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Desi Lekanudos

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Posts posted by Desi Lekanudos

  1. I know that you were going for a bit of a rough look but I really think it's neither here nor there. It looks too clean and is framed too well to look flawed. Yet doesnt look good enough to be filmic. I would suggest for a flawed look, check out It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Great show, pretty much shot on a handicam (at least the early episodes) :) 

    Again, just giving my thoughts. Sorry if its coming across rude or anything! The work isnt bad, it just could be better.

    ​I really appreciate the opinion. I think the 'neither here or there' is a good assessment. I think some of the shots at f2.8 on the tokina 11-16 really pull you out the filmic look. Def there are things to improve upon on the next shoot. 

  2. The main thing that sticks out to me is that it seems like there's a lot of shots framed on the actor's talking. I know this is a weird thing to say. But try giving more screen time to the facial expressions reacting to the other character's speech (if you have that footage of course). Otherwise it starts to look a bit soap-ish.

    Some the framing I believe could be improved. There's a few too many close-ups. And people's backsides facing the camera, as if the other character is talking to an anonymous butt. Maybe next time put the camera over the shoulder of the guy that's standing up.

    Finally I might be mistaken but it looks this was filmed with the Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8. In future I would use a more cinematic lens on a speed booster.

    I'm not a professional by any means so take my advise with a grain of salt :)

    Cool. ​thanks for giving it a look. I should note it's going for a tone of an older movie. More of a 90s indie type look. All those changes would improve it, but the intention was flaws.  That may sound a little like bs but having a broken image was intentional during shooting., people  barely hanging in frame, shadows and hotspots. Still appreciate the honest feedback. 



  3. I should add this is not a feature length. Probably closer to 20-30 minutes. Still in the process of editing and only half way through.

    Also, I'm just the editor and cinematographer. It was written and directed by another fellow. I collaborated with blocking and some direction when requested or absolutely required.  

  4. Just wanted to share a trailer I cut for a production I shot last summer using gh3 and gh4. Any feedback is welcome. There's some exposure and white balance issues, but honestly I kinda like the 'flawed' look it gave the different locations and situations and decided to keep it, for now.


  5. Thanks Rungunshoot for all the feedback. (I'm having issues with my forum account so Im logged in via FB until I can get it straightened out.)


    There was zero color correction done. This was all edited as a quick teaser of just the gh4 footage. I think some stuff worked out very well but I really wish I had the time to cleanup and improve a lot of the middle section. There's better shots I could have used. I jsut wanted to get something out quick to show. 


     My sensibilities on these type events lean towards a cinema verite style so in the rare case I get to edit my own footage I look for unique moments. I like a flawed image so i use a lot of windows. The gh4 does seem to have a little more dr over the gh3, but not much. My opinion is the jump from gh2->3 offered a larger increase in visual quality, for how I shoot. The gh4 in some regards handles images close to the gh3 but with better fleshtones and 4k. The 4k shouldn't be dismissed though because it adds a new dimension to the image beyond clarity, which I'm at loss to describe. Maybe you could say it makes it more of what it already is... if that makes sense. Its really cool to be at the limit of your glass. I've shoot some neat stuff with vintage glass in 4k. 


     I haven't really done very much in post with gh4 footage so I can't say. I don't think its going to be a huge leap of gh3.   

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