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Posts posted by PowersFilms

  1. Hey Everyone,

    I've discovered a new method that is far safer than adding super glue to the metal tabs.

    If you remove the three metal tabs, and slowly increase the diameter of the holes in each tab by using a drill, you now have extra rotation. This extra "play" or rotation in the front lens element, will allow you to better calibrate "infinity" focus.

    My method: I started with a 1/8" drill bit and held the metal tab with a pair of pliers. With the drill in reverse, I started to bore a hole. After a few seconds, I switched the drill into forward mode and held on tight with the pliers until the hole was widened. Then, I repeated the same steps, but with a larger drill bit (a 9/64ths bit).

    After drilling, make sure to file both sides to remove any sharp edges.

    By using this method, you aren't introducing super glue into the equation and you can adjust the amount of play by filing the sides of the brass tab as well.

    Let me know if anyone would be interested in watching a tutorial of this method. If enough people are into this, I may consider making a video similar in style to my other videos. Check out this video I made for repairing the viewfinder on a Sony FS7 camera:


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