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Posts posted by evgenymagata

  1. 53 minutes ago, silvertonesx24 said:

    USB power is readily available anywhere really. Quality smartphones are dirt cheap, you can buy a locked phone for this purpose and keep your cell phone free. I bought an S6 for no other purpose than using it with Gear VR and this looks like it'd be perfect for my rigs. Get into the settings to disable apps and put airplane mode on and you're going to have much better battery life than field monitors that eat batteries for breakfast.

    But don't have a lag of 10 frames ... And something like the ikan dh5e is 300$ nowadays 


  2. @Frank Glencairn you have a NDA with your own project? Never heard of that! Look, my problem is that I have serious doubts on you and the other guy being capable to engineer hardware and program a software to show hdmi input with focus peaking, lut etc.pp. yourself.

    It's not a trivial task. Let's assume for the project crrdibilities sake you are not just relabeling an existing product but you are working with some Taiwanese manufacturer (i.e. Febon) and they agreed to modify their design to your specs as for the hardware and some people that are engineering the software... Why is it so hard to say so, I guess it will rather make people trust more in the project than if you and the other guy pretend to have done the engineering and programming on their own. And BTW since at that pricepoint the hardware company can not use fpga's, it's going to be an ASIC, how many HDMI to h264 Asics exist, it's not so hard to find out which one they could be using, also the tech specs of the ASIC will certainly specify the design inherent latency of the (h264) video encoding, which you fail to mention in the project description. This part is influencing the latency indepenfently of the phones speed and could already be specified.

    And being a bit more specific about how you are going to solve iOS lack of UVC drivers would be interesting.

    (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32133699/is-it-possible-to-connect-external-wired-camera-to-ios-device)

  3. It COULD be, yes. We won't know until the software is ready. The "original" hardware is compatible with some capturing software, which will probably have a preview window. So unless his app can do anything beyond showing the image input on HDMI, there is nothing innovated.

    Unfortunately he fails to advertise the project as such (a software project), giving the impression he designed a box that makes all this magic possible. Personally I think that is borderline scamming, but in any case it's against Kickstarterters rules. There are also several free tools to display the video from UVC compatible input devices on Android (i.e. easyCap) - probably that's where he has his idea (and maybe code) from.

  4. If the author of the article is in contact with the Person that started the kickstarter, i would strongly suggest to contact him and ask to correct his description. He is trying to sell an existing product as a novelty on kickstarter. That against kickstarters rules and has led to a suspension in the past with other projects. If the project was about a monitoring software (with lut support etc) geared  towards filmmakers - to use with existing HDMI to USB adapters, things would look different. But that's not what he is trying to sell. He pretends that he actually designed the device, which is not credible giving his resume as a DOP and drone operator with zero experience or education in electronics and software engineering. 

    I am not to judge if this is a scam or just a failure to write a correct project description but as of now I would advise people not to put their money into this project.

    Here is what I mean: http://m.pearl.de/item/4e58343339325f30?fref=gc

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