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  1. http://vimeo.com/70387959     For this video, I shot with a slower CF Card (60MBS) that gave me 1152 X 864 resolution at 24 FPS in 4:3 mode without skipping frames. I could shoot for at least 4 minutes (I didn't try shooting longer). I did my color correction with Adobe Photoshop and converted to 2304 X 864 in Compressor.   Thank you  
  2. While the kids were napping I left the gf behind and took off into the woods for an hour. I didn't check my batteries before leaving so I ended up with less material than I wanted to. Anyways, this is a Canon raw workflow test. I came home with around 67gb worth of raw files. At first I wanted to go the Resolve way, but changed my mind and took the native Canon Raw files straight into Premiere CS6. This is possible because of the Ginger HDR plugin. You don't have to use the plug in, just have it in the folder system. My conclusion is that ML has come a long way. I don't think post workflow is an issue anymore... when you can deal with native files, then what's the problem? The things that bugs me at the moment: Lack of sound recording, battery life, card transfer time (47gb took 40 min with FW800), and it wont get any faster because you can't read the cards faster than 100mb/s anyways. But I'm pleased. You can push and pull the footage a lot more than the .h264 codec. Detailed description of the workflow and gear on the Vimeo page for the video.   https://vimeo.com/69840853
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