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Everything posted by StuS

  1. Low light performance and wider dr is more important to me than in-camera 4k, as the end image is still going to 1080p for me for the forseeable future, and the Atomos makes 4k an option as well. Shame this couldn't have been included in Andrew's recent low light shootout.
  2. Andrew, I know you've shot with the FS100, which is great in low light, how do you think the GH4 compares?
  3. For some perspective, since it's best in class for low light, I'd love to see that FS100 included in the low light test.
  4. Some goregeous footage here, but am I the only one seeing some pretty noticeable blocking on the museum dome at around 1:11? What might this be attributable to?
  5. How is manual wb set? Are you able to dial in a color temp, or is it just a spot reading, and with manual, how do you know the wb point?
  6. Oleg has also done a D5300 vs D5200 test. Clear banding in the shadows on the d5200, none on the d5300. Have a look. http://yadi.sk/d/-W9s7oihDurQD
  7. Andrew, any thoughts on how the A7r will compare to the FS100 on dynamic range, noise, and in low light?  I'm looking for something smaller, if its comparable I'll be making the jump.  From the lone low light exterior sample, highlight rolloff looks better than the fs.
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