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Posts posted by norliss

  1. I have to say I've contacted Metabones on two occasions and have still yet to receive a response for them. Not very encouraging, really.

    Conversely I've contacted both Mitakon (Zhongyi) and RJ Camera that make cheaper alternatives and both replied promptly and courteously...

  2. The more I see/hear about the 1D C, the more intrigued I am by it. It certainly has drawbacks but the images it's capable of are really something. I'd love to shoot my next short on it with all my Leitax-modded EF Contax Zeiss glass :)

    Shame the UK price cut still leaves it so much more expensive than in Hong Kong, US etc :mellow:

  3. No its not live- just for dialogue scenes.. For example, we shot at a restaurant last week with two people across from eachother. We got a little over the shoulder shot but had to set up the camera on each person, and run through the lines.. I guess he wants it for time saving matters but maybe also so the acting is sync with each take?

    Either way, not sure if I am going to spend $800 on the same lens I already have-  just trying to see my options.

    ​Have your plans changed regarding the Speed Booster? If so, I'll go ahead and list it on ebay.

  4. Thank you guys! If I do get something like the Carl Zeiss Planar 85mm 1.4 or the Carl Zeiss 45mm Planar- which adapter do you recommend for my gh2? Is there a type of adapter that will give me better quality like the metabones adapters?

    I'm thinking of the Carl Zeiss Planar 85mm 1.4 (from ebay) and then either the voigtlander 50mm or slr magic 50mm.. What do you think?

    ​I'm about to list a Novoflex C/Y > M4/3 adapter on ebay. Of all the adapters I've seen (including Metabones) Novoflex are the best: it fits both camera and lens perfectly. If you're looking to get Contax Zeiss glass for your GH2, you'll do no better!

  5. ​I do really like Zeiss C/Y lenses they are superb and one of the best ways of getting a modern Zeiss look without breaking the bank .

    great colours and superb contrast and blacks and sharp !!

    Ive never had any issues with them ......

    ​Agreed and why I decided to build a set. I currently have the 21, 28 (2.8), 35 (2.8), 50 (1.4), 28-85 Zoom and am awaiting the arrival of the 85 (1.4).

    I'm looking forward to shooting my next film with them :)

  6. @nahua & @Rudolf quite surprised to hear your comments re the C/Y mount Zeiss lenses as I've only ever heard glowing comments about them. Indeed, there's a 259 page (and growing) thread all about them on the Red User's forum in which there's nothing but love for them.

    Still, it's all personal preference at the end of the day!

  7. you dont need to have them modified to canon ef mount - just stick a C/Y to canon ef mount adapter on the end of each lens - these cost $15 each on ebay


    I do this so I can then then use my Zeiss C/Y mount lenses on my Canon EF- micro 4/3 speedbooster

    ​I dare say that's certainly a lot cheaper! Are the C/Y-EF adapters really solid though?

  8. Great thread and fascinating to hear all the opinions, insights etc.

    Andrew/Andy - I'm currently building myself a set of C/Y Zeiss and to date have the 21mm, 28 (2.8), 35 (2.8), 50 (1.4) and the 28-85mm zoom. I may get the the 85mm (1.4) then I think I'm probably done.

    I currently have a GH2 and have a Metabones C/Y-M4/3 Speedbooster but want to use the lenses with other cameras (i.e. an A7S in future). I'm considering getting them modded to Canon EF mount: not so much because I'm planning to buy a Canon camera, but more because C/Y is a dead mount now (unless Kyocera resurrect it!) and EF mount would allow them to be mounted natively on a number of cameras, plus adapted to others. Good move, or no?

    I think I read somewhere that Leitax-modded Contax Zeiss lenses aren't compatible with Speedboosters: is this true?

  9. As with almost anything, you'll find numerous differing opinions out there. In truth, much of it depends on your intended usage since the SLR Magic is fully manual, whilst the Olympus offers all the automatic features you'd expect on a modern lens.


    Seb Farges made a brief comparison video a little while ago, if you want to see them in action together:

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