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Posts posted by markm

  1. I hope TV isn't dying. I don't understand this but national TV FEELS like we as a country are watching together Somehow sharing a collective memory that makes us more together if that makes any sense. Thats why I don't like watching programs I've recorded as much as Live TV.

    The internet is like a land of opportunity that promises more than it delivers and often a waste of time. Although it is great for buying stuff and to look up information sometimes and as a way to find what's happening in a chosen hobby.


    I think there is plenty of room for both and TV is watched just as much even if it is spread over hundreds of satellite channels that mostly show repeats of the the three main channels. Effectively then just extensions of the three main channels.


    As film makers the internet is a dead loss. short films like how to clean your vagina and have you got chlamidiya get the views. TV is quality control guaranteed of a certain standard The internet is trawl through a thousand films and you might find something you would regard as normal on TV.


    The internet has sites like You tube Vimeo etc that are led by those with their own agenda. Those who decide you will or will not go through and are becoming more and more godly and contemptuuos of mere internet mortals.


    The internet freedom is often not empowering just the ability to roam an unstructured undisciplined landscape with plenty of ill will meanness and self indulgent up themselves self appointed leaders cracking the whip. How often do you see web sites with fans praising their leaders or bootboys shutting down any criticism.


    Not the sort of place conducive to becoming a succesful film maker. We shouldn't lose sight of the fact TV cinema is still the best way to go for a structured disciplened arena to have a fighting chance to do things right.


    Anyway this new Vector Codec looks perfectly timed to be the next next big thing!

  2. unsure.  but i know shutter speed is limited to 1/100th sec meaning you cant get 1/50th or slower.  i plan on dissembling an rx100 and fitting a emount to the front so c mount and arri 16mm lenses can be used

    Funny really how non of the manufacturers have caught on to how a super 16mm sensor camera would sell by the bucket load with lots of people happy to be able to reuse old 16mm lenses.


    Even after the digital Bolex and lots of posts. They must be either stupid or something tactical I have missed.

  3. Hey mark- a chart test is pretty straightforward, right? Align and focus correctly, shoot. Other than having the chart too close, errors in set up result in reduced measured resolution. In my day job I work with cameras, pixels, and math. For example, we could do an automated FFT/DCT for a groups of photographed(video) lines at various resolutions and look at the frequency bins to get an empirical measurement. For such a test, we'd want to clean up via sharpening the source frames to remove as much low-frequency information as possible (improving accutance (a form of microcontrast) as much as possible). I suspect the slashcam.de test did something similar and didn't post-sharpen the 5D3 footage, resulting in an abnormally low high-frequency measurement.


    The charts I found looked pretty solid. Which one(s) do you feel weren't done by the book?

    The problem is what you print on Your printer resolution as well as probably ink density. I guess it doesn't matter that much of you're testing all cameras with your methods The problems arise when comparing to someone else who has used a different method. There has to be standards. 



  4. The frame size for Super 16mm is 12.52 x 07.41 mm Diameter 14.5mm

    GH2 for example Crop mode is 7.20 x 05.35 mm Diameter  09.0mm


    So what DSLR's have crop mode with a frame size closer to Super 16mm film?


    I can't work out the crop factor so I would like the frame dimensions.


  5. This camera doesn't have that large of a sensor :) The Canon DSLRs do and still many people use it for way more purposes than fiction narrative with crews, and they sure as hell would welcome better audio, regardless of the sensor size.


    Anyway, to make it clear, I'm not arguing with that, I never was. If you're shooting narrative fiction, I totally agree with you, you shouldn't be using the camera's built in audio, but I never said so, my argument was always thinking of single shooters, as I clearly stated.


    I've shot narrative projects where I couldn't care less if the camera even had any audio capabilities, I wasn't even worried about audio since I had the sound guys taking care of it. But I've also shot many documentary interviews where I was lighting, shooting, conducting the interview, placing mics, recording sound, carrying equipment, light kit, tripod, etc. all with virtually no setup time, and I sure as hell would have loved to have 2 decent preamps and audio meters in camera, so it would be one less device to carry, operate, power, etc... I don't see how this is being lazy really.


    This camera is priced so any enthusiast could have one, and just like people do with DSLRs at the moment, they'll be shooting all kinds of projects in all kinds of styles, not just carefully planed fiction narrative projects. I don't understand why people would argue against features that others actually have a need for, if I only shot B&W I wouldn't be dissing the fact that the camera shoots colour. The camera already has sound and XLR inputs, so I might as well hope it will do a good job at it, because as I said before, technically and cost wise, it's not hard to make it sound at least like a $300 portable recorder.

    The point is for those like me we don't care if the camera has basic sound and I personally wonder why anyone would want this camera if they did. Yes of course if it has good sound thats a bonus but really unnecessary.

  6. Those can still get proper off board sound, my point is that most DSLR shooters are using cheaper recorders which quality could be easily matched if not raised by the camera's internal audio, saving everyone a lot of time in post.

    For more professional uses, it's also nice to be able to plug a feed out of the sound board to the camera's XLR ports.

    Whats the point recording RAW and go through workflow hell to get the best picture you can then scrimp on what is 50% by recording less than perfect sound. The BMC or digital bolex will take care of a cinema standard picture. The camera operator should worry about his picture and framing and where the focus puller is rather than be monitoring sound. OH you would monitor the sound wouldn't you? Well if yes then that has to be done by the sound recordist.

    The problem is these large sensor cameras need crews and while you can get by with talking heads if your making a film you need to wire people for sound and monitor it. Okay if you want to make a test film with a single actor and very little else then maybe but I would suggest this camera is not for those sort of people who would be better served with a second hand Sony EX1 than an attention seeking film camera that requires all the tradittional  film making skills.

    The BMC/Digital Bolex solve just one small problem the picture as for lights sound cast crew location script these all cost money too.

  7. Are Arri Zeiss super 16mm lens set IE 9.5/12/16/25mm better with a super 16mm sensor than a set of Zeiss CP2's

    After reading the thread below I believe they must be as the CP2's were designed for a full frame size for a start.


    Also another review tells how the CP2's can flare quite a bit and you have to stop down at an often limited ability for bokeh to avoid softness.

    Has anyone done any real world tests or have knowledge?

  8. The camera really looks well thought out for the super 16mm format. Shame the BMC didn't have a super 16mm crop mode. I just hope they can get it made. That is the real test. One problem I have and maybe I don't really care but who will take you seriously with a camera that looks like a hairdryer.

  9. JCS TV lines described in advertising literature I don't believe has any relevence at all so I would disregard that.

    I initially thought the GH2 had the same resolution as the Panasonic AF100 at about 630 lines which is an awful performance that doesn't even match 720p. I think it is fairly common for the large sensors to have about 800 including the Sony F3.  Really you need tried and trusted experts like Adam Wilt or Alan Roberts to do these tests..


    Also sharpening cannot increase resolution.

  10. No nice little video cam tools like zebras. 8 bit 4K with a hefty price tag. Well if you really want 4k on board the camera then this is for you. Picture wise I don't have a 4K monitor so I can't tell you and thats the point most of us dont have 4k monitors or even 2k And as skyfall was shot in 2.8K I cant see a use for this yet. Especially when you can get glorious BMC 2K RAW at a fraction of the price and the workflow for 4k will be huge and for what reward? Its all got to come back down to 2k or less.

  11. Axel that was a great test. You should have put some jaws music to it though.


    I've got about 150 test videos 90% are private because I dont want to add to the sea of cat videos. However I think there is a place for them now on certain forums so quite keen to get it out there!!! Just kiddin.


    After doing many test films I started to develop an idea for a film  and wrote a screenplay called Alien Wars back in 2007

    I moved on from test films to concept films "See below concept trailer". I've just finished another rewrite. Really pleased with it Although to many effects for me to be able to afford to make it.



  12. Cameras are now so cheap everyone can be a film maker but many dont realise what that really means and how small a part the actual camera plays and that talent is the key. Vimeo is awash with films that are categorised as TEST videos but really a feeler to see others reactions to what they created.


    Some of those films can also be fascinating although not educational.


    Say your looking for a test on a certain camera and find test after test video that is no help at all You may end up only looking at tests from people you know are going to be of value IE Guru's and thats a shame really.


    Some sites are opposed to tests as they support a camera and dont want to be reminded of the low resolution 8 bit 4,2,0 limitations of their fav product.


    There are some great test videos being done that have helped me a lot. I completely agree though Why would anyone share what they do if they want to use their methods professionally? 


    Often though there may be motivations  a) setting up as a guru for financial gain b)  because they have extensive knowledge and want to share AND in cyber space too Just shows how social we really are as nothing stops us. 


    Problem is anything qualifies as a test video and no one to put them in order of any kind.


    I've made my own share of TEST cat videos .


    These are some old test films circa 2003




  13. Wow this puts a spanner in the works for camera manufacturers already coming off badly and a recent comeback from Sony with the f5 and 55. Now this..


    This is an amazing answer for the BMC in gaining 35mm sensor size abilty.


    Obviously your putting more glass in front of your sensor and has to have some effect. But probably not so you'd notice. Okay its not ground breaking but it does level the playing field quite nicely and in a magical way.


    Now who wants a sony f5 over a BMC?


    Really does mean the manufacturers can no longer hold back the flood gates. The camera is no longer the weak link. Just need to find a DP who has years of experience and can use it to it's full potential and a full cast and crew with lights sound oh and a few hollywood actors and a decent script. Oh dear better start making some test films for vimeo.

  14. Black Magic have delivered a handful of BMCCs so that camera isn't vapourware but it's not exactly solid either.

    BMC had an issue with the sensor manufacturers which has now been resolved. BM Had everything ready to go it really is unfair to accuse them of making vapourware when they did everything right. Not so the kineraw who have produced prototype after prototype and never mass produce. As I said something is holding them back and I think its a fear from the moneymen of something going wrong with it.


    Seemingly its quite easy to make a camera with off the shelf parts and a factory these days. What isn't easy and the japanese do so well is to make ergonomic complicated cases and camera bells and whistles.

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