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Posts posted by PhilipV

  1. On 13.2.2017 at 5:34 AM, webrunner5 said:

    Wow, I almost barfed with the music and the shakiness LoL!! Ditch that damn song!!! And buy a god damned Gimbal!!!! :grimace:

    It was not too bad, well maybe? :confused:



    LMAO @ this. This was just a quick test video so I didn't invest much time looking for the perfect song to fit it. I agree that this was not the best choice but it ain't about the music anyway so..I chose this song since it was just a demo release that wouldn't bring me into trouble with copyright. 

    Please don't insult the artist, James Fauntleroy, because he is a very talented songwriter behind many hits of Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé and more. 

    I am aware of the shakiness, so I am looking for an affordable way to stabilize moving shots. maybe a monopod, yes. or a Gimbal.



  2. 8 hours ago, BabsDoProd said:

    I've been acquiring anamorphics and these two have been high on my list. I bought a 16H when it was advertised as an 8Z, not bad either way and I got a GREAT auction deal on it so a win's a win. The 16H has warm orange flares and the SLR Magic, from the reviews and videos I've seen, has more modern blue flares. That right there is already divisive amongst anamorphic fans and it also comes down to taste as well, which some have already mentioned with artistic preference in terms of flare quality. I prefer blue flares so the SLR Magic is fine with me but I haven't tested one yet so I don't know what it's like working with it and what my lens choices are. As for the Kowa 16H, it's really handy and the size compared to the big boy projection lenses like the Hifi 2 or something makes it a dream to work with. Paired with the SLR Magic rangefinder, it's a really great and completely practical solution but you're still limited to the 85mm and up on full frame and 50mm and up on S35. To note, I wouldn't use it as a run and gun handheld solution as, whether paired with the SLR Magic rangefinder or not, it can be a wonky setup. In that case, a straight screw on anamorphic adapter like the SLR Magic would be much more capable. Even so, matching those warm orange flares with anything else can be a challenge and, coincidentally, the most practical companion to the Kowa 16H would be the Kowa 8Z as you could hard mount that with a thread adapter. It's expensive either way you go but no matter what you buy, definitely have the rangefinder, it makes just about any anamorphic adapter setup just work. I'm going to be making a video about anamorphics sometime in the near future, I'm still planning it out and debating what to include and the SLR Magic 2X is high on my list, I just wish there was more information and real examples on it as just doing a basic search online there's very little out there and makes me wonder if not a lot of people are using it.

    is the look of the kowa 16H noticeably different from the one of the kowa 16s?

  3. Hey guys,

    this video is shot handheld (which might not have been a good idea). Do you like the vintage look that I tried to create with my anamorphic adapter and the Helios 44-2?

    I did my first attempt at grading as well, can you give me some tips on how achieve a better vintage look? Obviously, I need to find a solution for stabilized shooting, since I want to take this setup on my vacation next month.


  4. Hey guys,

    So I finally started filming with my GH4 (V 2.6) and wanted to try my 2x anamorphic adapter on it.

    For this, I selected the 4:3 Anamorphic mode to get that 2.66:1 aspect ratio.

    I was so excited because I read that the 4:3 mode would use the ENTIRE sensor, but this does not seem to be the case. Because as soon as I switch to Manual-Video mode the camera zooms in (crops?) quite a lot, like 70%.

    Is there no way I can shoot using the whole sensor size to get more into the frame, and a more wide-angle view?


  5. On 18.1.2017 at 1:24 PM, funkyou86 said:

    When filming in 4:3 anamorphic mode, your GH4 uses the whole sensor.

    Hey, is that really true?

    Because as soon as I switch to Manual-Video mode the camera zooms in (crops?) quite a lot, like 70%.

    Is there no way I can shoot using the whole sensor size to get more into the frame, and a more wide-angle view?

  6. Hey guys,

    One of the main reasons why I wanted to use an anamorphic, was the oval bokeh...BUT in my resulting images and videos the bokeh only appears to be oval and distorted when in its unedited 16:9 form. After stretching the image to 3,56:1, the bokeh looks normal, blurred lights have a round shape, not oval. Is that normal? Must be, right? 

    Maybe you cam share your own experience and thoughts, THANK YOU!!

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