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Posts posted by Buckster

  1. G6 arrived today - so far - pretty impressed


    (1) video quality (once I'd turned off NR) is fantastic - seemingly a lot better than my Nex 5n


    (2) focus speed and accuracy seems improved over my 5n too


    (3) lots of features, and menus that actually make sense (Sony - you need to improve here ...)


    only a few negatives


    (i) the OIS of the 14-140 is louder than I would have thought - concerned the internal mics will pick the noise up


    (ii) the swivel LCD has seemingly very noticeable "light" corners - especially bottom left corner, its annoying more than anything else- but wondered if they are all like this or whether I've just a poor sample LCD?

  2. new user here - I was wondering what peoples opinions of the focussing on the Panasonic G series is please ?


    I have a Sony NEX 5 - with kit and 30mm Sigma - but whilst it "can" take fantastic photos - it misses focus so many times when taking photos of my kids (it will often focus on background instead) that I hardly ever use it anymore.  Yes I can use manual focusing/focus peaking but when trying to look on the rear of a screen with a moving target (kids) its very frustrating indeed


    I'm also after much better video quality - so with the current fantastic deals on the G6 (with cashback - the G6+14-140 is about same price as the lens on its own !) I've been tempted with a G6


    one last question - would all G6 + 14-140 bundles these days come with the updated 14-140 ?


    many thanks for any answers



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