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Pavel Mašek

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Posts posted by Pavel Mašek

  1. Hey,

    Thank you very much, im glad you enjoy it :d

    My current camera settings are Gamma DR (although you can try some other on the NX500, im sure you can get it similar) and Saturation -1, Sharpness -10 and contrast-3. When shooting I just look at the viewfinder, and expose it ot the left, exposing to the right will overexpose the highlights, making it look digital.

    Heres what a shot of mine look, completely RAW and then edited :http://imgur.com/a/u4W8D

    My grading settings for some of these were :

    M31 Lut rec709 intensity 56,7,faded film 29,4, Contrast + 22 and the curve with a very soft S shape, on top I also add film convert and then tweak the settings a bit more on each individual clip.

    I live in Madeira-Portugal, it is quite a beautifull place, Im in the process of doing a little video showing of the island, ill share when its done :d



    I am wondering if you do not have problems with compression artifacts with underexposured image. It is shown on this example:

    It is OK?

  2. Standard gamma uses photo picture profiles which may cause the problem? So I would test with Gamma D or Gamma C. Also it has been speculated that 4096 mode is just upscaled 3840 (becouse 4096 is softer than 3840) so maybe upscaling causes other issues as well.

    I personally use 3840x2160, 25p, Gamma C, 0-255, sharpness -10, green x0.95, PRO bitrate, and I haven't had any issues.

    Sidenote: converting to ProRes (at least with Rockymountains Movie Converter) adds banding, while converting to H.264 wont.

    Standard gamma can be also tweaked via picture profile settings in photo mode (change sharpness, hue, etc). So basically video uses setting of Standard profile you set in photo mode (BTW so you can film directly in BW, nostalgic,.... picture profiles). I know that Standard profile has limited DR, but I like the color comes from camera...

    I will try to simulate some stressful scenes and try different settings.

    Thank you very much for advise Hene1 ... 

    Never seen this happen, I dont think its codec related, you probably have a faulty unit.

    Thank you Ricardo for feedback.

    It is strange - I would never imagine that it can happen just to particular unit (even bitrate of video is OK - 80-85mbits) and in most of the situations it is fine. It become visible in situations where are lot of details (leaves, grass, etc) - just similar to uploaded videos.


  3. Never saw this before on any video I shot with 0-255 at 24p (both 4096 and 3840). I'm guessing your issue is due to the combination of 16-235 (limiting space for the fine level variations) and 30p (stressing the codec). I agree, the result is quite hideous, definitely needs fixing.

    Thank you for very much. What I remember I shot both 2nd and 3rd video (sky macroblocking) with 0-255. 2nd video with "yellow tree" was also shot in 4096 24p (download link is here http://we.tl/KG9fSQr9yn ) and it is true that result is better but the artifacts are still visible. I just want to figure it our if the problem is just with my camera (I know it may sound strange - how can be codec broken just in my camera?) or it is usual for NX1 and codec is not able to handle these "stressful" situations.

  4. Hi NX1 users, I would really appreciate I you could check attached raw H265 videos downloaded directly from camera (no transcoding) and let me know if you have experienced similar issue - serious macroblocking and lot of artifacts. I thought it is normal for NX1 when is codec pushed to its limits, but other users on FB already told me that it is not normal.

     I used this settings: fw1.4 (one clip is older with fw1.3) in 4K30p, PRO settings (80-85mbits), standard gamma, sharpness all way down, luminance 16-235

    - really serious here (see chapel and grass) http://we.tl/N8985ZGfnw 

    - visible macroblocking on the sky http://we.tl/yNH8UFMKYl  and here http://we.tl/OUTmb0j4SP

    I really appreciate your help!

  5. Thank you Pavel,

    What's your showing in your video it is exactly my problem!!

    only in NTSC UHD 30P.

    I think it is a NX1 problem and not a problem of our camera.

    Should be fixed with a new firmware!!

    Did you inform samsung support?

    really appreciate your help!

    ​Thank you. At first I was wondering if it is relates just to my camera and then check multiple settings. Finally I realized that if problem is not in photo mode and just in video mode so it may be affected by encoding system and voila... 

    Strange it is affected by focal lenght. 

    I am trying to promote this video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9XF6UTYCe0 where is also link to this bug) - already sent it to B&H support (no answer at all), Facebook NX1 group, post it here ... unfortunately I do not have any contact to Samsung. Andrew mentioned that he has contact to relevant persons but it seems he does not read this thread anymore...

  6. Pavel MaÅ¡ek: How do you enable Focus peaking in video mode in the EVF?



    ​It only works for Samsung lenses. I switch to EVF, than go to video mode and then set AF to MF (via left upper botton for AF, becuase AF ON button does not work). Then is lens set to MF and focusing peaking is also enabled. Unfortunately there is some bug so it does not work properly as you can see in video....


    ​Andrew, any chance you could pass this to Samsung developers?

    ​Yes, it is there "higher bitrate for 4K and 120fps1080p". I think that 80mbits for 1080p60fps is almost OK.

    10bit would be great but I really do not believe that they would add something like that... but it would be great anyway. 

    I saw that list some time ago, I just wanted to report obvious problems. New features are great but eg. focus assist in video mode or EVF switch are much important for now...


    ​Andrew, any chance you could pass this to Samsung developers?

    ​Here is updated wish list

    ----- I still miss (realistic expectations) --- 

    - EVF switch in video mode
    - magnification focus assist for MF in video mode + customization of this feature would be nice (eg. magnified image would not cover whole screen but only selected part (using touch screen)) seehttp://www.eoshd.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/DSC01519.jpg
    - with Samsung lenses: camera does not remember focus settings between modes + it still jumps from MF to AF setting after recording (it should not still return back to default AF) - eg. manual focus should remains manual focus even I switch between photo/video mode or I stop recording.

    - with MF lenses: focus peaking should be permanently on or off (it should not still return back to default). Now it neccessary to turn on peaking always after record is finished.  - these issues above mean that user cannot record video with EVF and focus peaking!

    - crop in video mode
    - slowmotion on custom buttons / switching between two favourite video modes
    - fluent changing microphone gain levels during recording (not stepping)


    ----- I still miss (no so realistic expectations)
    - higher bitrate for 4K and 120fps1080p
    - 240 fps 1080p (at least in crop mode)
    - RAW video


    This new bug should be fixed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ahoIXyQZ4w

  9. UPDATE:

    - Quality of 1080p60fps is much better - image is more detailed and bitrate in highest settings is now 80mbit/s (40mbit/s before)! Expect aliasing it is very nice!
    - there is now direct mode for 1080p120fps, so it is now recording also sound and all 120 frames - not just slowmo 60fps
    - great that video standby mode remains after video recording
    - AF is probably better, but too soon to say (I just have 30mmf2, probably better with 16-50S)

    Audio Gain can be switched on/off. With switched off is audio completely OK and even setting mic. levels during recording is without interupting of audio as before (but it could be more fluent)

    - Low light performance is probably better too

    ----- I still miss (realistic expectations) --- 
    - EVF switch in video mode
    - magnification help for MF in video mode + customization of this feature would be nice eg. magnified image would not cover whole screen but only selected part (using touch screen)
    - with Samsung lenses: camera does not remember focus settings between modes - eg. manual focus should remains manual focus even I switch between photo/video mode. 
    - crop in video mode
    - slowmotion on custom buttons / switching between two favourite video modes
    - fluent changing microphone gain levels during recording (not skipping)


    ----- I still miss (no so realistic expectations)
    - higher bitrate for 4K and 120fps1080p
    - 240 fps 1080p (at least in crop mode)
    - RAW video

    ----- new bugs ---
    - in 1/2 slowmotion mode for 1080p60fps video standby mode works just couple of seconds and it returns back to photo mode. Changing resolution means camera's crash (removing battery is necessary). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ahoIXyQZ4w

    ​Andrew, any chance you could pass this to Samsung developers?

  10. I have briefly checked new firmware:
    - Quality of 1080p60fps is better - image is more detailed and bitrate in highest settings is now 80mbit/s (40mbit/s before), still aliasing
    - there is now direct mode for 1080p120fps, so it is now recording also sound and all 120 frames - not just slowmo 60fps
    - great that video standby mode remains after video recording
    - AF is probably better, but too soon to say (I just have 30mmf2, probably better with 16-50S)


    ----- I still miss --- you can suggest more if you want
    - EVF switch in video mode
    - magnification help for MF in video mode
    - with Samsung lenses: camera does not remember focus settings between modes - eg. manual focus should remains manual focus even I switch between photo/video mode. 
    - crop in video mode

    - higher bitrate for 4K and 120fps1080p
    - 240 fps 1080p (at least in crop mode)
    - RAW video

    ----- new bugs ---
    - in 1/2 slowmotion mode for 1080p60fps video standby mode works just couple of seconds and it returns back to photo mode. Changing resolution means camera's crash (removing battery is necessary). I have noticed that with MF lens, but problem will be probably also with Samsung lenses as well
    - (luckily with Samsung lenses in video mode: in previous firmware - after recording video in MF mode camera was set back to AF but it now remains in MF (great)... but it seems as bug becuase icons on left side are changed and they look like the camera is in AF mode. I am happy that camera remains in MF anyway) Edited: Sometimes stays in MF and sometimes not. Definitely bug.

  11. That is very interesting! D750 is probably the best but NX1 is very close and has the better blacks... Great thing about that is you can always brings lot of informations from shadows and make HDR from every photo you take with ISO 100. 

    But look at 6D! Just awful...

  12. ​Unfortunately I don't regard Powerdirector as one of the main players, needs to be Final Cut (well... I don't use a Mac, so no good for me!) or Premiere Pro or Sony Vegas to add support for H.265 so that the NX1 can become a viable option for me to own.
    Heck, even Avid / HitFilm / DaVinci Resolve adding support for editing with H.265 I'd regard as a more significant development than Powerdirector, and could be enough for me to get a NX1.

    ​Yes, totaly understand...

  13. Powerdirector 13 has smooth playback of 80Mbit H265 videoclip from NX1 (on my almost 2 years old  i7 and mid Nvidia card)

    BTW - Unfortunately I have noticed that Powerdirector introducing artifacts to compressed video - I made comparsion on same 4K clip from GoPro 4 Black compressed by Powerdirector (h264 30Mbits) and Sony Vegas 13 (with debug frame server to V dub - x264 30Mbits). Clip from Vegas was much better without artifacts.  I do not know if also affect clips from NX1 but it is possible (I am keen to compare it with original video from newest VLC). Unfortunately it is only video editor now which can be used for editing H265 clips without transcoding moreover with smooth playback (quality is lower indeed).

  14. @zach


    and you can't agree that there may be a reason they don't/can't/wont add it?


    you ASSUME it's a possibility.  just as we ASSUME each new Canon won't suffer from moire, yet it does.


    my next question is, if the HERO 4 doesn't have a exp. lock, will you refuse to buy it? be honest

    lets just pretend what MIGHT be possible of the HERO 4....144mbs or more, true 4k, raw, 4 hour battery, and a new interchangeable lens system.  will you NOT buy it if there is no lock? 

    144mbs 4K would be useless if you have flickering image in some situation. So I would probaly wait on GP5 :-)


    Why did they add Protune into GP2? 

  15. And here comes the answer from GoPro support:




    Hi Pavel,

    Thank you so much for your feedback. We will definitely pass that on to our development team for consideration in our future products!

    They have not said anything about coming out with something like that at this time.

    To be kept up to date on any new product releases, please be sure to sign up for our online newsletter:


    Please let us know if you have any further questions.

    Many Thanks,
    Brandon R. 
    GoPro Support



    Well it seems that we really have to wait on GP4 :-(

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