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Everything posted by webrunner5

  1. I would not doubt that It will come below the 5000 market. The Rolling Shutter in the GH5s is really low. I think these small MP Full Sensor readouts will just get faster and faster, hell the new A7s mk III maybe, hopeful a Lot better. I think RS can be solved even on the cheap. You have no memory of my Trying to buy a Red One. Story is on here. I know ALL about Red in the beginning. I talked to Jim Jannard all the time years ago. He was, and is, a nice guy. Yeah I gave up, but I So keep up with the industry. 10 years ago I could have bought an Alexa if I wanted to. Today, well that is a whole new ballgame. I still daydream. And Kinefinity is just as bad a Red, At least Red does keep you updated, maybe unhappy about the news, where Kinefinity doesn't do much of anything for years. I am well aware of what it takes to start up a new company. I have done it myself several times. One grossed Millions a year. Now I made about 50 cents a year from it trying to pay it off LoL. Din't need the money from it. But you have to keep people in the loop. I don't think Kinefinity is guilty of doing that , just guilty of the old Mushroom Theory.
  2. Maybe he Did go to this unveiling and he is touring the world with it making a Spectacular video of the product for them. It was around that time frame he went, well, missing. "I've just had a breathless email inviting me (and approximately 2 million others I suspect) to the launch of a tripod that will do no less than 'revolutionise the way you work'. And apparently, if I'm thinking its "just a tripod" then I'm being urged to "think again". Does anyone know or like to speculate what it is thats making everyone this giddy? " http://www.tripod-revolution.com
  3. Kinefinity makes Red look like the fastest startup company in existence! Jesus how they stay in business?? People that wait for that Dog Turd must have a HELL of a lot more patience than me, or no desire to shoot video. Maybe, ehh I won't say it.
  4. Heck you ought to move up to a GH4 then. Night and day difference. The G7 was a damn big difference to my GH3. I never really liked my GH3.
  5. He is a Little above what I know LoL. Well maybe that I Want to know. I was a Ham Radio operator for years. So have a grasp of it, but not into intense thinking anymore. I just try to remember if I have peed in the last 2 or 3 hours now. And I hate times changes, I loose track of When Lawrence Welk is on!
  6. webrunner5


    Maybe you can hide this under your jacket? And people complain a GH5 body is too big.
  7. Ehh then you do you call the ISO that has NO Conversion Gain applied? Base ISO? Sort of what I would call it.
  8. You know that same sort of thing happened to me in 2008. And at the time I lived in Florida when house values went down the crapper. So I lost most of my money in the Stock Market and just about gave my paid off house away. I was a year from being able to retire at 62. So I sold off all I could, got out of debt and hated the hell out of my job for a year. Then I retired. I am pretty lucky to have Social Security and 2 Pensions. My first wife died of Cancer so I get her pension on top of mine for the rest of my life. So yeah I could use extra money, who can't but I don't really need it to live month to month. Just to buy Toys LoL. Things happen that you have very little control of. When you are younger you can bounce back back. My age not so much. One thing I can tell you younger guy to do. Naturally not try and get a zillion dollars in debt, but to try hard as hell to keep a good credit rating. And try hard as hell to repair it if it is crap. When you are older you can't show a lot of income unless you are lucky as hell so if your credit is crap you have to Buy everything at a higher interest rate because of bad credit. Or hell you might not be able to buy it at all. And say you want to go on a big trip, or buy a RV you have to have a couple of credit cards with high credit limits in case your RV breaks down, your truck blows an engine, or on a vacation and you are snowed in for a month. Without them you are screwed unless you have a Mom who will send you money by the hand fulls LoL. And by the time you are old good chance both your parents are dead. My Mom is still going strong at 93, but my father died at 62. You Never know. It takes money to do anything, but if you are 1,000 miles from home you REALLY need money at times. Keep Good Credit! It will bite you in the ass if you don't. Young or old.
  9. I just really don't see how Canon or Nikon can come out with a new FF Mirrorless that is going to knock the socks off of a Sony A&r mk III. Unless they just copy everything it does. Nikon does have access to Sony FF sensors. Canon never has used a Sony sensor that big. They have a hell of a task in front of them. I think it is make or break for Nikon, and Canon, well they can still shit around a bit, but they have been pushing their luck to the limits I think on the Consumer end with this no 4k crap, and if it has it gimped as hell crop wise. I think Canon has to go big or go home even bigger than Nikon in a sense. This stuff is the future like it or not.
  10. I can't find what camera he used, but I know he is a renowned Large Format user. Could be 8x10 for all I know. Wow most of that machinery looks like it has been there a 100 years or more! Imagine how many pencils have went through them. Probably everybody my age, and older, has had one of their pencils in their hand. Amazing. I have probably chewed a 100 erasers or more off of them LoL. I remember when I was a kid there were Vets from WWII that had their legs blown off, and would ride around on a wooden board with skate wheels on it selling pencils. Sad when I look back at it, really sad. God damn wars, you are Never the same even if you look normal. Never.
  11. I know this has Nothing to do with video. Well I use a Pencil to write story boarding and scripts. Does that count? But I will never look at a pencil the same again. Amazing amount of work and machines to make one! Amazing Photography to boot. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/12/magazine/inside-one-of-americas-last-pencil-factories.html
  12. If it was a little off it would not be so bad. But to be off close to or a Whole stop well... Conclusion By now, it is a pretty known fact among the photography community that Fuji underexposes its images by around 2/3 of a stop to a full stop when compared to other cameras when shooting RAW and using most commercial RAW converters. There are all kinds of theories out there, with some people claiming that Fuji does this on purpose to look better, while others attribute this difference to Fuji’s X-Trans sensor and the demosaicing process. I have to say, that despite my attempts to normalize the RAW files by making adjustments, Fuji still looked pretty darn good compared to other cameras. The main source of this is reduced chroma noise, which is evident when you look at RAW files from both the above comparisons and other sources, such as DPReview’s studio comparison tool. That’s the main reason why Fuji looks so clean for an APS-C sensor. I do not know exactly how Fuji achieves this, but the X-Trans sensor and its demosaicing process are probably the reason for the reduced chroma noise we see in images. Update: Thanks to some awesome people like Iliah Borg, we now know the reason why Fuji RAW files appear darker. Turns out that Fuji has a special tag (0x9650) in its RAW files that highlights the necessary midpoint compensation for RAW files to interpret and make necessary changes. Below are the values for the Fuji X-T1: ISO 200 / 0.72EV ISO 400 / 0.72EV ISO 800 / 0.72EV ISO 1600 / 0.72EV ISO 3200 / 1.38EV ISO 6400 / 2.38EV So keep the above in mind when looking at Fuji RAW files and comparing them to other cameras. If you are using a RAW converter from Adobe (and potentially other RAW converters), make sure to look at the above table for adjustments needed to make images appear as they should. Big thanks to Iliah Borg and the LibRaw team for discovering the Fuji tags and letting us know!
  13. Fuji is the one that lies like hell about their ISO's
  14. I don't think there is Any dual native thing going on in Any Sony A7 series camera. There used to be the misconception that it had a different base ISO in Photo and Video. That was proven wrong also long ago. I would love to be proven wrong though. Yeah there is an extended ISO, that is not really Dual ISO's. Almost Every camera has that feature. This was written a Long time ago on DPR. And Jim Kasson is a wiz at all this stuff and DR. "JimKasson wrote: JDLaing wrote: What is the native ISO on the Sony a7II? 100 or 200? Do you mean base ISO? In that case, it's 100. I this I consider this sensor to have two "base ISO" - one for both conversion gains. ISO 100 is one of them, the other seems to be ISO 650. I'm not sure how "base ISO" is or should be defined though, but for me it's usually been the point with the least gain amplification. And for this sensor (and the A7S) sensor there would be two such points Let's define the base ISO of a digital cameras the ISO setting for which the gain at the output of the analog to digital converter (ADC), measured in counts per electron, is the lowest. In most cameras, it is the setting where the upper end of the linear region of the pixel voltage/electron count curve produces a full scale output from the ADC. Let’s say that the full well capacity (FWC) of the a7RII when the ISO is set to 100 is 50,000 electrons. That’s close to the real value. You will see that the exact number doesn’t affect the conclusions of the calculation to follow. Full scale on the a7RII is 16372. But that is before the black point is subtracted. The nominal black point of the a7RII, like all the a7x cameras, is 512, so let’s say that full scale is 15860. You will see that the exact value is not important either, but it’s nice to keep things real. Thus, the gain, at ISO 100 is 15860/50000 = 0.317 counts per electron (you may be used to seeing the inverse of this number, or 3.15 electrons per count). At ISO 500, just before the conversion gain is changed, the gain must be (500/100)*0.317 = 1.58 counts per electron. By looking at the read noise curves here, you can see that the conversion gain change is a little over one stop. Actually, you can get the answer to the entire question by inspection of the top curve, but I’ll leave that analysis as an exercise for the interested student. Let’s be generous and say that the conversion gain changes by a factor of three. So the gain that we’re looking at must be (640/100)*0.317/3 = 0.676. That is larger than the gain at ISO 100 by a factor of more than two, so the a7RII does not have two base ISOs. With the a7S, it isn’t even close, since the conversion gain change happens at a much higher ISO. Jim"
  15. I really doubt this first effort to make a FF mirrorless camera from Nikon is going to be any kind of a standout for Video? And you Know the one from Canon will be a total half ass effort. 4k, What's that??? No crop factor, yeah right. You Know they are Not going to want to Cannibalize their DSLR sales, at least not right away. I don't blame them. Both of these company's to me either have to come out with a Sony A7r mk IV beater, yeah I know it ain't out yet, ergo, better then Sony even Has, or make a Sony A7r mk I, Maybe a Mk II. I don't see how they have any other choice. Either go Big As Hell, or just get into it. Just get into it is the safe bet, because both company's are a Safe company. Too safe I would venture to say other than Canon in the Cine line. And I think Canon vastly misjudged how much people would pay for them in the beginning.
  16. Sounds like you need to sell all that stuff and buy a EVA1, or a Canon C200, used C300 mkII, Sony FS5 and be done with it. These consumer cameras are just that, compromises on top of compromises. One brand, one lens type solution.
  17. I have not used it but I have heard good and bad about it. For the price it is pretty good. But you get what you pay for applies also to it.
  18. What in video are you Ever going to need to use Super Shallow DoF? Put a Speedbooster on the GH5s and you are up , hell with this new sensor, at least s35, maybe APSH. How much difference is that compared to FF? Sure as hell not enough for me to want to have to use expensive as hell FE, or heavy Canon lenses on one. And if it rains or gets wet what then? Waterproofing on the A7 series bodies is shit! I had one, it did not exude confidence out in the elements, even sand I can tell you that much. I think the New A7r mk III probably is the best all rounder out there. For Video and Photo. One stop shopping. But I think this new GH5s maybe a better Cine only camera at this moment. Yeah AF, well we won't go there... But touchscreen AF, now that works pretty well. I still say if you are going big time, Manual Focus Lenses all the way. And MF Cine lenses to boot if you win the Lotto. If I am going to the film in Africa in the boon docks I want a Canon Cx00 with DPAF. Simple as that for Documentary work.
  19. Yeah with the same body size I think you are correct. But, but one thing this new sensor that is in the GH5s, which seems to be a Sony, is that it is more efficient ,so less heat .If that is true that it Might be possible to squeeze 10bit out of the same body?? It would be pushing it to the max I think for Sony. I really don't think Sony wants any more negative print in forums about overheating any more.
  20. Well stated. Like I said since this GH5s has proved you don't Need FF to get decent low light I see no reason to buy a Sony A7xxx camera anymore new to be honest. I doubt Sony is going to come out with Anything that is going to top the Gh5s features wise. How can they. It, other than IBIS, has everything but the kitchen sink in it now. And it is surely cheaper than any A7s mk iii will be. I doubt a Plain Jane A7 mk III will be tons cheaper. I mean Sony is not stupid, but Panasonic in the last year, and now with the GH5s have given "Normal" people 3 cameras that are pretty much unbelievable for what they can do. They have given people a upward path from a G7 to hell, up with the big boys with the EVA1. There is no real reason, other than if you are Glenn and you HAVE to have Raw LoL, that you need some camera other than the 3 that have just come out as a average, or even half serious Pro. Sure a Arri is IT, but we ain't ever buying one of them, but you can buy a GH5s that in reality ain't far from it, for peanuts price wise, to a Arri. We all ought to be happy as hell on here, and some people act on here like the GH5s is a piece of shit. A Downgrade of sorts. Hell I say it is a nearly a Arri for 2500 bucks! What can't you really shoot with it? What else , other than Raw, is it missing that would stop you from making a feature film on it? This ain't no Barbie Cam, this thing is the real deal, for people that want to make the real deal. I think anyone that is serious about this stuff will have no reason Not to buy one I don't give a shit what the New Sony A7s mk III has. I say it Can Not beat this camera, unless like I said, some crazy ass breakthrough and you know that would go to the high end F55, F5, FS7, Etc. first.. The Only thing I see the Sony A7s mk III having is cleaner 52,000 ISO and above even over what they have now. But that is the reason Thomas Edison invented light people. I don't see that a big enough reason to buy it over the GH5s. That sort of ISO is not used very often to give up what the GH5s has to offer. But I am sure the new A7s will be a great product either way. I am not a Sony hater that is for sure.
  21. Other than for drone work I would rather have a Sony FS7 over the FS5. Overall a better machine. But they have made some good updates to the FS5 as of late. I am sure a mk II is in the works. The FS7 mk II is a hell of a camera. With the EVA1 and the C200 out Sony Has to come up pretty big on the mk II FS5. Or Lower the price.
  22. Yeah but the A7s model is really Only bought by people mostly for Video. I can't see how a few might not be swayed toward the GH5s. The A7r mkIII is 3300 bucks. What if it isn't 10 bit. That HDMI shit to me sucks on a mirrorless camera. Hell you want a small package and not Have to add a Atomos to it. That is why you bought a small camera, to stay small. Not counting how much that cost. Sure on a Arri Alexa who cares if a 7" monitor is hanging off of it. I somewhat doubt Sony can get 10 bit out of the same body size without it overheating every 5 minutes. I think Sony keep screwing themselves making the body so dam small. If you are over 200 pounds you can barely put your hand between the grip and a faster, or longer lens. It is like my RX10 I bought, hell I can't even use it. The knurling on the lens kills my index finger. You can make stuff too damn small. But I am pretty sure the A7s mk III will probably be using a sensor type like that is in the GH5s. But I have no clue how gaining even more ISO is going to make them that much better than they are now for the average ISO you normally use. I guess 25.000 could look like 1600 ISO. Sure that would be nice. But I guess we will see. I am sure it will not be junk. They Have to pick up the pace with this new GH5s. And most mirrorless cameras are bought by 12 years old girls in Japan. I doubt they are worried about 10 bit. They are worried if you can get it in Pink or Yellow. What are you doing up this late Glenn!
  23. I agree, I think there is more Anamorphic stuff floating around now than there ever was. And a good bit of it is really not that much money. Heck that stuff was Never cheap. Now single focus 35mm stuff well you can forget that.
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