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Posts posted by jasondhsd

  1. Everyone seems to recommend either a rode videomic or rode video mic pro which unless I'm mistaken is a mono mic....for ambient sounds doesn't it make more sense to get a stereo microphone to get that left/right surround effect for better immersive audio effect like if I wanted to capture the sounds of nature or a bustling city? That being the case, is there a stereo microphone that can be had for around $150 that is decent?  

  2. What about the dslr can can do video, especially those that can do 1080p @ 60fps, surely they should be capable of doing 4k at say 24 or 30fps, no? Since it's essentially the same amount of information being captured in a second since 4k is just doubling 1920x1080. 

  3. I'm curious all these cheap 4k cameras and even smart phones that shoot 4k. If I understand correctly 4k equals about 8.8 megapixels so that means almost any sensor that's 10 megapixels should be able to shoot 4k video depending on how much time it takes to overheat the sensor. So if it's not the sensor per say then it must be how much processing power is inside the camera, right?  Basically what I'm wondering the current crop of crop sensor high-end consumer / semi-pro etc would they be capable of shooting at 4k if the manufacturer decided to upgrade their firmware?  Not that I expect them too, just curious. 

  4. OK so apparently the Sigma does NOT have a manual aperture on it. I know I can get a speed booster but I like the default focal lengths can anyone recommend a Nikon to mfg adapter that has a manual aperture without any additional optics inside it? I found a few but they either only open up to f/2 or don't specify. Thanks

  5. On a GH3 it seems it's recommended that the Sigma 18-35mm be paired with a speedbooster but why, can't I get one of these adapters http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=nikon+to+mft+adapter&rh=n%3A172282%2Ck%3Anikon+to+mft+adapter for like $30 to begin with, it would be the equivalent of having close to a 35mm, 50mm, & 70mm at 1.7f, that doesn't seem to bad at all, what am I missing here?

  6. Does anyone know if I can adapt these lens to a MFT camera (GH3)?  It's a Minolta X-700 film camera, one lens is a Minolta  50mm 1:1.7 and the other is a Asanuma 35mm-105mm 1:3.5 if someone can point out what adapter to by I'd be much appreciative. Thanks!

  7. Thanks guys I originally dismissed the GH3 due to the 16mp sensor but watching more videos and reviews it's the GH3 I should be deciding compared to the D5300 not the 70D.   


    Looking at the GH3 now it has a better bitrate and better codec compared to the d5300 & if I'm honest with myself while having the clean 12bit (or is it 10?) HDMI out on the D5300 is nice I doubt I'll get around to buying an HDMI recorder before the next leap in technology makes these cameras look like VHS in comparison & then I'll spend the money on a new camera body. 


    Ok now lets assume I go with the GH3 now, can I still use the Sigma 18-35mm lens, if not what should I get I like the sigma because its like multiple lenses in one.  As far as audio goes what's a good mic around $200. THanks

  8. Hi I'm a completely new to the dslr video world but I'd like to get started. Checking out the reviews online and what fits what I'm willing to spend I think I narrowed it down to the Canon 70D or the Nikon D5300  I just plan on getting a body and then purchasing a sigma 18-35mm 1.8f lens and a good shotgun mic.


    I've been waffling back and forth as to which one to get.  The 70D is a better all-around camera and a class above the D5300 in it's , touch screen UI, better build quality, weather resistant, quieter, autofocus that's actually somewhat usable, good low-light performance, better live view simulation and controls, better features for still photography. 


    The D5300 however has some nice advantages as far as video goes, slightly better low light performance, virtually no moire, better dynamic range, headphone jack to monitor audio, and ability to output uncompressed HDMI, and from videos I've seen the image quality does look slightly better especially when filming people the D5300 shows the subjects skin texture & pores a lot clearer compared to 70D where it's a bit blurred 


    How in the world do I choose?  I would love to eventually get a Blackmagic 4k camera down the road if I can get good enough to make some money with this, not sure if that would have a bearing on what camera and lenses to get now. Thanks for any input. 

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