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Posts posted by insch

  1. Thanks for everyone's advice. I bought the FX3 in the end and so far so good. Now spending a small fortune on SD cards, spare batteries, Metabones adapter and new SSDs for my Atomos Ninja so I can work in ProRes Raw. I've been looking into file formats for recording on the FX3 and considering XAVC S-I 4K or XAVC S-I DCI 4K but it seems that DCI is locked to 24P. Am I right? I will probably work mainly in 25P or 50P with some 120P shooting. Thank you.

  2. Thank you everyone for your advice. It isn't an easy decision. A lot of my work is experimental, working with abstraction and macro imagery. I get the feeling that the FX3 is seen by Sony as a bit more of a camera for film than the A7S MKIII and it does sound like it is being more supported with firmware. I don't know how much I'd miss the EVF.  I would be using my Atomos Ninja for pretty much all the shoots but recognise that an EVF might be helpful with bright sunlight an in other situations.

    I am not at all wedded to Sony - I have a Canon 5D MKIII, Panasonic Lumix GH5 and Sony A7S MKII (dedicated to infrared). I am just looking for the best match for my needs, within my price range. The A7S MKIII has generally been very well reviewed and the FX3 too. I know that there are others.

    I think I am swaying to the FX3 - really appreciate your thoughts on this - it's helping me.

  3. I was planning to get an A7S MKIII until I was made aware of the FX3. I will primarily use this camera for 4K filming and have been advised that it's a better camera than the A7S for that task. From what I can see, the main differences for the FX3 are no electronic viewfinder but several mounting points, hence no essentail need for a cage. And a handle with XLR points. I have an Atomos Ninja V monitor/recorder that I could use with the FX3 to maximise its potential.

    Is this the best camera for 4K in this price bracket?

    Thank you.

  4. I have a GH5 and A7SMKII (the latter converted to infrared). I am looking for a clear upgrade for the GH5, specifically a camera that can shoot 4K well at 100 or 120 fps. I use my cameras experimentally a lot, including quite a bit of macro. My budget is up to 5K UKP. I had thought about an A7SMKIII but wondered what else was out there these days and the advantages and disadvantages of them.

    Thank you

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