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Posts posted by Flynn

  1. The EM5ii seems like it might be better then the NX1 for stabilization for what they have in it but it has no 4K video for me that's just not going to work I would never buy a non 4k camera at this point in time. I like being able to when editing zoom in on the image up to 100% with no image loss when outputting to HD it had become part of my workflow now.

    Watching some the EM5ii video one of the main videos they used a Gimble for most all the moving shots not the EM5ii on board stabilization.

    Also watching other videos showing it compared to other no name cameras on stabilization it seems to be way over done i know for sure i can hand hold the NX1 with the 16x50 stabilization lens just as stable as they show in the video for the EM5ii i have been doing it from the day i got my NX1. The EM5ii seems to have a lot of hype out on it but no real testing VS other real cameras. I have not seen much at all on its auto focus the NX1 is very good at it i am now shooting with it a lot now and trust it.

    ​Ed, I've heard the Samsung stabilization is one of the best. How much better do you think it is that Panasonics? Check out this comparison between the EM5ii and the GH4 with the 12-35, especially the second half of the test. The Olympus really is incredible. I'm blown away. And this will be usable with any lens- even vintage lenses will suddenly be stabilized. I think the autofocus will be a big letdown though, at least compared to the NX1.


  2. Thanks to geffyb, I have all the rolling shutter measurements for the NX1, and they are really interesting:

    Shooting UHD, it's the slowest camera I've tested, at 32.6 ms.
    Shooting 4K is a bit faster, but still slower than anything else I've tested (well, it's actually a match with the a7S in FF mode): 30.9ms. I'd shoot 4K all the time, no point in using UHD that I can think of right now. You get more room for cropping in post, and a bit less RS.
    And in 1080p mode... well, in 1080p it is basically four times as fast, at 7.9ms. This puts it right at the top of the table, leading much more expensive cameras by a very wide margin. Amazing. I wasn't expecting that.

    Full table and comparison with other cameras over here.

    I think right now, if you can't get an FS7, this is the camera to get for green screen, and also for fast action shots. If they add a gamma mode that matches the DR of my a7S+slog2, it's the all-round winner. I still need a leicaR-to-NX speedbooster in order to consider the NX1 for *my* needs. But WOW, on two counts by now.

    So, about that 1080p mode... it must be doing either line-and-column skipping, or in-sensor 4x4 binning. How is aliasing/moire? And how sharp is it?

  3. This is what Samuel H, who I tend to trust when it comes to DR, says later on in that thread:

    I couldn't resist, I went through the prores files to see exactly where we stand... 

    Highlights: NX1, sky and buildings are acceptable at f/16, and not a bit earlier. Same level of "acceptable" on the a7S is at f/6.3. That's a 2.7 stops advantage in the highlights for the a7S.

    Shadows: NX1, couch is perfectly fine and usable at f/22, with very little noise even after bringing it up a bit to see it clearer (though close to clipping in any case, so I guess at f/32 it would be gone). a7S is a lot noisier in the shadows, to get that same level of low noise it needs to be at f/11. Or at f/16 with denoiser in post. That's a 2-stops advantage for the NX1, 1 stop if you're not afraid of denoising in post.

    So, in total, I'd say the a7S has around 1.3 stops better DR than the NX1, which puts the NX1 around the middle of the table, ahead of the 5D3 but behind the NEX-5N. And in any case, clearly ahead of the GH4.

    Now, the interesting part:
    * The NX1 seems to have the same sharpness as the GH4, but a lot less noise. I guess it's going to be a monster of a camera for green screen work... if the codec doesn't throw away color resolution.
    * You're shooting 0-255, and ending up with a harsh highlight clip that happens at least one stop sooner than with any other camera I have tested. It's possible that the software you're using to convert H.265 to ProRes is treating the data as 235, and causing this ugly highlight clip. This happens with Sony footage that is not slog2, and severely limits DR if your workflow is not adequate (if you just load the file to Premiere, it clips around a stop sooner than it needs to, and in a much uglier way too; a 16-235 levels filter fixes this). I know there are not many options right now for H.265 footage, so, for the time being... check if 16-235 gives you more DR, it could very well be the case (also in the shadows, but it performs well there so my hopes are mostly in the highlights).

    IF the 235 thing brings back one stop of DR --- AND -- the NX500 has the same image quality of the NX1 --- AND --- zyoptics brings out a lens turbo II for the NX mount... a Samsung may be waiting for me in my near future 
    (I'd be using the a7S for portraits and medium shots, and leave the NX500 on the Nebula 4000 with some lightweight lens -probably the cheap zoom, as a 16mm f/3.5 OIS prime- for wide shots)

  4. I agree some of this stuff sounds too good to be true and I'm skeptical. And I have a bad feeling the camera is going to be buggy to begin with. One thing about Samsung, they don't have a high end video segment to protect like Canon does. So maybe in this and future cameras they are going to give videographers as much as they can- it's more a matter of them figuring out what the video community wants. It looks like they finally have a camera that can make some waves- really hope they get it into the hands of prominent reviewers, especially those who are focused on video.

  5. I much prefer the Samsung lens lineup. I find the lenses far more appealing and think they tend to be a better value. And at least up until recently there were occasional sales on the lenses with serious discounts that would make them very affordable. Plus I think most or all of the Samyang/Rokinon lenses are available for Samsung. I think the Sony bodies are often good value, but the Sony E mount lenses, not so much.

  6. Exciting specs. Wonder what the price will be. B & H has the 12-35 f2.8 on backorder and listed at $997.99. This lens will be faster and offer a little more reach. If they price it at or around $1,000 you'd think the 12-35 sales would dry up overnight. Still, I'm gonna guess $1,199 retail, assuming those specs are correct.

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