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Jonesy Jones

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Posts posted by Jonesy Jones

  1. 43 minutes ago, The Chris said:

    I never looked it to what it was shot on, but I DVR all the new episodes, lots of moire pops up throughout. Loved Saul on Breaking Bad, looking forward to the new season. 

    Yes, moire everywhere. Blown out skies everywhere. Way overly crushed blacks. It does not look like Breaking Bad at all. Though I'm struggling to believe BB was shot on film, but I'll take your word for it. For tv I thought BB looked good but not a look I'd strive for myself. I love both stories and am able to get past the look, but sometimes it's pretty distracting. 

  2. I've just now got around to watching this show now that it popped up on Netflix. Personally, I love it. I'm a sucker for lawyer stories. However, my thought the whole time was that, good Lord this footage looks awful. What did they film this with, an iPhone? Then I checked the tech specs on IMDb which said that it was filmed on Red Dragon. I couldn't believe it. So I looked for bts images and all I saw were Arri cameras. Now I'm even more at a loss. Would love to hear your thoughts. Is this just a horrid grade? Is this what audiences expect?

  3. Eric, thank you so much for these. I actually meant to thank you earlier but my account started acting up and I couldn't post replies. I've looked at some of your music and it's awesome. I will most definitely be using it. And to be honest I feel it's sad more folks here haven't got excited about it, but maybe they'll come around. When I do get to use it, not only will I credit you, but I'll try to tag you on social media or something. But again, much appreciated. 

    Hi everyone,

    This week's new free releases are:

    “Industries in Orbit” (on the Technology Page)

    “Great Minds” (on the Classical Sounding Page)

    “The Secret Village” (on the Fantasy 6 Page)

    “Dark Techno City”_Looping (on the Sci-Fi/Space Page)

    “Lost Jungle”_Looping (on the Fantasy Page)

    Daily announcements of new tracks here:

    Have a great week!


  4. It is my understanding that the URSA mini is not windowed until you shoot above 60 fps. And yes, 120 would be windowed. 

    Same thing that gives me pause with the Ursa Mini, even if I end up being sold on the image, is windowed slow mo. If it weren't windowed it may be a no-brainer.

  5. No. It is about not defaming or slandering or prematurely judging until due process has been done and/or not being dogmatic if you are not an intimate part of the due process. What Henry should have proved to you is that you do not know all the angles. How could you critically judge a movie if you hadn't seen the whole thing? That wouldn't be a fair critique to the film or filmmakers. Hastily casting judgment without being a true unbiased investigator first puts you in the same corrupt category as those you are pointing your finger at. How do you not see this?

  6. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on those cameras as that's quite a list. Please do share your experiences if that's convenient enough. The only camera within grasp for me is the URSA mini, so hearing how it stacks up to them will be extremely interesting.

  7. Flawed is very different than broken. To lump the entire judicial system into the same bag as this one is broken reasoning. 

    I know of no one who does not accept that our system can improve. Most people, myself included, believe something inappropriate happened during the course of this case. But that does not equal a broken system and warrant an #OccupyJustice mentality. 

    I would also add that our system is one of if not the best system to have ever existed historically speaking. And to disrespectfully throw the whole thing under the bus because of this documentary is faux courage. 

  8. Unfortunately Panasonic will botch this. Either will be priced too high to be truly competitive, or affordable but too handicapped. Companies with high end cameras can't do anything truly innovative, their hands are tied. Though they do have a huge gap to fill, what can they offer that would be an improvement over GH4 and not undercut their highend cams?

  9. So, I can pretty much reply from my desktop and laptop, but still not my iPad. I cannot see most videos. Quoting is a risky endeavor. And there are still strange glitches from time to time, like the post above, which I can't edit. 

    Well, change that, I just edited it out, but that was weird how that worked. Strange things here at EOSHD.



    Probably going to be the Ursa Pocket or something. Maybe an ND adapter/module for Ursa. 

    Whatever market gap exists now, Blackmagic are on it now - shipping in July. 

    To be honest, it would be more respectful to not release any cameras and make the Ursa Mini 4.6k the best thing ever in cameras ever made ever. 

    I just hope they go right on ahead innovating and being crazy. My hat is off to them for failing forward. Do what you do best, and just get better at it. Love these guys. 

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