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Everything posted by zerocool22

  1. Yeah I agree when I compare it side by side, the differences are more noticable. It looked pretty close to me when I was watching the video. Curious how dramatic the colour science 4 update will be
  2. This is still color science 3
  3. Yeah apparantly color science 4 is the closest color science to the alexa. I wish they would release it for the UMP already. Its already very close right now though as you can see in the following comparison video.
  4. I am pretty sure I am not, there are hobbyists out there with RED camera's. So I am no special snowflake. Is it a substantial amount of money. Yes, but I didnt go to film school, I am 32 years old, I worked for 10 years hating my job. So why I drop this kind of money? I see it as a investment in myself. I did not go to film school, If I did I would have lost more then 10K on education, If I lost my job this could be a backup plan. People invest much more money in sports cars, horses, motorcycles, addictions,... So investing 10K in something I love is not that bad of a deal. haha yeah maybe the name dop is dropped too easy, everybody who shot a shortfilm calls themselves a dop, and nowadays anybody who operates a camera. And yeah most of them are in their 20's, and I should note they do not do narrative work. They grind small business for corporate video. As I know zero DOP's that do professional narrative work fulltime. If I knew one, I would be on set all the time perfecting this craft and getting tips from directors, gaffers and everybody else on the crew.
  5. Yeah I am digging theses lenses(ecept the blue flare, which reminds me of slr magic). If I sell all my lenses and do some more jobs, I can afford one of them. a 50mm anamorphic should be pretty versatile.
  6. Well I am a hobbyist and I got a ursa mini pro. So that argument does not apply to me. But I guess for most others it is prob true. I do kinda cringe at times when I meet DOP's that say they dont need anything more expensive then their A6300 because nobody can see the difference. And I look at their work, and I sure can see the difference, and the reason they make a living out of it is because out of networking and not skill. So even when they would upgrade to better camera's the work would render still the same.
  7. It does. The ursa mini pro (6k). But I sure will be buying a pocket v2 for my gimbal work from now on(depending what project it is). Prob will also become my travel camera if the stills pan out great(hopefully enough shutterspeed options)
  8. Thanks!! and god damnit!!! That damned warp stabilizer is the only thing I still need my adobe products for... Djeez I have been requesting this from BM for the last 3 years, I know I am not the only one who dislikes the stabilizer. Does it make a difference if you stabilize through the fusion tab?
  9. I am talking about the ursa mini pro
  10. Can you ask them about the Ursa mini pro? - Is color science 4 coming? - are custom buttons possible and coming? And about Davinci 15 -Also wondering about the stabilizer in resolve 15, if there has been an dramatic improvement or it is still the same shitty one? Thanks!
  11. Thanks! Well I think 5" is too small. I also like to dual task the monitor as a directors monitor. And I have tried 5" monitors in the past. But its simply too small to notice certain details.
  12. Nothing on the UMP, that is kinda frustrating. Grant mentioned color science 4 coming to the micro and production camera's, but he did not mention the UMP. which makes me wonder, will it come or not??
  13. what about blackmagic pocket v2 :D
  14. Too bad its a recorder, I want a 7" cheap sdi monitor that only weights around 300 grams or so. I dont see the need for recording externally anymore (exept for maybe dual backup). As most camera's record RAW internally or with an addon. Its just needless extra weight on the camera.
  15. You must be forgetting about the original pocket and bmcc. (And 5D III ML)
  16. It depends on the users. This camera will probably blow the GH5S, A7S II right out of the water. Actually the original pocket already did that. But I guess if you need high iso, IBIS and all those things, I guess a GH5S would be better. But I don't need that. I use lights, and stabilization tools which are far superior. I feel like 90% of this community is for event, party shooters and not for commercials, or filmmaking.
  17. Why would you want it though. I rather have them a SDI connection over a HDMI connection. Which is faster and more solid. I never had a SDI connector break, and I sure had HDMI connector breaks.
  18. zerocool22

    NAB 2018

    Exept the color science is different. To my eye the F line has good color science, the FS has shitty color science.
  19. Why is the mavo called Large format as it is just full frame? As I always thought it was full frame, then medium format, then large format?
  20. zerocool22

    NAB 2018

    Resolve 15: is confirmed. URSA MINI PRO: color science v4 please + mappable buttons. I dont get the love for the FS5 or the FS7. I do get the love for the F5 or F55. The image isnt there at least not for me, but again thats personal preference.
  21. Only the Panasonic AG-LA7200 I think. But thats only 1,33 and no 2X.
  22. 1: Hoping on Resolve 15, or big resolve upgrade. - Hoping on serious improvement on the stabilizer (still need to use other NLE's at this point for that) - Hoping for audio effects like Reverb, lowpass, distortion, etc. 2: Also hope for the Ursa mini pro, to get the GEN4 color science upgrade and customizable buttons on the handle (zoom etc), if they could do something about the screen that would be great aswell, as the color is way off on the screen atm, why didnt they stick with the UM46 screen?? I hate dragging another screen along. Cheers
  23. Yeah I am with you that could be giving a lot more value for price at this time. But they dont need to, at this point of time, as people are still buying enough canon products. They dont want to be the company that gives the best value for money. They want to be the company that makes the most profit, and you better believe they are still making enough profit. Otherwise they would already launched camera's with better specs. Will this bite them in the ass in the long run, perhaps. But as far as I see, most of the users are still using EF lenses. So whenever Canon sees their profit drop too much, they will launch a 5D V. With all the specs you want, heck you even get good skintones with it for free.
  24. Yeah it is smart marketing from Canon. They have a lot of products. I dont expect otherwise.
  25. I want a Mavo LF, but I will not consider it(and I dont have the money either at this point), if there is no kinefinity center based in Europe. I will not send my camera to China if there is a problem. Or if they dont respond to any emails. But apparantly they are aiming for the chinese market, and not for US or europe. So that might never happen. These companies always seem to forget about support, which is crucial. On the other side I hope they include also a still button, so I can also use this cam as a LF photography aswell. This camera could potentially shift the mid-highend market. Its the around the same pricepoint of a RED RAVEN, but blows it out of the water. Have not seen any test footage yet though. The terra's are not a step up from the UMP, these could be.
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