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Posts posted by QuickHitRecord

  1. Not sure if this has popped up anywhere else yet, but take a look at it on Amazon:


    (The first video in the queue). It's photography-centric but is still interesting.

    The GH3 is also listed at B&H.

    And the Lumix 35mm-100mm f2.8 is listed for $1499.99 on Amazon.
  2. [quote name='cameraboy' timestamp='1347830332' post='18277']
    download enabled...

    This is going to be pixel-peeped to death, but personally, I am impressed by the image. Alexa, F65, Red, C300, it is not. But as far as my own personal gear goes, I can tell a story with this.
  3. [quote name='Germy1979' timestamp='1347748558' post='18170']I sit and watch patch tests though, and i want to comment: "sorry guys, but what exactly am i looking for?" but it's Personal View and I don't want to read 17 responses that make me question my self esteem, or worth to society..[/quote]

    Hilarious. It so easy inadvertently start a flame war over there. There is bound to be some disagreement about the GH3 as we get more information, but I hope that this forum continues to be a constructive place to talk about it.

    Speaking of skin tones, I honestly don't have a problem with what I am seeing. I have been hearing this for a while and I have always wondered. They look a little cool to me, but nothing that I can't warm up a bit in post. But maybe I am not looking for the right thing, or maybe my monitor is off calibration. Can someone post a side-by-side of the GH3 skin tones and a grab from camera that does a better job with skin tones? How do we WISH that the GH3 would capture skin tones?
  4. [quote name='theSUBVERSIVEBIRDS' timestamp='1347734379' post='18156']
    What I don't get in people nowadays is how they think that everybody has to have the exactly same necessity over things and usually - actually always - think that people has the same necessity as them, like it's not possible to have different needs.[/quote]

    I agree.

    One thing that no one has mentioned here is that the BMC is the first camera ever made by BlackMagic. The GH3 is coming from an established camera company with several previous models that Panasonic has been able to use as benchmarks and improve upon. As good as it looks, this is the FIRST camera by BlackMagic. The first step can be painful. It's something I think that everyone should take into consideration when it comes time to buy a camera.

    For my needs (mostly short films and the occasional corporate shoot when we're short a camera at work), I could make either camera work. I will probably end up buying the GH3 and then possibly the [i]successor[/i] to the BMC MFT because if it is as excellent as it looks, there WILL be a successor.
  5. [quote name='FilmMan' timestamp='1347726986' post='18125']
    For the history buffs, the movie "[b]Rubber[/b]" had the same motel in it. The movie was shot using the [b]Canon 5D2. [/b]

    Trailer: around 1:10 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G5pyFhmAqE[/media]

    GH3 video: check the motel out....at 4 seconds....at 34 seconds...

    Good catch. That movie was bizarre-o. But the nihilist in me enjoyed it.
  6. [quote name='Philip Bloom' timestamp='1347721062' post='18117']
    Why can't we all just have a big hug and get along? :)

    Anyway here we go: [url="http://philipbloom.net/2012/09/15/genesis/"]http://philipbloom.n.../09/15/genesis/[/url]

    Enjoy. Sweet camera! :wub:

    Very nicely done, Philip. Some of your most cinematic work to date! Any chance that you could make the uncompressed file available for download? We are all dying to get a read on the banding/artifacting/macro-blocking situation.

    I am thrilled how the GH3 is shaping up. I don't feel like I would have been confident bringing the GH2 into several of the shooting situations in this film, but it looks like the GH3 was able to pull it off. It's going to be a tough decision between this and the BlackMagic.
  7. [quote name='roccoforte' timestamp='1347656765' post='18059']
    I have a Bolex Anamorphot 8/19/1.5 in front of a Canon 50mm 1.4 on a T2i. I can find an OK focus in good lighting conditions about 2-3 feet from subject, but under closer inspection it's always a little soft.

    What are my options for sharpening? I've been looking at diopters (close up lenses) on Amazon and they're pretty cheap for a set of four, but what are the reliable brands? I'm already going through two lenses, and I don;t want to screw everything up by having poor quality diopter.

    So any help there is appreciated, or any other suggestions... THANKS

    Can you post a screen grab?
  8. [quote name='Rudolf' timestamp='1347623907' post='17973']
    I think you can spend a lot of money over time: You would want to try this and that anamorphic and therefore you buy and sell
    on ebay like so many others used to do.
    In the end my experience is (well not really mine it was a tip from Redstan): Sell all your Sankors, Pany, Optex and buy a good
    Iscorama for "serious shit". That was the best thing I could do.
    Nothing comes close when it comes to handling and practicality. I really love it. And the quality is just fantastic - of course you
    have to be lucky to find a good example.
    And the "cinematic character" of the image also depends a lot on the taking lens I think?!

    Good luck :)

    I have a lot of respect for Redstan, but I must disagree. I have easily spent more than the $3k it costs to buy an Iscorama on five or six other anamorphic lenses and I could not be happier. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses, and I have only kept the ones that I found to be truly cinematic. Personally, I don't think that the Iscorama gives you enough distortion for that truly cinematic look, and that is what this is all about, right?

    For instance, take a look at this Hypergonar footage by Rings:


    Incredible character. I have never seen anything like this come from an Iscorama.
  9. [quote name='hidalgoserra' timestamp='1347574099' post='17936']
    what about the Baby Iscorama ISCOMORPHOT 8?

    It's like you are running down the list of lenses that I happen to own. ;-)

    I have one, and I am still trying to figure out if I like it or not. But they are very, very hard to find!
  10. You are very welcome. The Helios 44 is a good choice. It is the best lens that I have found for the Hypergonar HiFi-2 (at least with a Micro Four Thirds sensor). It has very unique swirling bokeh, a static front barrel, and at 58mm is just long enough to shoot through the Hypergonar without vignetting.
  11. I am assuming that you are talking about Ed Lee's videos. You should ask him directly what he used.

    Typically, Lomo primes are not ideal for pairing with anamorphic adapters because the front barrel will rotate when focusing. At least this has been the case with the lenses that I have owned. You won't be able to have a light-tight connection between the front of the Lomo and the back of the Hypergonar without some crudely taped solution that you have to untape every time you want to change focus.

    If you really like this look, you ought to look into the Lomo square front anamorphic lenses: [url="http://youtu.be/YNclBJZR9mE?hd=1"]http://youtu.be/YNclBJZR9mE?hd=1[/url]
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