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Posts posted by lafilm

  1. A lot of different views here which is somehow surprising to me. 


    I would like to see some color out of the A7s (without post pro) that looks or feels similar to the D810. Not sure its possible, however if you are adapt at co correc than the point is moot.


    Hopefully some different examples (less green/yellow/washed out look) will surface soon to see if its even possible. Non s-log users please respond.

  2. Thanks for all the feedback and opinions -


    Yes, people use the Canon 1D X for video. One of the coolest (no pun intended) is here:



    However, Damphousse;


    This is for you. If P. Bloom did not make those statements, I would not have said so. Those are quotes - you need to do your own research and re-watch his new video on the A7s….watch from 34:27 sec to 34:49 seconds::


    P. BLOOM - "I think (A7s) it's probably the nicest looking full-frame image I've seen".


    As far as his opinion on the Canon, please go back and read his thoughts on the Canon 1D X on his personal blog::


    P. BLOOM - "As a stills camera, it is second to none. Video wise, the video is much better than the Mk3, it’s better than the D800". "I had the Canon C300 with me, but I wanted a different look for the rest. What I didn’t expect was how much I actually preferred the 1DX’s image for this type of filming to the C300. It just seems…more filmic. Hard to put my finger on what it is…I love my C300 more than any other camera I own and use it for everything, but the look of the 1DX was so organic I was just blown away. The low light performance is also better than the Mk3, very close to the C300 standards".


    Also, these three cams were picked because they offer the best Native Full Frame/DSLR/Mirrorless image - (no GH4/43rds and 4K native).


    And yes, I agree with most that somehow the Nikon D810's colors are just kick-ass right out of the gate.

  3. Haha..Matt, you must be psychic. I actually said to myself as I posted this that someone will say exactly what you did! 


    Obviously. there are people who still love the C100 (it's hard to argue it, I admit)…can't live without those ND's and XLR's, eh? ;)


    However, for the DSLR users out there, which image between the three still photo cams do you find superior for video?

  4. What DSLR/Mirrorless cam has the best image quality in 1080p HD video?


    D810 vs A7s vs 1D X - these are the 3 best performers. 


    6 months ago, Philip Bloom says the 2 yr old Canon 1D X "is better and more film like than the D800/5D3" (sharper/less aliasing/film look)


    Today, 8/6/14, Phillip Bloom states in his new Sony A7s review, that the A7s has "The best 1080p HD video he has ever seen".


    However, Bloom has not tested the brand new Nikon D810, which some people (D800 users) are saying is actually quite a bit sharper and has less moire/aliasing than the older D810. (plus a host of other video friendly features). Bloom did, however, rave about the D810 video I have posted below. 


    The GH4 is 4K native so I have excluded it.


    I'm talking straight out of the camera for 1080p HD acquisition only. 


    Forgot about price. They all 3 are DSLR/Mirrorless.


    If all 3 of them were FREE, and you could only use one, which cam would you pick? And why? Are they all too close to tell? Or - is there a definite image quality difference?


    Please view in 1080p -


    Canon 1D X -  


    Nikon D810 - 


    Sony A7s -  

  5. araucaria - yes, I think you nailed it…highlights look great...I'm not sure what other guys are not seeing with this cam…but even The director (a known D800 user) of the piece talks about the D810 process in the comments below the video...including the improvements with aliasing and sharpness/dynamic range.


    The DR seems to be worth the upgrade alone if you have Nikkor lenses.


    There's no 4K with this camera, however if you are ok with 1080p HD and the full frame look....this cam will make you think about your new purchase.


    I didn't even know that Nikon put their new Expeed 4 sensor in the D810 - the new sensor must be making the huge difference...I was shocked when I watched this....I mean, c'mon..this is H264 video...and the director says straight out that this entire short was filmed D810 internally!!….no HDMI to external!!! :o

  6. Michael - Thanks for clearing that up…amazing how many people can waste their lives by posting bullshit.


    I must say I disagree with the D5300 being anywhere near this new D810.


    D810 is clearly sharper (even sharper than the D810 or 5D3) It seems at least as sharp as the Canon 1D X - with much better Dynamic Range. It also has this new Auto-ISO that seemed liked nonsense to me, until I saw it in the short below.


    Seems the D810 has nailed the skin/color tones right out of the gate with much better white balance feature. (that sucked on the D810)


    With better DR and great slow mo at 1080p, this looks like a killer cam if you love the FULL FRAME look. With a HELL of a lot less hassle in post than the A7s - and its as sharp if not sharper than the Sony A7s or Canon 1D X in 1080p.


    It also has new Zebras for exposure and better low-light.


    Only downside is no 4K, which may kill it for indie guys. However, you can go out external for clean.


    Watch the Dynamic Range and the colors and "Filmic" look below and you'll understand why Phillip Bloom is praising this camera.


    And probably why Andrew Reid praises guys like Kendy Ty, whose very last short was shot with the Canon 5D3 and looks fantastic. These full frame cams just look more like movies the second you hit the record button. 


    HUGE win for Nikon in my opinion and certainly the best DSLR they ever made for shooting movies.


  7. With so many vids on the Internet, how the hell can you tell which ones are fake? Is this one guy from You Tube already notorious for spamming the web, and I missed that memo??


    Also..please don't tell me Jen Somerfield's Nikon D810 video is fake as well?! Can you prove Jen is a spammer as well?


    How do you people stay on top of all these videos/spammers??


    Frustrating :unsure: 

  8. The Canon cine lenses are sharper and have better color rendition. I've seen the tests literally right in front of me at a top post house, and it wasn't close. All lighting conditions are superior.


    Would the average guy eating popcorn while watching a movie notice? No. However that does not make a good argument if you demand the best/for price.

  9. Andrew is extremely well versed in post production. He can take advantage of the A7s and maximize its strengths.


    If you do not have this kind of knowledge/experience maybe the GH4 would be better for you. Of course both cams are relatively cheap, so you could purchase both and "train on the job" so to speak.


    The power of the A7s shows in post production. Without it, forget it.

  10. jcs -


    I have to respectfully disagree with you. This video is very, very sharp, so there is no doubt in my mind it was in 4K downrez. Also, the guy who shot it is an ego maniac, which means he would only use the best tools available to enable his ego and his talent. 


    Growing up in a deeply religious Catholic family, I can tell you first hand that all Catholic churches are kept very, very dark (on purpose) at all times. Its part of their culture and their theme..dark, brooding, mysterious.


    Inazuma -


    I agree with you. The dp somehow was able to nail the correct settings in his camera. Maybe he used neat video, but without a doubt extremely fast glass- stopped down. At the end of the day he's enjoyed all the talk about his vid (look at me) but he refuses to answer any questions from anyone. Why? Who knows.


    Maybe it was a happy accident, but I don't think so. The dude knows what he's doing.


    Time to sick the black cat on his truculent ass :P

  11. Camera failing..freezing during playback, burnt pixels, white spots, choppy video feed, audio issues, camera suddenly turning off in the middle of the take, options not working at all on EVF…I've had 2 copies of this camera and Ive had all these issues (even after the firmware update) so Im waiting now on my third copy of the cam. By waiting I mean until the new version with all updates are for sale, and people are not complaining (like myself) every single day anymore. Ill wait another 2 months at least before I purchase again.


    Of course Ive had issues with lenses, adapters, batteries...but Im being stalked by a black cat so pay no attention to my nightmare

  12. 100% agree. Sorry this happened to you. I've had some major issues myself, and I know a lot of camera guys here in the US are saying the same thing. They are no doubt trying their best to unload the units with the issues. They don't want to eat that money. Nice to know people are becoming aware.

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