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Posts posted by Mckinise

  1. 2 hours ago, Mattias Burling said:

    If one is willing to compromise a few pixels the BMPC4K is very close with 4000 x 2160 (DCI is 4096×2160, for Flat (1.85:1) presentation 3996×2160).

    And of course one can always compromise the resolution and go D16 with 2048 x 1152 (DCI is scope 2048×858 or flat 1998×1080).

    Both cameras have global shutters and very nice motion.

    4000 x 2160 is actually perfect.  We will be Mastering 4k DCI Flat 1.85:1 for archival and using 2k DCI Flat for DCP production.

  2. 1 hour ago, TheRenaissanceMan said:

    Canon 1DC. I've always been very impressed with its motion cadence.

    Have you tried using a 1/40 shutter speed? Many of us find it smooths out the GH4 motion a bit.

    Yes, I am currently shooting DCI 4k 24 fps 1/40.   I have liked the little bit of what I have seen from the Canon 1DC.  Also thinking about the Black Magic cameras.

  3. I have owned a GH4 for the better part of 2 years.  It has served me well during weddings, corporate events, and many other paid jobs. This October I will be directing a feature length action dramedy and after finally putting this camera through the paces, I don't think I can use it.  The motion cadence in the Gh4's DCI 4k is not smooth at all. 

    I believe a a new camera or a rental may be in my future.

    What camera(s) on the market today have both DCI 4k and decently smooth motion?

  4. On 4/3/2016 at 11:27 AM, ThomHaig said:

    Hey everyone,

    Got my Beholder MS1 through the other day. I'm impressed with it so far, especially given the cost. It's very easy and fast to set up, changing lenses whilst out wouldn't cause too much of a problem. I also like that it's a generic type of battery, making buying extras to be very inexpensive. It also seems to be very solidly built.

    I've also learnt that shooting anything with dampening to the vertical bounce is really tough! Interesting to see that guy's technique with the pilotfly. He seems to be holding an attachment that's parallel to the ground (like you'd hold a briefase) and not vertical (like you'd hold a lollipop) which I can imagine would naturally dampen some vertical movement. Is that grip part of the H2, or something he's fabricated?

    In an attempt to iron out some of the vertical bounce, I looked into adjusting the PID settings (this is where things get very specific to my situation), which is when I hit a brick wall: all the guides out there say you need to access a mini-usb port, which is behind a plastic cap. The cap I have is metal (with an additional button that controls inverse mode) and once the bolts are removed, the cap doesn't seem to come off! I have no idea if there even IS a usb port under there! Has anyone else run into this problem? Is it something they've implemented in a more recent version? Would be great if anyone here can share these experience in changing PID settings for any of the beholder products. Pics attached to show what I'm on about.


    beholder USB port access.jpg

    I have not messed with my new Beholder MS1, but I had one a few months ago and I just removed that plug to access the port.

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