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Frank Glencairn

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Posts posted by Frank Glencairn

  1. You really thought, we are sitting there with soldering irons? Of course not! We are Filmmakers, looking for a solution. As you say, it's not a trivial task. Of course we have guys helping us in any department. I have zero idea, how to code an app, cause I'm a DP, not a coder -  and of course we searched for a guy, who can do that for us, for example. Same goes with anything else - we have people helping us. How is that unusual? You think the CEO of DJI is developing the circuit boards for the next drohe himself? 

  2. 7 hours ago, evgenymagata said:

    If the author of the article is in contact with the Person that started the kickstarter, i would strongly suggest to contact him and ask to correct his description. He is trying to sell an existing product as a novelty on kickstarter. That against kickstarters rules and has led to a suspension in the past with other projects. If the project was about a monitoring software (with lut support etc) geared  towards filmmakers - to use with existing HDMI to USB adapters, things would look different. But that's not what he is trying to sell. He pretends that he actually designed the device, which is not credible giving his resume as a DOP and drone operator with zero experience or education in electronics and software engineering. 

    I am not to judge if this is a scam or just a failure to write a correct project description but as of now I would advise people not to put their money into this project.

    Here is what I mean: http://m.pearl.de/item/4e58343339325f30?fref=gc

    Well, actually that video grabber you mentioned in your link, was the thing that started the whole idea for us. We did our first tests, the videos, app prototyping andwhatnot with it. Though LukiLink will be manufactured by the same company (Hint: it's not Pearl, they just resell it), we have our own custom made board inside (without going to deep into this here, but it has a lot to do with latency/lag, and some other parameters, which don't really mater for a video grabber, but for the main usees our product), and  we also want to implement some features in the future, that would not be possible otherwise, like LUT upload to the device, an SDI option and some other stuff, which I can not talk about here, because of NDA. Also - if you look at the Kickstarter site - we have a female USB output connector implemented for us, not the fixed cable of the grabber. We made sure that both female connectors withstand the rough handling on set, and don't break as easy as the one of the video grabber (don't ask me how I know). That also makes a custom made housing necessary. Also we developed our own apps that will provide a ton of functions like peaking, waveform, markers etc. - also that grabber does only work with Android and not iOS. 

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