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  1. On 10/22/2018 at 6:33 PM, Andrew Reid said:

    Read the full article

    The link is broken.
    What's the current story with Vimeo? Are they, as I believe this thread was pointing towards, taking down content that is in violation of copyright?
    If Vimeo is taking down this content, a quick search easily revealed that there is still content that is in violation. For example: 

    A large body of my password protected Vimeo material contains very small amounts of content (mostly music frequencies) that I do not own or have not licenced. I'm wondering if I were to remove password, could it be identified and flagged in violation?

    Is Vimeo's DMCA policy still in effect? My Vimeo subscription is up for renewal and I'm wondering what others here are doing? Anyone?

  2. 22 minutes ago, OliKMIA said:

    Seriously this is great for them. I love Puerto Rico, a beautiful underrated island. Unlike many Caribbean places, the island is quite big with a lot of diversity. Not much tourism beyond San Juan and a few stupid places. You can totally find beautiful pristine beaches with 3 people standing there. There are jungle, coast, mountain, lakes, surf spots, rivers, etc. The food is delicious and the criminality is not bad for the region.

    As a US territory, it has the best of both world: the relative good infrastructure and service of a developed country (highway, stores, emergency services) and the exoticism of a tropical island. No need to deal with customs, immigration and shipping tax. The island is very well connected by airlines with plenty of cheap flights that deserved many cities in the east coast (Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, NYC, etc.).

    Hell, I would go there to if could. They got plenty of tax incentive for their business and they probably got this mansion on the beach for the price of a 2 bedrooms in a major US city.

    I did this short video showing the island lat time I visited, super cool place


    Nice promo piece OliKMIA!
    It's a little too clean and tidy for my liking... but to think that Trump called it a shithole... was he off. Fuck.


    3 hours ago, kye said:

    My list of places I think I would like to live in part-time is Australia (base of operations and family), Hong Kong, and somewhere in Europe.  The wife is pretty fond of Italy, but we recently spent a month there and the people weren't as friendly as she was anticipating.  I've got friends who live in Spain and they say it's nicer than Italy and a lot cheaper too, but they'd have to convince the wife, and the heart wants what it wants and all that :)

    I also like the idea of 3 locations so as to keep things interesting... Italy is beautiful but I also struggle with the Italians ;) No time in Spain, but I found the Portuguese are very civilized and well mannered.

  3. 3 hours ago, BTM_Pix said:

    This is the intercepted phone call of him requesting the boss of the state broadcaster RAI to get two actresses parts in TV shows as a favour to opponents he was negotiating with to get a majority in parliament.

    The fawning subservience of the head of RAI to him and the way these favours are being requested definitely suggests the Director will be waking up to an equine body part on his pillow if he doesn't comply ;)


    Bunga bunga? 8ish?

  4. 13 hours ago, kye said:

    Then again, if you just stop watching TV and do projects instead you can accomplish quite a lot over time.

    Absolutely. I haven't had a tv for 30 years... traded it for an internet addiction ;)

    13 hours ago, kye said:

    every place you go is an opportunity for you to see how other people live and to potentially adopt a few of their habits into your life.  Unfortunately as you get older you fit into any single culture less and less, and when you come 'home' you find that you no longer fit in there either.

    I guess it depends on just how much one is willing and ready to engage in their new surroundings. But you are right about not fitting in if'n you ever return... which doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing... as long as one has a few good folks around to have a strange laugh with.

    I believe it's well and understood that so much of the experience we will have shifting to a 'new' land will have to do with how we hold ourselves and participate in where we've moved from. And as much as I like the idea of setting up in a cheap beautiful country and developing a really wonderful drug addiction, I sort of know that this really isn't a way forward... so engaging in the local culture and building relationships is absolutely paramount. Moreover, having something reasonably challenging to do will be equally important as well.

    I understand that we all have different interests, but I'd be curious who here has their eye on a 'place' that they feel could be 'right' for them, where that is, and why? Anyone? @Márcio Kabke Pinheiro mentioned Algarve. Part of me has joking about moving to Pakistan just to get away from all the uncomfortable 20 something social justice warriors who have made life in the West (particularly North America) so unnecessarily frustrating. I recently started watching Seinfeld as an antidote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YHz493rnLw&feature=youtu.be


  5. Nice thread Webrunner5.
    I've spent 25 years hoping 40 different countries with long periods in several of them.
    As Kye put his finger on, I'd say the main challenge is building up a decent group of friends - especially in a world where many seem to be content with social media and their own families.
    In my younger years I thought I could set up in just one place and hang in, but I began to see that it was somehow better to keep my options open and that meant not owning property unless it's was a base in the country of my nationality, which I've managed. But it does get exhausting always having to hunt accommodation out in the wider world.
    The challenge is that after so many years in so many places, no place is home... even my home. So I constantly keep an eye out for a place that could work... the trick in going forward is to not get trapped in paradise ;)
    Cuba gets interesting, highly educated and low crime... just have to wait for Trump's court date and the warming that we saw under Obama can continue. Let's see.


  6. I'm in love with the unique place where reality meets fiction, and then blurring that place beyond recognition. For my latest project, I'm on a long haul doc set deep in the bowels of a city (and country) in transition that has a well known reputation for being illogical and often ludicrous. Here, I actively hunt the staggering absurdities of daily life through the eyes and lives of the characters I choose. Herzog, Oppenheimer, Glawogger and Sauper are my heros... pass the green chilis please.

  7. Nice to see you folks kept the boxing glove laced up and this thread actually moved a bit... I guess there is no harm in chiming in.
    As I'm often found working in big dirty Asian megacities, I like having a few goats standing around nibbling on trash next to the camera... I find it the single biggest contributor to creating a 'cinematic' image. The psychology behind it is that having animals around gently lulls people into a gentler almost 'pastoral' headspace that sharply contrast with their new catastrophic urban landscapes... I call in 'goat-mode.' I also like dangling fruit from wires in places where it will no longer grow.

    Other than that, I'm with DBounce on 'motion.'

  8. There is a chain of command and protocol on the big shoots, so it's not like Youtubers come in a monkey with that... otherwise they wouldn't be there in the first place.

    Can someone please start another thread that is actually interesting? Pretty please? :) 

  9. On 1/17/2019 at 5:25 PM, thebrothersthre3 said:

    Yeah no one is going to know the difference between HQ HD upscaled to 4k. I've been saying this for a long time but if 2k is good enough to project on a theater screen, than its good enough for anyone's home screen. 

    You lose the ability to crop in post...

    Well said. I hear you on having 4k to crop the image - that would be helpful - but for my personal projects I really have no plans to dump my C100Mk2... I love this horse.

  10. On 1/11/2019 at 3:31 AM, BTM_Pix said:

    Unfortunately, the detail involved means that we will be anything but fine.

    Frictionless trade and with mainland Europe isn't just a buzz phrase but a vital part of not just how much trade we do but how we are able to do that trade. 

    Everything that has evolved over our almost half a century relationship with the EU from food and safety standards, to human rights, worker protection, research projects, funding of development of deprived areas and the two way benefits of freedom of movement will all end in a couple of months.

    My right to work, trade and latterly live in other European countries that I have enjoyed for the past 27 years will be over.

    My wife who is an EU national has also spent those same 27 years working in the UK, paying taxes and contributing to the economy will now have to pay a registration fee to stay in our own home.

    Her pensions and other assets are locked into a currency that has been devalued, her future status is no longer protected by EU agreements and living in a country that is becoming ever more flagrantly hostile to EU nationals.

    And all of this while we are still bound by the terms of membership so God knows how it will become when the gloves are off after we leave the EU.

    So we have had to make a decision to open an EU company in readiness and unless a miracle happens and Brexit is halted we will close our UK one because it will just present too many problems to trade with and within the EU from outside it.

    Without sounding too dramatic, due to the ideologies behind it and the impact it will have on my ability to maintain my career, Brexit has made me a political and economic refugee and I will be leaving the UK permanently.

    Even if everything is 'fine' in the UK after Brexit, it will never truly be 'fine' again due the fractures it has created and the light it has shone on some ugly truths.

    And yet we continue to sleep walk to the abyss because of some insane combination of an outdated notion of exceptionalism within the wider world and keeping a stiff upper lip.

    Summed up really by this from one of our better comedies that I'm sure you are both familiar with ;)

    Gulp! ;)

  11. 52 minutes ago, TheRealOG said:

    My mom doesn't have a basement (I don't want to be exposed to radon) nor do I live at home. Nor am I a constant state of self-loathing. Why would I?

    - Ok then, have it your way. But how do you handle the weightlessness?

  12. 11 hours ago, TheRealOG said:

    Feeling the repercussions from meddling in other nation's affairs now? ?

    No, because I don't meddle in 'other nations affairs'... I'm already in a relationship and I'm monogamous :)
    But let me ask you, what's it like living in your mom's basement/ a hard won social democracy, but in a constant state of self-loathing?

  13. 9 minutes ago, kye said:

    That is hilarious! Just what I needed first thing in the morning - a good chuckle :)

    - As a recovering malcontent, I'm happy to support your child rearing process ;)

    11 minutes ago, kye said:

    "What am I doing after that?"   "Regret...  Self-loathing..."

    - Too funny!
    I honestly believe that you guys were onto something with the sarcastic and borderline-abusive differentiator part... I actually get physically uncomfortable when everything is too 'nice.' Satire becomes much more meaningful to me over the years... I hope the state will issue a pardon and I'll be paroled soon.

  14. 51 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

    You Really need to read some upbeat literature

    This is upbeat literature.

    36 minutes ago, BTM_Pix said:

    Sounds like some really fucked up hidden mode you've discovered on the Alexa there.

    Yep, 60 seconds in the microwave did the trick.

  15. 19 hours ago, kye said:

    My kids do this all the time and its difficult not to fall for it.  They are rude and sarcastic, you call them out about being rude, they deny being rude and instead of justifying that statement they ask "how is that rude" and try to set the context that if you can't prove it then they weren't being rude.  Of course, if you fall for the trap and try to provide reasons they just disagree without any argument or proof, and of course they're never going to admit it, so you're flogging a dead horse. 

    Kids can be fun and playful, and if it were me, I set up a few huge monitors around your main living area that are tuned and triggered by phrases like "how is that rude" and when triggered play random Kafka quotes. Here are a few that seem to fit:

    You are free, and that is why you are lost.

    So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.

    One of the first signs of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die.

    As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.

    A book must be the ax for the frozen sea within us.

    From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached.

    In the fight between you and the world, back the world.

  16. 4 hours ago, kye said:

    you can avoid a real conversation by quoting a small fraction of what I said and then reply only to that if you'd like...

    Social justice warriors and half baked journalists love this approach... not that IronFilm is either as far as I know.
    But just for fun, I'm reminded of an insightful and often hilarious interview with Jordan Peterson by Kathy Newman that makes light of this:


  17. 24 minutes ago, kye said:

    Level-headed analysis and fact-checking seem to be in short supply these days!

    For sure.

    And their is nothing quite like living amongst a wide range of cultures to get a sense of prevailing mentalities and how things actually play out on the ground level... 

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