting look than the Iscorama. I think I remember seeing this little guy up on eBay a few weeks ago. Before then, I never knew that these existed. Is the +0.2 from Alan?


    I am yet to find another one.  And I now really want one!  


    the diopters are not +0.2 and +0.5 in terms of diopter magnification,  but 0.2 and 0.5 meter close up lenses for some little zeiss ikon camera.  they must be a magnification number to allow the original lens they were designed for to focus at 0.2metres and 0.5meters respectively.  the 0.5 is about 3 times stronger than the +0.4 tokina, and the 0.2 is about 10 times stronger than the tokina so i assume 0.2m= +3.5diopter  and the 0.5m= +1.5diopter 

  5. portrait at -3-3-3 will give widest dynamic range.  but using it in low light and high iso will result in a lot of noise so it is often better to dial up the contrast to crush the blacks and save wasting codec space on noise which will need to be sorted out in post anyway.


    There is debate which is better between sunset or portrait.  I'd suggest reading up on both profiles.  There is a topic about the rx100 here on eoshd.  i suggest you read that because the profiles are the same for your camera and the rx100. 

  6. IMO, the '1/50th rule' is a greatly overrated rule.  And taken far too seriously in the dslr film making world.  I have no problems with shooting 1/25th of a second if I need the extra stop of exposure.  for those pedantic about following a rule, but not with the fortune of shooting with controlled lighting or an alexa, 1/40th is gonna yield much better results than 1/50th IMO

  7. love your b+w test results.  WOW, the b+w is significantly cleaner in the shadows, much better gradation there.  is it due to lack of colour information, or due to the portrait profile being that flatter meaning it has more information to fillinto the 24mbs bandwidth - resulting in the compression hitting the darks harder than in b+w mode?  whatever, it looks a lot cleaner and makes me a lot more likely to use this profile more regularly.



  8. also, you needed more light in there. 


    to be honest, this type of business doesnt seem to have any need for a promotional video, and if it did, I would have suggested to shoot in a studio/white room with props and people actions to associate with the text overlays you are using.  The colour scheme in there is horrible.  It looks dirty to me.

  9. you needed to persuade them to include people in shot.  Even if it means you had to hire in some actors.  if they dont want to pay for actors, they need to work with you to give you something to work with.  without people, it just seems strange to even have something like this made.  looks more like an 'office for rent' type walkaround video without any people in there. 

  10. looks better than most cheap steadicam samples you see online.  i think this would be perfect if you used the same technique alongide a cheap handheld steadicam as well, the camera and your processing will smooth out all the slight issues with the cheaper stabiliser i imagine.    

  11. again, people are forgetting that this is fundamentally a stills camera - and an industry standard one at that! look at it this way:-

    You're a photographer working the wedding, events, and school photography circuit who was looking at the 1DX as your main camera body. Or you own a small portrait studio and need a workhorse camera body that wont let you down, you look at the 1DX. Now because you initially needed the 1DX, this expense can be knocked off the total cost of the 1DC. Now, it works out you are getting 4k capture, and the best s35 full hd there is in a hdslr form factor, for your extra £4k. A lot of pro photographers also take photos in their spare time. Landscape shots dont make as much money as a weekly wedding gig, but they do them for enjoyment. Based on the quality of the high ISO movies I have seen coming from the 1dc If I were a wedding photographer I think I might just get away with grabbing frames from 4k clips. shoot a load of footage for a short 5-10min wedding movie and grabbing still frames alongside my still photographs to supply the package of still photos.

    The issue here is that people are not factoring in that the 1dc can be used in a pro stills shoot. you cannot use any other camera (efficient workflow) for both pro stills and pro video FACT!
  12. they where used on countless films with angenieux and cooke zooms.

    for ease only not the look.

    the movies still had sets of normal single focal length lens.

    with the simple cooke speed panchro taking lens in the back.

    big seller at 400 quid not a 1000.

    even with the greatest optics man with a beard it ain't gonna be a moller 1.5 or even an iscorama.

    the flaws are the thing.

    look at vantage they have been working on flawed anamorphic optics for a couple of years giving the 70s look.

    spent a cool miillion fiddlin trying to time travel optically.the results still look way to slick.

    someone bring out a ccd sensor CAMERA PLEASE.

    or help ikonoscope

    that is a nice look.



    This little Cinevision 1.5x I have been repairing for a friend is screaming to be used on a 25mm lens on an Ikonoskop.  I can see it is crying for a smaller sensor.  in that instance I think it will be on par sharpness wise with an iscorama on full frame.  it actually looks nicer than the iscorama.  so much more character i find

  13. I think most of the people who complain about people doing tests rather than narrative work is because these complainers are annoyed they aren't shooting anything at all. Often you see the technical driven guys spending more money of equipment (which could be used to create films instead of doing tests) but usually these guys can only afford the gear because they do a day job which pays monthly. usually these jobs are less creative, working amongst uncreative people, meaning they might not have access to a load of friends who are also interested in hooking up and making a film together.

    The 'creatives' are often failing/struggling artists who struggle to hold down well paid jobs, due to a lack of ability to stick with menial duties before the good, creative and well paid stuff comes along. due to this lack of career building they cant afford the gear, and when they have that crazy cool idea thay want to shoot they dont have the glitzy dslr and set of lenses and audio recording to bring it to reality.

    Their response is to start researching, get hooked in, join some forums without understanding forum ethics and then question the people who have the gear in an ignorant and jealous way by trying to undermine them.
  14. This could be a really good selling product if it were under £1k.  just about everyone who shoots fs100/700 that want 2.35:1 just shoot with normal lenses and throw away 30% of their sensor with a crop.  I imagine this would sell to the guys who want 2.35 without needing the addition of prominent characteristics of a fully fledged anamorphic lens.

  15. Yes. I think nowadays we are in a sharing culture. I upload my tests for critique from friends, but often get more feedback from strangers who are often more honest and critical. if someone can learn from my tests it's a bonus.

    Since so many of us want to shoot a lot, but don't often have the financial or logistical elements required to shoot what we want - proper narrative work, we are making stuff that only focuses on the technical camera operation and post production - stuff that can be done alone in the same way someone can go on a walk and take photos of the landscape.

    I am sure most are like me, working on their little projects which they feel are breaking moulds, doing things differently, shooting more than just camera and lens tests, but often this stuff doesnt get shared because of worry that it will just get copied. This stuff takes time, and while these things come together it's nice to keep updating vimeo and youtube and building up a following. The problem is that when you occasionally post something narrative or creative, all you get are people looking at it in a technical respect rather than taking any of the story in.

    Forums tend to interest technicians rather than creatives. it's just the way it is. There are still many talented guys uploading creative 'non test' type work, but usually don't post to forums due to knowing they wont receive any valuable critique or interest on the creative aspect from the typical forum contributor.
  16. I see many angry men joining topics about the metabones speed booster.  angry because now their full frame 'get out of jail free card' which at one time or another may have made them feel as though it gave them the edge when talking about photography, has now had some of it's authority and prestige undermined.  I'd be pretty upset if I had just forked out for a canon 6D to get a cheap full frame (after hankering for full frame for years since film photography died), while not needing fast response phase AF, only to realise I could have instead got a NEX7 for less money, which every lens I intended on buying for the 6D is now 1 stop faster, or if stopped down to the same exposure is now in 90% of situations sharper than on my 6D.  It's the same as the way the Leica boys get angry with Leica M mount lenses from SLR magic.  It undermines the edge they feel they have over the normal guys, and alienates the normal guys who just spent a fortune on a full frame camera when they could have gone aps-c (modern sony sensors which outperform all that canon can do) for half the price and spent the rest on a metabones SB and another piece of L glass

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