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  1. Hey guys, just finished this one we shot in 2014 (yeah, that's a long way back). This was my second time using 5dmarkIII and RAW except this time we shot way more material. It's not very good but we got it finished so I guess that counts for something ay? Sorry about the accents, we are from Finland so our english ain't the most natural. Learned a shit ton while doing this. If you have any questions about 5dmarkIII raw, just shoot away. Everything is upscaled to 4k here.
  2. As it's almost Halloween I thought it would be fun to start a thread for everyone to share their own horror short films. Mine is a a three-chapter Lovecraftian miniseries titled "The Crawler in the Dark". The story is about two scholars who discover an ancient artifact with which they can psychically explore across space and time, but leaves them unwittingly exposed to a malevolent psychic traveller: Chapter 1: Eplilogue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cOycfQFZPM Chapter 2: Old Friends http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBtZBIV_o7s Chapter 3: The Traveler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeuQpYDs5JI And here is a film I shot last year, but recently re-released in it's original 4K resolution. Titled "No Face", it's about a supernatural entity lurking inside a survival horror video game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aJLKKjUYUc Both films were shot mostly at YouTube Space Tokyo during their Jidaigeki (period film) and House of Horrors limited programs for local YouTube creators. Most of "No Face" with the GH4 and SLR Magic 10mm Cine bolted to a custom helmet rig, and "The Crawler in the Dark" was shot anamorphic using the GH4 with the SLR Magic 1.33x Anamorphot adapter and Sigma 18-35. I hope you enjoy my horror films, and share yours as well!
  3. Hi! The band I made this video for finally released it and I'm very happy, so I wanted to share it with you guys.   It was a lot of work and it's not without its flaws, but considering the crew (three people including me apart from the make-up artist) and the time we had it came out quite decent.   Please tell me what you think!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhqTsAmPYYs   By the way, I shot it with the Driftwood Apocalypse Now! 6GOP Nebula patch, and the lenses I used were:   · Rokinon 28mm f2.8 · Minolta MD 50mm f1.7 · Minolta MD 135mm f2.8   If you have any questions just ask!
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