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Dr. Verbel'

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Everything posted by Dr. Verbel'

  1. Yes. Can be reworked, but cons yet double focus... On man made mechanic single focus for this lens https://www.facebook.com/anamorphicru-310006809400799/ As an alternative, it is an interesting variant. Some automation on post for right proportions, when change focus, breathing, one special taking lens, but quite cheap compared to other solutions. And there is no additional optics, which makes its own distortion. My thread about this ana here
  2. Sharpness test of 35NAP 2-2, similar to 2-3, 2-3M, 2-4. low light / original / ana
  3. Too expensive as for me, Justin. Better buy another ana lens in good condition for this money How you progress of rehousing 35NAP 2-3?
  4. Hi, Justin! If you remove coating, contrast falls (your sample compare confirms this) and light streaks not blue as usual, but white. You can find the optical plant that causes coating on optics, and if they do that in your case, also try to clear the full coating and give them for work. I have not yet done, but try as an option.
  5. Hi to all! My friend Juan from France sent me Moller 63/2x, so I decided to remake it as rework other bulky ana projector lenses. First impressions - can work with that lens. Overall weigh of lenses without body around 700 gr. Little lighter than 35 NAP 2-4 / 2-2 (800 gr), and much lighter than 35NAP 2-3m (1 kg). First examples: In future I'll add examples to the extent possible.
  6. Sorry, I read inattentively the description I thought that everything was filmed using anamorphic. And I thought, surely there is autofocus ana?.. By the way, generally have autofocus anamorphot, except one diy Arduino sample video?..
  7. How do you shot sharp moving in start of video?
  8. Like here and on YouTube. Very nice!
  9. New shots from 35NAP 2-4 (2-3M same optic scheme, little bigger lenses) | Helios 44-2 | Sony A6300
  10. Please read this thread, I wrote earlier. scheme on pic
  11. I start to think about the housing for my verbascope with single focus
  12. I maded, but not yet create good body for single focus. and bad diopter. but working! scheme as on the gif.
  13. You can make your own single focus for nap2-3m, but big good lenses for single expensive
  14. Disadvantage of this method - change ana ratio, when focusing. in infinity, for example, 2x, near focus less than 2x.
  15. Someone like this effect . And first solution in this thread can make breathing effect too in case similar lenses as 35nap 2-3m. It's just one of the possible solutions, each will choose for themselves what is right
  16. There is a way even easier. Without servomotors. My colleague from Russia solved double focus in mechanic. Only difficulty is to calculate the ana attachment moves and the lens. And nonuniversal this method, only one lens may be used. But cool and less bulky than with motors. His site http://pooli.ru/
  17. Hi! In this thread everything is written, which parts, links of them, focusing method, etc, see all thread please. And I don't know your camera, in each case a variant. In two words, you should get lenses from the bulky body. Overall weight of the lenses around 1 kg. After print frames and mounting, insert lenses in frames. Mounting shall be suitable to your configuration. If you find suitable bellows, you can attach them to the frames. If any questions, please welcome.
  18. Hi! Thanks! In my case minimum focus ~40 cm, without bellows (lenses closest) around 15 cm. ratio change from 2x in infinity to ~1.3x closeup
  19. Fresh videos (2016.11.05) Quality closer & closer :-) First video 4K, I have more time to focusing. Second video Full HD. 35NAP 2-4 | Helios 44-2 | Sony A6300
  20. My congratulations! You finally did it! Waiting for your version of reworked ana 35NAP 2-3 p.s. What is it? Maybe what I say earlier It is not a big problem, because center of working area is clear on look.
  21. Photos of modded — 35NAP 2-4; 35NAP 2-4, 35NAP 2-3M. Rectimascop 80/2x; 2-3M bigger than 2-4. 2-3M goes to Moscow soon for one filmmaker.
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