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About ehsan

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  1. It is too early to judge but it seems that dynamic rang in highlights is low.
  2. It seems that separating camera and 4k recorder is a new business plan for JP companies. There is a truth: if you want a useable 4k and audio, you should spend more than $5000 for Panasonic (body+ Yoga+ recorder) and more or less same price for Sony. Andrew, you were always on the side of indie filmmakers and I want you to keep your position, a line of a commend or an app cannot make 4:2:0 a 4:4:4, if it could they would defiantly add it to their firmware! Unfortunately it seems that these companies have already decayed Atoms as well. This is why Atoms opens the doors of pro-res to other manufactures and release Shogun with a price tag of $1999 which is three to eight times more than their other products. If Black Magic can release their new camera on-time, they will gracefully win the game. Even if they have delay, I am happy with their announcement this time, it will hold many indie filmmakers from spending their savings to some bullshit products.
  3. Sorry, but with this price (add a $1999 atomos Shugun) , they should go and f**k themselves!
  4. Thanks for the excellent review Andrew. As you mentioned, the highlights look harsh. One of the main differences between film and video look is film's amazing wide range of latitude in handeling highights. Unfortunatly, it seems that both GH4 and BMPC has problem is this particular area!
  5. Hi Tony, Thanks for the comments. I didn't think about this option. If I sell the lens, I will definetly take your advices. Cheers btw, before sharring, I asked for francisco premission and he did kindly accept it.
  6. Another one, excellent condition: http://www.ebay.com/itm/201030874365?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  7. To sell before Christmas, It is $2200 now!
  8. I love the footage particularly the submarine one.
  9. Re-listed, $300 off: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Baby-Hypergonar-1-75X-Berthiot-S-T-O-P-Anamorphic-Cinemascope-Lens-Excellent-/201006525381?
  10. I just find these videos. Take a look at what Francisco Rios did with the baby hypergonar, absolutely astonishing!
  11. Up for sale a very nice baby Hypergonar. You are also welcome to submit your best offers: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Baby-Hypergonar-1-75X-Berthiot-S-T-O-P-Anamorphic-Cinemascope-Lens-Excellent-/201002952413
  12. I did get another one and this one is quiet good. Such a miracle! I am going to put it on ebay. First one is enough for what I gonna do.
  13. Thanks for the information Tony. Let's see how it effects the image quality.
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