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Toby Cork

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Posts posted by Toby Cork

  1. Hi everyone,

    I'm loving using the SmallHD FOCUS monitor with the GH5 and I was wondering if anyone has a solution to this issue...?

    I have my info display coming via HDMI via the GH5, but in order to know how much battery I have left in the SmallHD Focus I need to turn on its "status display".

    I can choose TOP or BOTTOM placement... but bother overlap vital GH5 information! Any ideas??

    (see pictures attached, but also keep in mind these are ZOOMED IN pics - in reality this is all v small and its really hard to see the GH5's text)




    p.s. I need the GH5's info display on, btw, as there is still no way to LOCK shutter speed on the GH5 - so i need to know 100% that it is 180 at all times :-)

    Small hd issues-06.jpg

    Small hd issues-04.jpg

  2. I spent serious cash building a Pocket rig for serious pro use and it was a nightmare - a buggy mess in the end, with terrible support for the many hardware and software issues. But if you want to shoot five minutes of pretty broll of cityscapes? Works great. I also bought a BM4K and had FPN and many other issues. The URSA is a great camera, but there’s no way I’d trust BM again.

  3. Hi everyone! Just getting into Diopters - sorry if these are dumb questions... 

    I'm after a +0.5, and after reading everything it seems like:

    Question 1) the Tokina AT-X MC closeup  and the Minolta 100-500 +0.5 are the way to go (yes?) - but super expensive! (Here's an example current ebay listing for $500: https://www.ebay.com/itm/tokina-achromatic-diopter-0-4-low-magnification-for-anamorphic-Isco-Kowa-Moller/173158037985?hash=item285105f9e1:g:LH0AAOSwqfZaWZ9x)

    What about cheaper options? I can't find the ones that Tito lists in his guide (http://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7282)... 
    Question 2) Is this the KENKO he refers to? https://www.amazon.com/Kenko-Close-Up-Lens-77mm-Multi-Coated/dp/B001CNC1RO/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1519155544&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=kenko+close-up+lens+77mm+mc+no.1
    They don't list whether it's +0.5 on that page - it's super confusing. 

    Question 3) Is this a good cheap option for a +0.5? Tamron 72mm Close-up Filter for 28-200/3.8-5.6 Zoom Lens, Product# FL71-400 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00023JL1Y/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ADP1I4ZKQNKOW&psc=1

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give!

  4. FYI for AVID users: Andrew's test GH5 files with firmware 2 seem to link correctly into Avid 8.9.1 with no addition plugin required, FYI. This is because Avid now includes 'native' reading of some h264 in this new version (ie. it doesn't use Quicktime).

    (There is apparently a problem with 'frame count' with GH5 files inside Avid 8.9.1, according to this post on the official forums, but I haven't noticed this.)

    gh5 firmware 2 linked into avid891.jpg

  5. Great article, Andrew! Thank you so so much for shooting so many different tests and uploading the footage! So amazing.

    I'm doing some tests with Avid to test whether the new 8.9.1 version of Avid can read the files natively - Andrew do you mind if I post the results on Vimeo/YouTube? I'll of course link to your website and credit you for all the footage! But I didn't want to do so without checking with you.

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