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About clcox

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  • My cameras and kit
    Sony A7 III/A7 IV; many vintage lenses

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  1. Agreed! Their price to quality is quite good, very dependable. Let us know how you use it, if you love or hate it.
  2. @Tim Sewell Just came across these as a potentially cheap Fresnel options: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1801897-REG/colbor_cf_200g_fresnel_lens.html/overview https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1796848-REG/smallrig_smallrig_ra_f150_fresnel_lens.html/overview
  3. I have a nanlite FL20g, and while it isn't optimized, from what my eye could see, it did a good job. At least in terms of getting it to be spot instead of flood. I should find an affordable light meter and just invest in that, then I could be a little more accurate in my thoughts. Looking at getting two of these Colbor reflectors, I have some of their 100 watt lights and they do a good job. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1736566-REG/colbor_colbor_bhr55_55_degree_hyper_reflector.html But overall, absolutely for the price these are great. They're bright enough I'm blasting them through a cloth/softbox or bouncing them off something, so I'm gonna get some color shift anyway; and like you said, they'll go a little green as they get older too. But I'd rather have a little more magenta in my skin than green, that's for sure. Mostly because I'm ginger and incredibly pale, so the magenta makes me look a LITTLE closer to normal 😂
  4. Mine arrived last week! Didn't realize they were 200-240 volt (I'm in the US), so I was running them at essentially half power with some of my own cables. Got a wattmeter to confirm, and yup, they were only pulling half what they should have. Did get a step-up transformer off amazon, though, and wattmeter confirms it's pulling almost the full 500 watts! If I had known that they were that voltage, I might not have got them. For the price, even with adding in a $50 step-up for each unit, they're not too bad! No flickering when I put my phone in slo-mo, which is good. Need to get some third-pary reflectors, though, these ones are orphanage grade.
  5. How've the lights held up so far? Just pulled the trigger on ordering two since I can make a $300 mistake, or just return them if needed.
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