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Marco Tecno

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Posts posted by Marco Tecno

  1. I think it's 1.3 not 1.31. It should be the reworked fw rumored some days ago, let's hope it really improves af as mentioned. Nx1 totally needs this.


    P.s. I don't see mention about lossy raw alternative for stills (present in nx500). Too bad if not there.


    Also, not many featuresfeatures/improvements that we requested long time ago through Andrew. :-( 

  2. As an owner of nx1, I would NOT buy the lx version, since at 70-80% I use it to take pics, and the more mp are great for cropping and 'digital zooming'.


    I'd like more dr from the nx1, but with the same mp count or even higher.


    I guess my next camera will have to be 8k (and 4k@120fps), to make me really desire it. Nx1-mk2 in two years? ;-) 

  3. Actually, 10bit in 4k for nx1 and higher bitrate would be overdue, along with log.

    200mb/s in h.265 could keep a lot of iq and dr at 10bit, and would only require an sd able to write at about 30MB/sec (with overhead). Nx1 can do almost 60MB/sec in I/O.


    I wonder if the hw encoder can reach 10 bit, though.

  4. It'd have been nice if Andrew could be part of that review for the video side of nx1. Anyway a fair review, even if imo the nx1 could achieve 90% like d750 did (it has slightly lower iq for high iso stills, but has many more features).

  5. Mattias: 1100€ for new or used? If new, you probably got the best deal I ever heard on nx1. I paid 1.225€ shipped, a bit more than two months ago, and that was about 150€ lower than the second best deal I could find.

  6. Yes I remember that rumor. Then there was a counter rumor saying that the price would stay still till summer. Instead now it went down of about 20%. We'll see how things go, but personally I had thought that nx1 could be 'different' than previous nx.

  7. Perhaps samsung will finally release a new fw for nx1 achieving similar features as the half priced nx500? They seem to have forgotten they have a flagship product to continuously develop (as they stated at launch...).


    We collected a lot of suggestions for new fw, but since then...nothing.

  8. My idea is that the algorithms in nx1 could be further enhanced by samsung. From the link I shared in another thread, it is evident how in stills, iso 100 pushed ahead of 6 stops is better than internal iso 6400 on nx1.


    Hence there is a potential dr in the raw image captured by the sensor at base iso which is NOT achieved either in internal high iso raw, or in encoded video.

  9. The fact is that with nx1 it seems to be better shooting at iso 100 with -6ev, rather than shooting at 6400 with 0ev of compensation. Much more chroma noise at 6400, less details and ugly patterns of luminance noise, looking like something going on high iso raw, like a sort of (very bad) nr.

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