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philip page

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Posts posted by philip page

  1. Hello.

    I own a Samsung NX1 since march 2015. I do both photography and film making. Want to jump to full frame photograhy.

    Right now I own NX1, NX16-50S, NX85mm, Sigma 35mm Art (nikon) w/ adapters. Considering getting A7r2 but first building a Sigma Art Series lens bag starting with the new 85mm then the 50mm.

    Then I saw NXL speedbooster (need opinions!!) If I buy that. I still may consider selling my NX Lenses (dont mind manual focusing) and just keeping camera body longer.

    1. What is best NX hack for higher bitrates? How does it handle deep grading?

    2. Which would you rather have NX1 w/NXL speedbooster or A7Rii w/Nikon/Canon adapter

    3. Looking to get Art series bag. What other lens options? (85mm art vs Mitakon 85)

    4. B camera options ?

    5. Which cameras matches better with REDs or 5d w/ML Raw.


  2. If you're getting a shogun id go a7s over the rII . Cheaper, better low light, great FF and S35 modes.Just more info and real world testing all around


    Edit: rereading, I think that youre only considering the shogun for the a7s. Makes sense. Makes the question more difficult. You planning to shoot with a shoulder rig the whole time? Any gimball stuff?

    Most of my work is on a tripod may use gimble

    You have one of the best video cameras around, and you think whats cripling you is the camera somehow ? The Nx1 is an incredible piece of gear, and it can produce indredible film look, or digital look if you prefer, have some time to test the camera out, I highly doubt you would do better with another camera. Get used to it, improve on it, its an amazing piece of gear.

    Never said it was crippling. I just optimizing the budget I received.

    Hi Fuzzynormal, I completely agree with you. It only matters what you are expecting from a camera that it should depend on the context of the shooting first.

    From my small personal experience, the NX1 does suffer from a low DR (its like 10 stops max), but also from the codec H265, which  has to be transcoded first, and the breaks appart quite quickly (again IMHO) during the grading. However the NX1 offers very nice colors which are quite a good place to start.

    Now if you really want to go for a film look, I wouldn't necessarily go for a NX1. However, if you are going to have a lot of interviews, I would trust the NX1 skin colors better than Sony A7s Slog. 


    Thank you.... I plan on grading tough.. some test work I did at school I work with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7LlRUB1HA4 u can see the blocking in the blacks ....

  3. I own a NX1 wit 16-50mm s and 85mm. I just recieved a budget for a doc. Im talking a more cinematic approach. been looking at the A7r2 or a A7s with Shogun or ninja Assassin. What are some recommendations???????? Also looking a Sigma Art Lens and Rokinon.   

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